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13 Cards in this Set

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Outer layer of the earth
3-5 miles thin on oceanic crust (made of basalt)
25 miles thick on continental crust (made of granite)
Largest layer of the earth. 1800 miles thick. 5100-3300°F. Contains magma. Upper part is the lithosphere. Middle part is asthenosphere.
the crust and the uppermost layer of the mantle together that makes up a zone of rigid brittle rock. It is broken up into tectonic platev
upper mantle thah flows like hot asphalt

Convection Currents

Hot mantle rises from most inner most part of the mantle, cools and falls. allows crust to move

Outer core

1400 miles thick, its so hot that metal is in its liquid state. composed of mainly nickle and iron

The Inner Core

about 700 miles thick. Temperature and pressure is so high that metals are squeezed together and are not able to move at a liquid state but are forced to vibrate in a solid.

Density of minerals

greatest in the core and decreases towards the surface

Gravitational force

strongest at the center, decreasing towards the center

temperature and pressure

decreases from the center to the periphery


naturally occuring inorganic substance, crystalline in nature, there are metallic and non metaalic minerals

Rock cycle


an aggregate of mineral particals but may also contain organic materials.