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48 Cards in this Set

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How long ago was the solar system, including Earth, formed?

4,550,000,000 years ago.


What 3 things provide evidence of Earth's shape?

1) Photos from space

2) Illumination patterns of clouds during sunset

3) Disappearences of ships below the oceans



What direction does the Earth rotate?

to the East.

# 4 :

What is the imaginary straight line the passes through the center of the earth and the poles known as?

the Axis

# 5 :

The Earth's axis tilts 23.5 degrees as measured from what?

the Plane of the Eliptic

# 6 :

Lines on a map connecting points of the same latitude are also called?


# 7 :

A map marked with the largest fraction has the largest what?


# 8 :

Can a projection map portray the entire Earth surface without any distortion?


# 9 :

What date is the noon zenith angle at it's northern most point ?

June 21st

# 10:

The electromagnetic waves given off by the sun have a ___________ energy than those the Earth gives off, and there fore have a ____________ wavelength.

higher energy, shorter wavelength

# 11 :

When a cold blast of air from Canada reaches Florida, it is an example of ______________ energy transfer.


# 12 :

The stratopause is between the _____________ and ______________.

stratosphere and the mesosphere.

# 14 :

A clear sky appears blue in the daytime because of ___________________________ by gases.

scattering of light.

# 15 :

Electromagnetic energy is a wavelike form of energy radiated by ___________________________.

any substance possessing heat.

# 16 :

Air is a ______________ of gases.


# 17 ;

The proportion of incident shortwave energy that is reflected by the surface if known as the ____________ of the surface.


# 18 ;

Oxygen is _______ of the atmosphere.

21 %

# 19 :

The ozone layer in the upper atmosphere is essential for life on the planet because without it the full intensity of the sun's ultraviolet rays would ___________________________________.

destroy bacteria and damage animal tissue.

# 20 :

Heat that is absorbed and stored in a gas or liquid during the processes of evaporation, melting or sublimation is known as ___________.

latent heat.

# 21 :

Which of the following areas would tend to have the warmest air temperatures on a given day, assuming all receive the same insolation.

1) a rural forrest,

2) a suburban housing development, or

3) a city center

a city center.

# 22:

What three things keep rural areas cooler than adjacent urban areas?

1) evaporation

2) transpiration

3) albedo

# 23:

Temperature inversions can cause problems for agriculture because they may contibute to _______.


# 24:

Maritime locations tend to experience ________________ and ________________ than continental locations at the same latitude.

warmer winters and cooler summers.

# 25:

Water heats and cools more slowly than land surfaces due to what three things?

1) higher specific heat capacity,

2) light penetrates into water, and

3) water bodies are mixed by wind and waves

# 26:

On a temprature map, temperature gradients are _________________ to isotherms.


# 27:

Temperature increases with elevation in the stratosphere because of the ________________.

ozone layer.

# 28:

The adiabatic principle states that when a gas ___________, it's temperature _________________.

expands, it's temperature decreases.

# 29:

Which one of the following locations would likely experience the smallest annual temperature range?

1) Aswan, Egypt (24 degrees N)

2) Hamburg, Germany (53 N)

3) Yakutsk, Siberia (62 N)

4) Manuas, Brazil (3 S)

Manuas, Brazil (3 degrees S)

# 30:

In which layer of the atmosphere does most weather phenomena, including clouds and storms, occur?


# 31:

What percentage of the Earth's water is contained in the oceans?

97 %

# 32:

Of the following, which one is NOT a form of precipitation?

1) Orographic

2) Cyclonic

3) Convergent

4) Advectional


# 33:

What is the ACTUAL quantity of water vapor in a parcel of air called?

Specific Humidity

# 34:

What is the term for comparing the actual amount of moisture in the air with the amount that would be there if the water vapor pressure was at equillibrium?

Relative Humidity

# 35:

When water vapor is cooled, the amount of water that can remain a gas is _______________.


# 36:

Lifting a parcel of air cools it through a process called ________________.

Adiabatic Cooling

# 37:

Cloud families are classified according to______________________.

Height of the cloud base.

# 39:

When lifted air cools to its equillibrium vapor pressure, its ______________________ is reached.

dew-point temprature

# 40:

What do visable clouds consist of?

liquid water or ice droplets

# 41:

The only effective way to get clear air to form clouds is to lower its air pressure and cool it by ___________________.

lifting it

# 42:

Atmospheric pressure ______________ with elevation


# 43:

Pressure gradients drive winds to flow from _______ pressure to ________ pressure.

High to Low

# 44:

A line on a map that connects points of equal pressure is called an ___________.


# 45:

The Hadley cell circulations cause what three things to happen along the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITZC)?

1) Weak surface winds,

2) Strong uplift, and

3) Heavy rains

# 46:

A local wind system that flows from the ocean to land during the late afternoon is called a ____ ___________.

Sea Breeze

# 47:

In the northern hemisphere, the Coriolis effect causes winds and currents to veer to the ________.


# 48:

The subtropical high pressure belts are zones of ________________ air and _________ conditions.

desending and clear

# 49:

The band of rapidly flowing air found aloft above the polar front is a _____ ________.

jet stream.

# 50:

Rossby waves form along the ________ _________.

polar front.