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140 Cards in this Set

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means to describe the earth
spend a lot of time making or studying maps
cartography not just normal geographers
two main sub-fields withing geography
cultural/human geography and physical geography
focuses largely on built environment and how space is created, viewed and managed by humans as well as the influence humans have on space they occupy
cultural/human geography
examines the natural environment and how the climate, vegetation and life,soil,water, and landforms are produced and interact
physical geography
aims to understand the physical lithosphere,hydrosphere,atmosphere, and global flora and fauna patterns
physical geography
encompasses human,political, cultural,social, and economic aspects
cultural geography
qualities of europe
region with world influence, high degree of specialization,numerous nation-states, urbanized population, high standards of living
how is europe's climate
what is unique about europe location
efficiency for contact with rest of world, every part is close to sea, navigable waterways, and moderate distance
began in europe in 1750s
agrarian revolution
enabled increased food production which sustained population increase
agrarian revolution
developed in UK between 1750-1850
industrial revolution
proved to be a major catalyst towards increased urbanization
industrial revolution
what are many of europe's languages a part of
indo-european language family
a country's largest city if it's disproportionately larger than the second largest urban center- more 2x larger
primate city
what can you find in primate city
political/gov't, finanical sector, high culture
in what cities would you most likely find: high suburban densities, apartments, greenbelts, public transportation, land scarcity, centralization, government involvement in urban planning
european cities
what is europe's population density
256 persons per sq. mile
what percent of europe is urbanized
what is changing europe's cultural landscape
muslim immigration
a venture involving three or more states
an economic union between Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxemburg in 1944 during WWII
benelux agreement
when was the european union established
feb. 7 1992
when did the european union become effective
nov. 1 1993
what are the european union aimed to coordinate policy among members in three areas
economics, defense, and justice and home affairs
how many EU members participate in the Euro currency
15 out of 27
what are problems with supranationalism
disparities in levels of economic development, loss of autonomy, bureaucracy, technical barriers, cultural barriers
what are the countries that make up the western europe
germany, france, british isles
divided into communist east and democratic west until the wall came down in 1989
what country today is a unified federal republic and one of the best economies in the world
what is france classic primate city
what social issues does france have
immigration integration
what countries are part of the British Isles
united kingdom and ireland
what countries make up the united kingdom
great britain, scotland, wales, northern ireland
what countries make up nothern europe
scandinavia, finland, estonia
what countries are part of scandinavia
norway, sweden, and denmark
In this part of northern europe, climate is colder so don't get direct sunlight which causes the people to be extremely fair and not contain what
enough vitamin D
have highest standards of living
northern europe
what is denmark the happiest country in the world
ride bikes a lot so work out more which in return makes you happy
contains six countries and a discontinuous region
mediterranean europe
what does it mean for the mediterranean europe to be of the periphery of core
dont matter as much as main land of europe
climate is warm/cool moist winters and hot/non humid summers
mediterranean europe
what does mediterranean culture date back from
Greco-Roman times
most populated of mediterranean countries
most economically advanced and best connected to the european core
what does italy display a sharp north/south contrast
nothern italy seems to be part of the core but south doesn't and is controlled by moors
what are italys main cities
Milan and Rome
what is the difference between Italy's North and south regions
Northern Italy is more industrailized and south is more cultural
what does southern Italy contain more
gangs and organized crimes; mainly in Sicily
an enclave within Rome; the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church
Vatican City
functions as an independent political entity
Vatican City
what countries are part of the Iberian Peninsula
Spain and Portugal
where does many of the architecture on the peninsula date back from
muslims from north africa
south eastern mediterranean
greece, cyprus, malta
border with SW Asia
europe's largest region and contains the most countries
eastern europe
europe's largest state
eastern europe incorporates europe's poorest country
what is eastern europe known for
corruption and economic problems
what are many of the ethnic groups in eastern europe called
slavic meaning slaves
means to break up into smaller and often hostile unites
applied to the southern half of eastern europe
name came from the more powerful western countries deciding to put little ethnic groups in one area
who did the United States go to war with because of genocide from the serbs over the muslims
a term applied to Eastern Europe by geographers to describe a zone of chronic political splintering and fracturing
shatter belt
a place where different groups want to break off and form their own countries
shatter belt
world's largest territorial state
northernmost large and populous country in the world
what is russia's climate location affected by
latitudinal position,continental position, and location of major mountains
eastward continuation of north european lowland; core area
russian plain
an eastern branch of christainity
orthodox christianity
what did Karl Marx write
communist manifests
what did Karl Marx believe about religion
was an escape from reality
lasted from 1922-1991
what was the problem between constantinople and rome
where to put the headquarter of catholic church
uncompetitive system of command economy, over-industrialization, intensification of ethno-cultural nationalism and separatism, and steady erosion of communist ideology
from soviet union to independent states
what are russia's prospects
economic, regional, and demographic
who is the world's largest exporter of oil
what are some of russia's external challenges
natural resource distribuion, irrdentism, and national pride
concern for russians outside its borders
an ethnic group that spread out of the swamps of Belaurs into Ukraine, Lithuanian, Russia,Estonia, etc.
