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77 Cards in this Set

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1.The location tradition is the same as whose spatial tradition?
2.What are the four factors in Location tradition
1. Distance 2. Form 3. Direction 4. Position
3.What is form?
is like rivers or mountains or farms it is whatever the shape of it comes in
4.What is direction
Cardinal directions, over , under, down, outer space ect. Also time fits into this because it changes things.
5.What is position
The absolute position of where things are
6. Who was the first geographer to to introduce the concept of space? He also said things have change over time?
Immanuel Kant
7. According to Getts, Getis, and Fellman, what are three other factors contributing to location tradition?
Where-absolute and relative terms, Distribution- location pattern principles or location, and Location of one-elements effects another element.
8.Whenever you affect one element?
You will affect all the elements
9.Claudius Ptolemy, Georgraphia 2nd, Century BCE, all these are connected with?
10.Sailing records, distances, coastlines, landmarks are all what?
Things Pattison recorded
11.What is the art of mapping
12.Grid system and measurements is
13. Has the world’s highest tides, they go up 50 ft and 100 billion gallons of water are dumped into it twice a day. It is located in Canada New Brunswick and a bit of Maine?
Bay of Fundy
15. One factor effecting Rural land use is site characteristics, what types of things may site characteristics include?
Soil type, fertility, drainage, sun wind, moisture, temp.
16. A factor effecting Rural land use is Cultural Preferences and perceptions, what are some examples of this?
Food preferences and taboos, the Anglo-Saxons didn’t recognize the richness of the “American Desert” (great plains), land management, food taboos.
17. What are the two systems of Production?
? Peasant (Precapitalist) and capitalist (commodified)
18. Describe the (peasant mode) of production ?
relatively labor intense, most people farm, small-scale production, minimal use
.20 percent of earth’s surface 15 million people have what?
subsistence agriculture
21. Describe Intensive subsistence agriculture? Most done by hand, very small plots of land, physiological density high (# People/acre of farmland) , mostly in rivers valleys, irrigated.
21.Describe Intensive subsistence agriculture?
Most done by hand, very small plots of land, physiological density high (# People/acre of farmland) , mostly in rivers valleys, irrigated.
22. Some problems faced by subsistence ag?
Soil quality, rain, environmental conditions, lack of advanced tools, fertilizer, seed, cash crops sold for revenue rather than to feed people,
23. High-yield hybrids , fertilizers, pesticides increase yield. Has only been successful in western parts of the world. Vey Expensive?
Green Revolution
24.Who is the leading producer of rice in the world?
25.How does Vietnam harvest their crops?
? Either by hand or with gov help so they can have machines to help.
26.What is rice called in Vietnam?
White Gold
28. In 1986 farmers were no longer allowed to what?
Grow and sell their own crops
27.In 1975 after the Vietnam conflict, what was established?
Cooperative Framing called the Iron Rice Bowl
30.The difference in net profits between two units of land?
Economic rent
31.wHat is the epitome of contemporary capitalist system of the food production?
U.S Commercial Agriculture
32. In U.S commercial farming railroads and steamships were replaced by what?
33. In 1900 US was a major exporter of what?
34.U.S. Agriculture was dominated by what?
A few agribusiness firms
35.What type of production is US agriculture
Extremely capital intensive.
36.What percent of people are farmers?
2 percent
37.What part of the population is fed by commercial agriculture?
, working outside of faring
38.What is used in US Commercial farming?
Machinery, fertilizers, high-yield seeds
39.What are US commercial farms like?
Extremely Large
40.Who is the Agricultural superpower, exporting 20% of all food traded internationally?
the USA
41.What is the Law of Demand?
When a prices increases or decreases the demand will increase or decrease.
42.What are the types of production?
Flexible versus Just in Time
43.What is involved in a basic sector?
Production Exports, importation on money
44.What is involved in Non-Basic Sector?
Production of local goods and services, Recirulation of money
45.Who developed the central place theory?
Walter Christaller
47.What are the Dominant world cities?
New York, London, Tokyo
48. Washing DC Los Angeles, Chicago, Sao Paula, Singapore, Frankfurt, Brussels, Paris, are what?
Major World Cities
49.What does Burgess’s Concentric Model do?
Puts them into zones such as Working Class Zone, Residential Zone, Commuter Zone.
50.What is Burgess’s Concentric Ring Model based upon?
Chicago’s land use in the 1920’s
51. Colors represent low class, middle class high class of a state one example of this is Denver?
Hoyt’s Sector Model
52.Whose model included manufacturing and industrial suburb as well as high, medium low class?
Harris and Ullman’s Multiple Nuclei Model
53. This model adds shopping areas highways airports and offices?
Peripheral (beltway) model
54.Where are wealthy empty nesters and young professionals most likely to live?
Near the City Center
55.Young families live?
Further from the city center
56.Family status agrees with what?
Concentric Model
57.Social Status agrees with?
Sector model
58.Describe Western European Cities?
More compact and have less area than the US, long historical tradition, developed for pedestrians, apartment dwellers.
59. Limit city size, ensure international equality of neighborhoods, segregate land uses , uniformity of apartment building styles, and mass transit systems were all goals of what?
Communist period planning goals
60. Established as ports or outposts built by Europeans following their models, its layout is based upon function?
Colonial and neo-colonial legacies
61. Have primate cities, vibrant city centers with traffic problems?
Urban Primacy and rapid growth
62. 80% of new housing in the developing countries is in the informal or shantytown/squatter towns, Massive in-migrations?
Squatter Settlements
Removal from the primate cities?
Planned Cities
64. Lower portion of the atmosphere?
Upper most portion of the lithosphere?
67.Non living energy source?
68.Living world of plants and animals?
69.When cities obtain water from rivers lakes and ground water primarily?
Municipal water supply
70. Water geared towards manufacturing, like steam for generation, extraction, or cooling finished products?
Industrial water supply
71.Greatest consumer of water used for crop production?
Agricultural water supply
72.Lacustrine water?
well water
Desalinated water (also most expensive)
Oceans and seas
75.Ogallala Aquifer-US Great Plains
Largest underground water supply in the US
76.Results of using this water has been disastrous?
Aral Sea-Central Asia
77.Used for recreation?
78.Used to restrict flooding?
79. Used to straitening rivers so water can be removed more quickly?
80. When it rains a lot these chemicals are washed into rivers, this is a non-point sources. What type of pollution is this?
Agricultural pollution
81. Combination of nitrogen dioxides with hydrocarbons creates ozone?
Photochemical smog
82.Who wrote Nature of Geography?
Richard Hartshorne