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25 Cards in this Set

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What is geography?
study of earth & all of it's varieties
What is physical geography?
study of the earth's land, water, plants, and animals.
What is human geography?
study of people, where they live, how they live, how they came, and are influenced by their environment and how come different groups compare to one another.
What are landforms?
individual features of the land such as mountains and valleys and water.
What in environment?
natural surroundings
What are the two main tools of geography?
maps and globes
What is GPS?
a satellite to tell exact latitude and longitude?
What is the result of GPS?
a mapmaker can know where exactly on the earth a particular area is located?
What is geographic information systems?
special computer software that allows geographers to collect data and utilize it to create maps.
What is prehistory?
before writing developes
What are artifacts?
Can be tools, pottery, paintings, weapons, and other items
What are fossils?
the remains of human bones
Name the 7 continents?
North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, Antartica
What is the tallest mountain?
Mountain Everest
Where is the tallest mountain located?
South Asia - Himalayan Mountain range
What is elevation?
the height above sea level
What is plains?
are low line stretches of flat or gently flowing plains
What is plateau?
also flat but have higher elevation
What is isthmus?
a narrow piece of land that connects two larger land pieces of land
What is a channel?
similar to a strait but have a water patch
What is peninsula?
piece of land with water on three sides
What is an island
piece of land smaller than a continent that is completely surrounded by water
What is a continental shelf?
a plate that lies off a coast of a continent stretches coast of water edge
cliffs drops down edge
What is a trench?
deep valley that lies off of a ocean
(Mariana, Pacific Ocean, Wesler)
What is a strait?
narrow body of water (between two piece of land)