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17 Cards in this Set

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What are the Economic Sectors and which one will provide the most profits?

Primary: Agriculture, mining and forestry

Secondary: Manufacturing (Industrial) etc.

Tertiary: Service– Transportation, banking, office work, child care, middle managementQuaternary: Information– Financial investment, specialized law, medicine, IT + Communication, etc. quaternary provides highest profits

What is meant by the term ACCELERATION?

Speed at which we can overcome distance (globalization, cellphones etc.)

What is the Demographic Transition?

As modern medicine developed, birth rates rose and death rates fell. However birth rates eventually leveled off because they realized they don't need to have as many kids to reach desired family size.

Define Fertility, Total Fertility Rate, Longevity, Mortality and Migration?

TFR-The number of births that can be expected to occur to a typical woman in a given society during her childbearing years

Longevity- Life expectancy

Mortality-Death rates are highest among infants, young children and the elderly, so societies with many elderly people or more war/disease are likely to have more deaths per 1000 people where most citizens are young adults

Migration-Migration is less predictable over long periods than fertility or mortality since it can happen in sudden waves.

What was the significance of 'Spatial Distribution' and the cholera victims?

There is a relationship between cholera and the deaths of people in Soho London. Spread by contaminated water.

How many Indians does it take to consume as much as an american throughout their lifetime?

What is the Impact equation?

30 Indians to 1 American

Impact=Population x Affluence x Technology

Define Political Power

The ability to make people do things

Define the relationship of Map Power

Understanding the relationship between power and space

What is a State

independent political units, with a centralized authority, that makes claims to sole jurisdiction over a bounded territory (casually referred to as a country)

They have political power over you


a people of common heritage, memories, myths, homeland, and culture, speaking the same language and/or sharing a particular religious faith.

What is a Nation-State?

is created when a nation achieves independence as its own state. (No Pure Nation-States exist, closest nation state is ICELAND)

Human Territoriality? Internal Power example?

Human Territoriality-Spatial strategy to affect, influence, or control resources and people by controlling area

Internal Power- Example would be China's one Child Policiy

According to the plalid avenger, a state demonstrates it holds the ultimate power over its people by the ability to...

Kill them if they need to

What is the Ethnosphere?

Just as there is a biological web of life, there is also a CULTURAL and SPIRITUAL web of life.

What is wrong with the Global Economy?


What are the main problems with GDP/GNI?

1) Only counts the official economy

2) It's Relative

3) It does not take into account the distribution of wealth within a country (example: Dubai showing strong economy when there are desserts and villages close by)

4)It does not measure whether the money produced is actually improving people's lives

Industrial Revolution lead to ...

1) advances in medicine which lead to

-Growing Populations, more specialization, innovation

2) Demographic Transition (death rates fall, birth rates rise, then level out)