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78 Cards in this Set

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What tectonic plates influence the geomorphogoly of Latin America?
Nazca Plate, Cocos plate, Pacific PLate/ on eastern side: caribbean plate and sourth america plate
Lake Nicaragua and Rio San Juan are products of land process?
divergent rift valley
The greater Antilles are part of what central american landform?
old antilla
What are the four landforms of central america?
central american volcanic axis
old antillia
narrow pacific plain
caribbean coastline
The lesser antilles are what kind of zone?
subduction volcanic
of the lesser antilles, how does the inner compare to the outer?
inner: active, more lush and mtnous
outer: extinct, dry and lower
What three cold ocean currents effect latin america's tempature?
California current- NW desert
Peru current- atacama desert
Falkland current- patagonia
how are ocean currents, pressure systems,and temp/preciptation related?
winds move from high pressure to low, lower pressure at the center and mroe as move away
what is the ITCZ?
intertropical convergence zone of low pressure- no prevailing winds
(8 degress north and south of equator)
Three factors impacting precipitation on Latin America?
continentiality, prevailing winds, atmospheric pressure belts
What Hurricane devastated Central America in 1998 after el nino's drought and deforestation helped
hurricane mitch
in class, professor said :Where in Jamaica was source of community based tourism
Treasure BEach
the amazon has how much of the world's fresh water supply? how much of world species?
20%//// 50%
what are three landforms of the Amazon?
1. Vazea (flooded areas next to rivers)
2.Terra firme above ver (poor soils) nutriets in vegetation
3. tropical savannas- cerrado (drier, fires)
What landform area of amazon has rich sediment?
what foreign power in lesser antilles?
first british and french, then danes and dutch
what were richest colonies in world?
barbadoas, jamaica, and haiti
What explorer was first to see pacific?
First explorer to mexico and honduras? what explorer went up into US SW?
cortes/// coronado
What explorer linked to andes and peru? To argentina?
How much of central america has been deforested? Amazon?
70 %/ 20 %
Agrovilas and agropolis are associated with what?
Brazil's 1964 structured settlement- stations providing goods/services
What is the trend in deforestion in Brazil?
decline due to decline in commodity prices and govt programs
independent miners (for gold in amazon)
name of warriors/nomads of northern mexico that aztecs may have come form?
What early indigenous group had concept of zero, writing, calendar, ballgame, 1200 AD-400AD?
Which group built of olmec ideas, live in yucatan peninsula and remain today?
Which indigenous group came form north in 1325 AD, within 75 years dominated valley of mexico, had unhappy tribute states?
What was Tenochtitlan? What group associated with?
island city of Lake Texaco, Aztecs, with chinampas
What were Chinampas?
floating agricultural mats anchored by trees on lake around Tenochitlan (aztecs)
What was the land bridge between Central and south america? What cultural group tied to this meshing?
Honduras (ca- seed agriculture vs south- root cultivators)
What indigenous group from 1200-1531 AD conquered groups yet assimilated them, and also had highly ordered "families"?
Incas of Peru
What was Waru waru agriculture?
mounds/canal alternation of altiplano, terracing of Incas
The three indigenous groups of caribbean?
Ciboney- Arawak(greater antilles)- Carib (lesser Antilles)
Three roman influences on iberia
Roman catholic church, latifundio (land grants), primogeniture (oldest son inherits)
Spain's policy in Greater antilles?
trade restricted, 2 flotas fr transport
Where was settlement pattern of central america?
-gold and mining in honduras
- british on Carib coast (with slaves)
-Spanish focused on highlands and PAcific (transportation issues)
Settlement pattern of South america:
Andes- haciendas in hihglands
Arg: isolated, resistance
Br:sugar, gold, cattle,
How many of indigenous lost? largest number loss?
95%, most in highlands
type of labor systems:
encomienda (to entrust)/reducciones, repartimento/mita,
debt peonage
Difference between French/British and Spanish/Portugese slave codes?
F/B- no rights
S/P- have souls, and rights, and granted freedom (manumission)
Maroon Societies?
escaped slave- palmares republic in brazil
Asians as indentured servants;
chinese to peru
japanese to chile/brazil
javanese to guyana
native american and african american
Indigenismo and negritude
promotion of culture
three mexican revolutionary muralists
orozco, rivera, siqueiros
what was holy inquisition?
Royal patronage?
cleanse the church of jewish/islamic influence, gave crown authority to appoint clergy (politicized the church)
Church of Santo Domingo was built on top of what important temple?
Temple of sun
what christ figures evokes largest pilgrimmage?
guatemala- "black christ" of esquipulas
What is anticlericalism?
cynicism against rich priests, didnt allow non whites in clergy, therefore shorthanded
By the end of the colonial period, the church owned how much of LA capital?
types of catholicism:
formal (10-20%)-rich, UC
Nominal (60-70%) MC and LC
Folk catholicism
Liberal theology is absed upon
poverty as a result of structure rather than individual, sinful of rich to oppress poor, need to reform class structure
What are Marranos? where did end up?
chritianized jews- argentina, brazil, mexico
what is fastest growing religion in LA? why?
protestentism (1 in 8), outlawed during colonialism
- appeal to rural and urban poor
- charismatic
- less expensive (volunteer_
- small community focus
- local inclusion (99% pastors are native)
giving away jobs and appointments to relatives
godparenthood, co parent usually someone higher
to extend one's sphere of influence, expand contacts
what is the modernism movement?
address real life challenges faced by LA people
religious syncretism; example
mixing of native and european religions// white bearded god -quetzalcoatl
Peninsulares vs crillos
pem: spanish born Euros (held more power)
cri: amer born euro, discriminated against
Who attempted to create a Grand Colombia out of Venezuela, Col and Ecuador?
Simon Bolivar
Who got independence first?
Haiti in 1804
conservatives vs liberals
con: status quo, natl govt, state/church
lib: anti status quo, state power, secular
a military dictator
general political history
1800: political turmoil with dictators, US involvement
1900: civil wars, dictators, US involvement
1990: turn toward democracy and today toward liberal left
Mexican ejidos?
agrarian land reform
William Walker a what and with what country?
Nicaragua filibuster
Pinochet from where?
What country has paid off the IMF and doing good?
Brazil w/ Silva
What is Viquies?
an island used as navy bomb training
Which county in latin America most corrupt?
What are social races? how modify?
related to lifestyle, change to urban or clothing to move up
A group that shares a biological ancestor is?
Learned and shared behaviors are
a group that shares cultural traits?
group that shares socio-economic standing?
Lake Titcaca is located in what landform region?
the altiplano of alpine highlands