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24 Cards in this Set

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an economic and political system in which the government owns or controls almost all means of production
Free Enterprise
prices are determined mostly through competition in which buyers and sellers are free to choose what and when to sell and buy
Death Rate
the number of death per 1,000 in a given year
GNP (gross national product)
the total value of goods and services produced by a country a year, both inside and outside the country
GDP (gross domestic product)
includes only those goods and services produced within a country
set of arrangements for a particular group
someone who moves into a country
Tertiary Industry
service industries. provide services to primary and secondary industries. Examples: banking, transportation, retail, and medical
Developed Nations
good educational system, widely available heath care, manufacturing industries, service industries, industrialized, participate in international trade, most people have access to a telephone and are part of the global network
means to spread throughout
Mixed Economies
mixture of command ecomomies and communism
an economic system in which resources, industries, and businesses are owned by private individuals
includes roads, bridges, transportation facilities, power plants, and water supply
Birth Rates
number of births per 1,000 in a given year
political and economic theory of that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated
Primary Industries
agriculture, forestry, and mining. activities that use natural resources and raw materials
Quaternary Industries
movement and processing of information. professional having a specialized skill or knowledge.
Developing Nations
health services are limited, schools are often crowded, low literacy rates, few manufacturing industries, few service industries, and poverty and unemployment are wide-spread
Market Economies
consumers determine what is to be bought or sold by buying or not buying certain goods and services
Command Economy
the government determines wages, the kinds and amounts of goods produced, and the prices of goods
the ability to read or write
someone who moves out of a country
Secondary Industry
take goods from the primary industries and change them into products. involve manufacturing. goes through several stages until finished
Multinational Companies
private companies. build to use raw materials and low cost labor. criticized for taking advantage of pooer countries or the environment