attacks on neighbors and russians
chechan terrorism
eastern part of russia
what countries are part of transcaucasia
georgia, armenia, azerbaijan
has large muslim population
what was caused from communist manipulation of borders in the region; internment of Chechans during WWII for alleged collaboration with Nazi Germans
Chechnya seperatism
what countries make up north america
canada and united states
characteristics of north america
two continental countries, predominately english language, christian faith, and european norms
highly urbanized, mobile populations, high incomes, manufacturing output, federal states with plural societies
north america
who are indigenous people
native americans
reasons for migration or immigration
push or pull factors
condition so bad in homeland that forces you to leave
push factor
conditions at destination are so good cause you to leave homeland
pull factor
what part of north america was the first to be colonized
east and gulf coast
why do so many hispanics live in south west of united states
border with mexico and land use to be part of mexico
why do so many native americans live in western area of united states
because europeans push them farther to west area so they could settle and oklahoma was once made the indian territory
why are so many african americans living in the southeast of united states
descendants of slaves who work in the south in the fields; have some african americans in north for manufacturing jobs
why are so many asian living in west coast
west side is closer to asia so dont travel all around the world to get the u.s.
church of england and formed under Henry VII; generally rich people
what religions are break off of catholic
baptist, Methodist, and Lutheran
break off of baptist and speak in tongues
what are most jobs like in post-industrial economy
jobs in service industry
a large percentage of french speakers
what are the regions of the realm of north america
north american core, maritime northeast, french canada, continental interior, south, southwest, western frontier, northern frontier, and pacific hinge
synonymous with the manufacturing belt but now called rust belt
north american core
conatins the largest city and capitals of the both North America countries
North American core
upper new england and the atlantic provinces and economic focus on tourism
maritime Northeast
the southern portion of Quebec and neighboring Acadia
French Canada
big french-speaking region
center of the northern United States and southern Canada
continental interior
realm's newest region
western frontier
church or Latter Day saints
founder of the Mormons and recieved another testament about Jesus in the New World called the Book of Mormon
Joseph Smith
where were the Mormons pushed to
North Americas largest region
North American Frontier
Southeast corner of the realm and most dynamic region in terms of change
United States borderland
pacific coastlands of the conterminous United States and South West Canada
Pacific Hinge
what is middle american known as
areas included in middle america
mexico to south america and caribbean island
source area from which radiated ideas, innovations, and ideologies that changed the world beyond
culture hearth
what are two middle american hearth
aztec and mayans
what are some natural hazards that occur in middle america
hurricanes and earth quakes
pinnacle was in the Valley of Mexico and capital city was Tenochititlan
contained 100000 people more than european city in 1300C.E.
Pinnacle was around Yucatan Pennisula and at its height 3000 years ago
spanish cattle-holding institution
production oriented for export and typically a single crop
what are some legacy of colonialism
land was appropriated, lands devoted to food crops were converted to cash crops and land alienation
the realm's giant of middle america
established a trade agreement between mexico, canada, and the united states
initiated after WWII to accomadate returning Braceros and had to work in the factories for United States during WWII
what are some ways tropical deforestation is happening in middle america
clearing of rural lands, logging, and population expansion
poorest country in the Western Hemisphere
highest rates of HIV/AIDS outside of Africa
what is the caribbean economy based on
what is cubas communist leader
Fidel Castro
highest literacy rate and lowest infant mortality rate in western hemisphere
what are the greater antilles in the caribbean basin
cuba,hispaniola, jamaica, and puerto rico