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11 Cards in this Set

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Where is the ring of fire?
What is the ring of fire?
1. Japan, Pacific Coast, West Coast South America
2. Volcanic activity on coasts and earthquakes, more than 3/4 of the entire world's volcanoes and earthquakes
Examples of environment and different spatial scales.
Brazil - deforestation
Global scale - Global Warming
Factors influencing earthquake losses
1. Density of Population
2. Cloud, pollution, and reflectance
3. Topographic Adjustment
4. Good building structure and material
What climatic conditions can you read from a climograph?
1. Temperature
2. Precipitation
3. Seasons
What water resource problems exist in this world?
1. Drought and water shortage
2. Flood, too much water
3. Poor water resource management
4. International disputes on water resources
How is geography relevant to water resource problems?
Plains were created for farming making flooding easier, this was a human fault.
How does water matter differently in other parts of the world?
Africa - water stress, no drinks, bathing, or washing clothes, no irrigation
U.S. - used for pools and watering lawns
Human Impacts on Natural Vegetation
1. Deforestation - replace natural vegetation with anthropogenic landscapes (human produced crops)
2. Degrading natural biomes - pollution, crops take over forests and push out nature and habitats
3. Grasslands ruined and turned into cattle ranches or buildings
4. Loss of topsoil, species extinction, reduced diversity of ecosystem
5. Desertification - dry climates, next to grasslands
6. Water pollution from soil
7. Loss of Carbon Dioxide from tearing down forests
What human activities directly cause deforestation?
1. Tearing down forests
2. Industry
3. Land
4. Logging
5. Mining
6. Hydro-electric schemes
What is the role of global economic and technological development in deforestation?
1. Extensive road construction
2. Improvement of machinery and automation
3. Expanded demands and shrinking resources
4. Growing international trade
5. Crops, ethanol, and other trade items
What are the consequences of deforestation?
1. Species extinction
2. Reduced diversity of ecosystems
3. Degrading or loss of land cover - protection of land from water, wind
4. Loss of topsoil or entire soil layers
5. Pollution of rivers due to soil erosion