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32 Cards in this Set

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What were the Classical Greeks views on evolution?

Led primarily by whom?
Aristotle (384 - 322 B.C.)

- Felt that species are fixed and permanent (i.e. didn't evolve)

- Organisms can be arranged from simple to complex - most imperfect to most perfect.

- Called this arrangement "Scala Naturae" or "Scale of Nature"
Describe the "Scala Naturae" proposed by the Classical Greeks view of evolution.
Scale of Nature:
- Imperfect to perfect

- These ideas persisted for the next 2,000 years

- Wrong because evolution has no direction or final goal; not ladder-like.
Who and when was:

Carolus Linnaeus
(1707 - 1778)
- Founder of modern taxonomy
- Placed diversity of life into an order
- Felt species were permanent creations
- Felt that by classifying species he was revealing God's plan.
- System is *non-evolutionary*
Who is the founder of modern taxonomy?
Carolus Linnaeus

Classification and naming of organisms.
What are the 2 main aspects of Linnaeus' system?
1) The binomial - two part name for every organism; scientific name
- consists of genus (capitalized) and species (uncapitalized) name.

2) Hierarchy
- organisms placed into different categories that fit into other categories.
What are the 2 rules when writing a "binomial" (i.e. scientific name of an organism)?
1) Both names are always italicized or underlined.

2) Genus name is capitalized, species name is not capitalized.

What are the 7 categories of Linnaeus' Hierarchical Classification?

(from general to specific)

"Koalas Playing Chase On Freeway Get Squashed"

Carolus Linnaeus was an evolutionary biologist?

Why/why not?

Although his idea of categories fitting within categories is consistent with the ideas of evolution, Linnaeus felt that organisms were fixed and did not evolve,
Who and when was:

Georges Cuvier
(1789 - 1832)

- Founder of comparative anatomy.

- Was struck by consistency of plan and organization in animal bodies.

*Studied a *lot* of fossil organisms.
Based on his observations, how did Cuvier group animals?
Grouped animals into 4 distinct general plans or branches:

1 - Radiata
2 - Articulata
3 - Vertebrata
4 - Mollusca
Who was the founder of:

Comparative anatomy
Who was the founder of:

How did Cuvier's study of the fossil record help point toward a change in organism structure over time?

What idea did this give him?
- Different layers in the fossil record

- Each layer has a unique group of fossils

- The deeper the layer, the more dissimilar the fossils were to current organisms.

*The idea of catastrophism
Explain Cuvier's idea of Catastrophism.
Catastrophic events could explain breaks in layers of the fossil record.

Catastrophes destroy species that live in the area and they are then replaced by other species
What are Cuvier's 3 main ideas/contributions?
1) Comparative anatomy

2) Paleontology

3) Catastrophism
Who and when was:

Jean Baptiste Lamarck
(1744 - 1829)

- Contemporary of Cuvier

- Viewed fossil record differently.

* Discarded the idea that species were fixed

* Felt evolution was the best explanation
- First great evolutionary biologist
Who was the first great evolutionary biologist?

Jean Baptiste Lamarck
What are the 2 components of Lamarck's view of evolution?
1) Use and disuse of parts
- Used parts were kept, unused parts were discarded

2) Acquired characteristics were inherited.
What did Lamarck feel would happen to used parts on an organism?

What "internal drive" was present in organisms in Lamarck's view?
parts of the body that were used a lot would get bigger and these would be passed to offspring.

Organisms were driven by an internal drive towards perfection.
How did Lamarck explain the Giraffe's long neck?
1) Use of part:
Early giraffe stretched neck to reach leaves in tall trees.

2) Acquired characteristic:
By stretching neck, neck became longer

3) Inheritance of acquired characteristic:
Giraffe with longer neck would then have offspring with a longer neck.
How was Lamarck's view of evolution incorrect?
Inheritance of acquired characteristics is not possible.

Offspring don't inherit changes to the body (somatic cells) of parent, only changes to the germ (sex) cells.
What 3 ideas were present at the time right before Darwin that allowed for the adoption of a robust idea about evolution?
1) Plants and animals were grouped
(partly because of Cuvier's anatomical studies)

2) Extinction was now a fact.

3) Geologic evidence showed that the earth was incredibly old, thus enough time for evolution.
Who and when was:

Charles Darwin
(1809 - 1882)

Two main contributions:
1) Established the fact of evolution.

2) Proposed a mechanism for evolution - Natural Selection

What was the date of the voyage of the H.M.S. Beagle?
(1831 - 1836)

During the voyage of the Beagle, what main organism is Darwin known for having studied?

What did he observe?
"Darwin's Finches"

Beak size and shape varied with the function that the bird had to perform.

Each bill type seemed to be specialized to feed on a different type of food.

What was Darwin's main conclusion about the structure of life that has migrated to an island?
Island forms were *modified* after arrival on the islands.

i.e. they're then different from the mainland species.
Who and when was:

Thomas Malthus
1799 - an economist

- Populations incerase geometrically

- Outstrip resources, especially food

- Eventually collapse because of famine and disease.
What are Darwin's 4 main tenets of natural selection?
1) Individuals within a species vary

2) Some of these variations are passed on to offspring.

3) In every generation, more offspring are produced than can survive.

4) Survival and reproduction are not random.
What is Darwin's evolutionary explanation for why Giraffe's have long necks?
1) Variation in the length of neck.

2) Offspring tend to have necks of similar length to their parents.

3) More giraffes are produced than can survive.

4) Those with longer necks are more likely to survive because they can reach more leaves.
What is the date for publication of "Origin of Species"?
In a few words, summarize the contributions toward ideas of evolution from:

- Scala Naturae

- