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41 Cards in this Set

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the people living in a particular region
population distribution
how a population is spread over an area
a scientist who studes human populations, including their size, growth, density distribution, rates of births, marraiges and eaths
population density
the avereage number of people living in an area
the number of live births each year per 1000 people
a movement from place to place
a person who moves to a new country in order to settle there
'push-pull' theory
a theor of migration that says people migrate because certain things in their lives push them to leave and certain things in a new place pull them
the movement of populations toward cities and the resulting city growth
rural area
an area with low population density such as a village or a countryside
urban area
an area with high population density; a city or town
language, religious beliefs, values, customs shared by a group of people
cultural trait
a behavioural characteristic of a people, such as a language, skill, or custom passed from one generation to another
culture region
an area in which people share the same cultural traits
tools and the skills that people need to use them
cultural landscape
a landscape that has been changed by human beings and that reflects their culture
an important practice, relationship, or organization in a society or culture
social structure
the relationships within a society that form a basis for interaction among members of that society
nuclear family
a family that includes a mother, father, and their children
extended family
a family unit that may include parents, children, grandparents, aunts, , etc. often living with or near each other
the standards or code of moral behavior that distinguishes between right and wrong for a particular person
the ways that goods and services are produced anbd made avaiable to people
a person who makes products that are used by other people
products that are made to be sold; cars, etc
work done or duties performed for other people, such as the sork of a doctor
a person who buys goods and services
primary industry
the part of the economy that produces raw materials; ex agriculture, fishing
secondary industry
manufacturing businneses that take materials from primary industries and other secondary industries to make them into goods
tertiary industry
service activites such as banking, transportation, health care
quaternary industry
information technologies including industries that provide internet services, computer software, cable, and etc.
traditional economy
an economy in which producing, buying, and selling goods operates by the customs, traditions, and habits of the group
market economy
an economy in which most businesses are privetly owned
an economic system in which people and privetely owned companies own both basic and nonbasic bussines and industries
free enterprise
an economic system in which individuals can start and run their own businesses
command economy
an economy in which economic decisions are made by the government
the system that establishes and enforces the laws and institutions of a society
direct democracy
a system of government in which the people participate directly in decision making
a system of authoritarian government headed by a monarch, usually a king or queen
a statement of a country's basic laws and values
representative government
a system of government in which the people elect representatives to run the affairs of the country
a government in which one person, a dictator governs