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117 Cards in this Set

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Midterm T or F
Household Demographics are not needed in transportation planning for regions.
Exam Tor F
EMFAC2011 is software for light duty cars only.
Exam T or F
Emissions control is a discretionary activity for the State of CA.
Exam T or F
CARB means California Air Resources Board.
Exam T or F
Co2 is a dark odorous gas of paticulate mater of about 2.5 centimeters.
Exam T or F
Mobility is the ability to move.
Exam T or F
Accessibility is the ability to reach places.
Exam T or F
Most land use decisions are in the hands of the federal government.
Exam T or F
The CA Transportation Plan does not support the economy.
Exam T or F
The National Ambient Air Quality Standards are general guidelines that nonattainment areas and MPOs can consider if they want.
Exam T or F
The EPA MOBILE software is designed to enhance mobility.
Exam T or F
Air pollution is the presence of any compound in the air.
Exam T or F
Green House Gases include Water Vapor.
Exam T or F
The overarching strategies (AB 32 and SB 391) to decrease GHG emissions in CA include three groups that are vehicle technologies, fuel types, and VMT.
Exam T or F
Car ownership increases with GDP worldwide.
Exam T or F
In surveys, measurement error occurs because we select a sample and not the entire population.
Exam T or F
Response rate increases with many reminders.
Exam T or F
A household questionaire is included in travel surveys to make respondents comfortable and ask them invasive questions later.
Exam T or F
Some of the inpute into planning simulation model systems are the social and demographic information in a region and the transportation network.
Exam T or F
Increase in travel in the US happened partially due to changing employment patterns.
Exam T or F
Activity and trip diaries are the same thing.
Exam T or F
Data collection serves many purposes that include creation of simulation models.
Exam T or F
The Puget Sound Regional Council flowchart of models (PSRC modeling process) represent the most advanced regional model.
Exam T or F
The ideal data collection scheme includes many components.
Exam T or F
Between 1960 and today, we experienced major changes in transportation technolgies including carse that pollute much less.
Exam T or F
Data from surveys are used to describe travel behavior, estimate models, and to develop a regional transportation plan.
Exam T or F
In planning a Goal is more general than an Objective.
Exam T or F
Pilot testing in surveys is needed to detect and correct potential issues in survey design.
Exam T or F
CATI is computer aided telephone interview.
Exam T or F
The CA Household Travel survey is part of the US CENSUS 2010.
Exam T or F
SB 375 calls for coordination between land use and transportation policies.
Exam T or F
SB 375 is legislation that we created by the Obama administration in 2009.
Exam T or F
GPS can be used to verify diaries and can be used to study other facets of behavior.
Exam T or F
Day to day variation is not important to capture in surveys.
Exam T or F
SB 391 is the same as SB 375 but for the state of Arizona.
Exam T or F
Interregional travel is a term reserved exclusively for travel across the four major regions of the US (North East, North West, South East, and South West)
Exam T or F
The recommended minimum content for household surveys includes questions about the household, person, vehicle, and activity.
Exam T or F
Emission factors are used in software to predict travel behavior.
Exam T or F
Attitude questions require respondents to show positive or negative feelings about the "attitude object"
Exam T or F
In surveys, an advance letter is not required by IRB but it is recommended as best practice.
What gas is polluted the most in the nation through transportation souces alone? What percent?
Carbon Monoxide and makes up 70%
Cars are getting cleaner, but ___________ offsetting progress in ozone pollution control.
but people are driving more
What are some GHG?
Water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons, hexafluoride, and tropospheric ozone.
What is a TIP?
te list of proposed projects a MPO submit for statewide consideration
For regional air quality assessment, a TIP needs to be accompanied by what?
- a statement on regional air quality assessment and be in conformance with the Statewide Implementation plan to meet the clean air standards
What do modelers need to do for regional air quality assessment?
1. estimate current and future population and employment
2. estimate current and future travel and congestion
3. estimate/assume current and future background pollutant concentrations
4. incorporate the effects of transit policies and pricing options
5. estimate the effectiveness/impact of existing projects
What is HPMS?
Highway Performance Monitoring System provides data that reflects the extent, condition, performance, use, and operating characteristics of the Nation's highways.
What is needed from HPMS for the conformity Assessment process?
Base year HPMS data of volume and adjustment factors
What are the three major sections of the PSRC Modeling Process?
Land Use Modeling
Travel Demand Modeling
Air Quality Modeling
What is PSRC?
Puget Sound Regional Council- it is the regional transportation, economic development, and growth management planning organization for central Puget Sound
What is the simple equation for onroad emissions by MOBILE models?
Emissions= Activity x Emission Factors
What is MOBILE models onroad emission's activity data?
VMT or vehicle miles traveled
What are MOBILE models onroad emissions factors?
ozone precursors
PM and SO2
Air Toxics
What is MOBILE's building blocks?
base emission rates (BER)
driving cycles-for emission inventories
What is the data for emissions?
-VMT Inventory of State Department of Transportation (DOT)/Fed
-Predictions from 4-stop or other models
-Emission factors from EPA MOBILE software
-Need to also have VMT by vehicle class
What is MOBILE?
- an EPA model for estimating pollution from highway vehicles
(but supeseded by MOVES- Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator)
What are the different inputs to MOBILE MODEL?
-vehicle speed
-ambient temperature
-gasoline volatility (Reid Vapor Pressure RVP)
-Control Programs
such as: inspection/maintenance, reformulated gasoline, oxygenated fuels, and new vehicle standards
-Registration distributions
What are the "Overarching Strategies" for calculating transportation GHG?
Vehicle Technology (GHG/Mile) + Fuels (GHG/Gallon) + Vehicle use (VMT)
What is AB 1493?
Assembly Bill No. 1493, known as the Pavley Bill, regulating GHG emissions in passenger vehicles.
For Data Analysis, begin with summary of descriptive statistics followed by 3 other measures:
1- measures of location or CENTER of the data
2- measures of scale or DISPERSION of the data
3- measures of association or RELATION within the data
What is a box plot?
a basic graphing tool that displays centering, spread, and distribution of a continuous data set (a variable)
When stating statistics in a report, what is perhaps the most important piece of information for credibility?
to report the sampe size for credibility
What is skewness?
measure of the symmetricity of a distribution
What is kurtosis?
the measure of the thickness of the tails of a distribution
What are the steps for the survey process?
-Preliminary planning
-selectin of survey method and sample design
- pilot survey
-survey administration
-data coding and data editing
- data analysis
-tidying up and presenting the results
-report (added by Goulias)
What are the 10 steps to a successful survey by Salant?
-Understand and avoid the four kinds of error
-Be specific about what information you seek and why
-Choose the survey method that will work best
-Decide whether and how to sample
-Write good questions
-design and test the questionnaire
-assemble the necessary resources
-code, computerize and analyze the data
-present your results
-maintain perspective
-reports and presentations- added by Goulias
Why does a coverage error occur?
-occurs when the sampling frame from which the sample is drown does not include a segment of the targeted population
Why does a sampling error occur?
Occurs because the survey does not cover the entire population which always happens to some extent
Why does a measurement error occur?
occurs when the respondent's answer to a question is innacurate, imprecise, or in any other way unusable
Where do measurement errors come from? who is at fault?
from either:
- survey method
- questionnaire
- interviewer
- respondent
Why does a Non-Response error occur?
occurs when a significant number of people in the sample to do not respond to the questionnaire
-main reason to maximize the response rate
What is TDM?
-Total Design Method: by Don Dillman based on the Social Exchange Theory where TDM maximizes the survey response by
-maximizing the reward for the respondant
-minimizing the cost of responding
-and establishing trust with the respondent that the rewards will be delivered
What are some transportation organizations?
-Local governments
-citizen participation
What is PennDOT?
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
What is an MPO?
Metropolitan Planning Organization
What is TMA?
Transportation Management Association- a regional leader in customizing environmentally friendly, multimodal transportation solutions for employers and communities
What are the portions of the typical process in long range planning, cooperative, comprehensive, and continuous, that are part of the sequential demand forecasting process?
Calibrate Models
Areawide forecast
Analysis of future alternative systems
Plan testing, evaluation and selection
What is the 4 step model part of?
part of the sequential forecasting process and urban transportation lanning system (UTPS)
What is the 4 step model steps?
Trip generation
Trip distribution
Mode choice
Network Assignment
For the PSRC (Puget Sound Regional Council), what are the three main section to prepare Mobile Source Emissions?
Land Use Modeling
Travel Demand Modeling
Air Quality Modeling
Each Taz (Transportation Analysis Zone) for Land Use and Economic Analysis contains what?
contains "observed" numbers for today's analysis and predicted numbers for forecasting
What are the outputs of the 4 step process (Travel Demand Modeling section) from UTPS?
