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54 Cards in this Set

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Spatial Mismatch
-mismatch between where jobs are and where people are.
-People with less training-in city.
-But entry–level jobs are in suburbs
-Getting worse over time:
*job growth focused in suburbs
-poverty means no reliable car & public transportation is hard
Spatial Mismatch by the #s
-81% of families in poverty live in city
-70% of entry-level jobs in suburb
-poor w/o cars
-40% jobs located w/in 1/4 mile of bus line
-creates excessive commute
-added time w/ child care needs
Spatial Mismatch:Gov't helping whites
-Increase funding for highways:help travel from suburb to suburb
-take $ away from public transit
-Promoting job growth in suburb:tax incentives, providing infrastructure
Strength of Weak Ties
-Social networks helps you:
*find a job
*get a job
-Defined by frequency of contact:
*'weak ties':ppl don't see often
*'strong ties':family & friends
-Weak Ties more successful:more jobs, better jobs, wider net of info, 'put in a good word'
-all communities have networks
-segregated communities tend to have more strong ties
Job Queue
-line of ppl looking for work
-Y high levels of black unemployment?
-history of discrimination and competition
-Whites get jobs, hold onto good ones
-blacks squeezed out of work
Plessy v. Ferguson(1896)
-1890 Louisiana law required segregated railroad cars
-1892 Homer Plessy tested law, arrested, convicted
-argued segregation fostered inferiority
-Decision:ok as long as separate, but equal
-South refused to provide equal
Brown v. Board of Education(1954)
-1st fought 4 equality, then integration
-argued violation of 14th Amendment
-Decision:separate facilities are unequal
-Massive white resistance
De facto Segregation
-Racial segregation, especially in public schools, that happens “by fact” rather than by legal requirement.
Racial Identity
"A sense of group or collective identity bases on -one's perception that he/she shares a common racial heritage w/ a particular racial group"
-membership matters...
-everyone develops a racial ID, some dominant, some oppressed
Black Racial Identity Development
W.E.Cross-5 stages
-Absorb beliefs & values of white culture
-white is better(supremacy)
-negative black stereotypes
-seek acceptance by whites
-reject blacks
-claim that race doesn't matter
-Event forces acknowledgment of racism
-social rejection by whites
-faced w/ reality that can't be white
-focus ID as member of oppressed group
-Embrace black symbols/avoid white symbols
-explore ID-history, culture
-spend time w/ groups peers
-separate form white peers
-new ID emerging, anger begins to dissipate
-More secure sense of ID
-Less defensive, more open
-Maintain connection w/ group peers
-Begin connection w/ respectful whites
-build coalitions w/ other oppressed groups
-translate personal sense of ID into a plan of action or commitment
-can take on the rest of the world (learning, experiencing, and changing) from secure home base
Asian Racial Identity Development-Blending
-whites increasingly see Asians as white
-some Asians claim to 'blend in' w/ whites
Latino Racial Identity Development
-Latino no a race, but many races
-US Census 1)choose race 2)Hispanic or Non-Hispanic
-encourage Pre-Encounter white supremacy (white skin vs. dark skin)
-make coalition building easier, since already crossing boundaries
Indian Racial Identity Development
*widespread caricatures in multiple forms (sports, Hollywood)
*encourage Pre-Encounter white supremacy(exposure to stereotypes)
*may impede Emersion if forced to encounter white beliefs everywhere
Arab Racial Identity Development
-post-9/11 environment of fear
-gov't messages & harassment
-white rejection made 'reasonable'
-cannot deny & remain Pre-Encounter, but...
-may discourage Immersion/Emersion & Internalization if portrayed as 'terrorist activity'
-may be forced to stay in the Encounter Stage
White Racial Identity Development
Helms(1990)-6 stages
-Lack of awareness of racism & privilege
-Naïve curiosity about & fear of people of color
-If live segregated life, may remain here forever
-Confront new experience/knowledge
-Guilt & shame
-denial (remember 1st–6th of Seven ways)
-withdrawal (from subject, from people)
-Belittled by other whites (family, friends)
-Pressure to conform-reshape beliefs to agree w/ other whites
-Anger at people of color, seen as source of discomfort (Remember 7th of seven ways)
-Continue to use withdrawal, can stay here forever
-Try to abandon beliefs in white superiority
-Focus on information gathering
-Reject membership in white group
-Affiliate/connect w/ oppressed groups
-But can’t be anything other than white
-Try to find more comfortable way to be white
-Learn about other white anti-racists, how they have unlearned racism
-Find role models
-Newly defined sense of self=“must accept own Whiteness, the cultural implications of being white, & define a view of self as a racial being that does not depend on the perceived superiority of one racial group over another.”
-Positive state, efforts to confront racism
-Easier to form alliances with people of color.
-Open, expressive, ready to work
Contact Space
-area in which racial groups interact in a meaningful way
Safe Space
-are in which one racial group is separated from another for its own benefit
Contact Space:Whites
-segregation important-lack of contact with people of color
-remain in stage 1 (contact)
-Stage 3 (Reintegration) encourages higher segregation…so get stuck.
-Segregation=development of white racial ID-psychological health.
Contact Space:People of Color
-Not as clear a relationship
-Even if spatially segregated, never without link.
-White privileged society means white institutions (media, gov't, consumption)
-Always in contact with whiteness
Contact Space:Examples
-School (elementary to high school)
Safe Space:Whites
White Caucus-Gathering of ppl who share experience of being white, how this effects their relationship w/ the world around them
-Be clear about self before try to understand someone else
-Develop relationships with white allies
-Associated with Stage 5 (Immersion/Emersion)
Safe Space:People of Color
-Racial Grouping-joining w/ peers to help with stress of racism
-Supports exploration of ID w/ others in similar process
-Unlearn neg stereotypes, redefine pos sense of self.
-Can reach outward to form coalitions
-Associated with stage 3 (immersion/Emersion)
Safe Space:Examples
-Both formal (created) and informal (spontaneous)
Racial Belonging
-Black, white, and Asian men in the high-tech work place
-everyday experience characterized by level of visibility, which occurs on the body w/in a defined place.
-Level of visibility:*intense scrutiny, blending, near invisibility
-Occurs on body:*hair, dress, speech
-Defined place:*work, meeting room, cafeteria.
Racial Belonging:Black Men
-Visibility: Intense scrutiny
*Neil:under the microscope
*Jeremy:Stand out, feeling all eyes
-Occurs on body:Constrained hairstyle
-Natural styles: dreadlocks, braids, twists
-Labeled exotic
*Justin:Everybody wants to explore-Labeled unprofessional
*Rich:cut his hair off
-Constrained dress and speech
-Labeled too black
*John:that’s pushing it
Racial Belonging:Asian Men
-Visibility: blend and entrapped
*culture: John:'arranged marriage'
*Job: James:Asian Am. in software
Racial Belonging:White Men
-Nearly Invisible
-rarely discuss white race
-only 'single consciousness'=no 2 conflicting IDs
-Body: free expression
*pink/spiked hair, earrings, weird clothes:adds character to work place
Multiracial ID:#s
-Census 2000: check multiple boxes
-7 million people self-IDed as multiracial; 2.4% of US pop
-40% in west; 27% in South; 18% in Northeast; 15% in Midwest
-Cities with largest 2+ pop? New York, LA
-Large place with highest % 2+ pop? Honolulu
-Younger more likely to ID as 2+ than older
Multiracial ID:Terminology
-Biracial, multiracial, mixed
-Amerasian, Eurasion, Hapa (Hawaiian mixed)
-Half–less acceptable
Multiracial ID:General Issues
-Claiming place
-MAVIN foundation
-Hapa Issues Forum
-Some see asset, move in multiple worlds
Multiracial ID:Struggles
-Forced categorization (what are you?)
-Pressure to choose
-From multiple directions
-Difficulty in classroom
*Stress-related health problems
-efforts to create multiracial community
Multiracial ID:Bill of Rights
-A bill of rights for Mixed Folks (Maria Root)
-right to change our IDs from the ways our parents ID us.
-right to ID diff than do our bro's and sis's
-right to ID diff from how others might ID us or expect us to ID
-right to change our ID over a lifetime.
-right to ID diff in diff situations and to know we are not mixed up.
-right to create a vocabulary to communicate about multiraciality b/c our language isn’t adequate.
-right not to fractionalize or order to conform to society’s notion of race.
-right to have loyalties and ID's w/ more than one ethnic group.
-right not to want to fit in exactly.
-right not to be responsible for people’s discomfort with our presence.
-right not to justify our ethnic legitimacy
Non-racist vs. Anti-racist
Sites of Resistance:Private
*National conferences on race and ethnicity
*White privilege conference
*Common Ground
*The people’s institute
*Challenge white supremacy work shop
*Alan Johnson “unraveling the knot race”
*Frank Wu–Hate Crimes
*Christa Bell–The absence of gender
*Angela Davis–Racial Justice
*Malcom X
Sites of Resistance:Online
*Race talk
*White anti-racist community action network (WACAN)
*Yellow world
*AntiRacism net
*Black commentator
*Angry Asian Man
*UMR Latino
*Black Feminism
Scales of Resistance
*Pro:can be highly effective
*Con: one at a time
-Community (campus, neighborhood)
*Pro:potential for organizing
*Con:can be insular
-State or nation
*Pro:involve legal battles
*Con:focused, less in depth message
*Pro:power of unity
*Con:differences among racial systems
Strategies of Resistance
-Assume racism is everywhere, everyday
-Notice who is the center of attention and power
-Notice how racism is denied, minimalized and justified
-Learn about history of racism, privilege, and whiteness, including efforts to combat them
-Understand connections between racism, econ issues, sexism, heterosexism, disability, and other forms of injustices
-Oppression can be simultaneous and interlocking
-Take a stand, intervene, speak up
-Be strategic: decide what’s important, and what’s not
-Don’t confuse the battle with the war; there will be gains and losses but doesn’t mean the war is over
-never become abusive: personal attacks don’t address systemic nature of problem
-Support the leadership of people of color; do this consistently; but not uncritically
-Don’t do it alone