- the trip interchange matrix and the shortest path trees
- a trip interchange matrix for each mode: car, public transortation and also pedestrian
- peak hour volumes, estimated travel times, and volumes to capacity ratios
For basic assumptions, J is a function called ____ representing the "convenience of choosing mode j.
J is called the choice set
a function called Utility representing the "convenience" of choosing mode j.
What are Utility components?
-the individual "taste variateion"
-choice characteristics or choice attributes
-context such as trip type, time of day, and budget constraints
When travelers make decisions about what transportortation option to use it is baded off of what?
they choose the option with the most advantageous utility or "maximum utility"
T or F
Analysts know all the factors that influence choice behavior
T or F
Travelers do not always make choices consistently
T or F
Analysts are not interested in including all possible variable that affect behavior in models
T or F
Analysts are interested in policy variables that can be manipulated to find traveler's reaction
Analysts are interested in social and demographic traveler characteristics, but not economic travelers characteristics
False. All are important because these 3 variale allow analysts to link models to TAZs Transportation Analysis Zones
T of F
Utility models incorporate uncertainty
Utility elements:
i= ?
j= ?
Vij= ?
Eij= ?
i= person
j= mode
Vij= systematic and measurable part
Eij= random component
What is then done with Utility models results?
it is converted to an estimate of the chance to choose a mode
What is the utility function?
_ = _ + _
U= V + E
What is different about the utility model and the LOGIT Model?
LOGIT assumes the random components of the utility are independent identically Gumbel distributed random variables
In the behavioral definitions 2 example from class, what is A, B, C and alpha and beta?
A- home to work variable
B- work to grocery store
C- grocery store to home
All 3 are the primary tour or trip chain of A + B + C
alpha and beta and secondary tour or subtour a + B
beta is from work to lunch, and alpha is from lunch to work
What else is included in behavior definitions (activity approach) 3 from class?
-number of trips by different household members
-miles traveled
-travel times
-modes used
-trip purposes

and the determinants of travel patterns
What are some limitations of 4-step and older models?
-zones are too large aggregates
-does not incorporate the reason for traveling
-main motivation is the purpose as an activity location
-trips are treated as if they were independent
-heavy emphasis on commuting trips and home-based trips
What are 4 important things to an activity-based approach?
-derived demand
-interactions (linkage of activities)
what are the two main points of the demand for activites and time allocation of an activity-base approach?
-a dynamic relationship with feedbacks
-thinking in terms of temporal hierarchies
For an activity pattern, what defines a path in space and time?
a sequence of activities or schedule
Most MPO applications follow ______
follow an activity base pattern or schedule
For modeling trends, what are anchor points?
anchor points are locations like home, work or school and are in the first choice level
For modeling trends, what are out-of-home activity purposes?
they include work, school, shopping, meals, personal business, recreation, and escort
For modeling trends, what are in-home activities?
can sometimes be work, maintenance and discretionary
Step frequencies and activities at stops are modeled at the ____ pattern and _____
the day pattern and tour
T or F
Mode and destination are modeled together.
T or F
Departure time is modeled explicitly and feed into a time period for traffic assignment
False. daparture time is modeled explicitly and feed into MULTIPLE time periods for traffic assignment
In human interactions, what can be said about day patterns of people in households?
the day patterns of one person in a household relate to the day atterns of another person within the same household
T or F
Joint activities and allocation of activity-roles are not explicitly modeled
False. They are explicitly modeled
The output of time periods depends on ____ in modeling time.
The output of time periods depends on traffic assignment needs
What provides the basic data for spatial and land use in models?
Spatially distributed synthetic population using external control totals
In models, homes and schools are emphasized but _____ and _____ locations not prominent
business locations and major center locations not prominent
What is SimAGENT Models?
Scag Activity-Based Travel Demand Model
What is Propolis? Objectives?
A research project within the Fifth Framework Programme of the EC.
Objective- research, develop and test integrated land use and transport policies, tools and comprehesive assessment methodologies in order to find sustainable long-term urban strategies and to demonstrate their affects in cities.
What set of indicators were developed under Propolis?
measuring the environment, social and economic dimensions of urban sustainability
What is the purpose of Propolis?
-distinguish between environmental and economic indicator
-have some idea of the types of policies simulated
-definition of index function used
-land use transportation interaction and why (similar to SB 375)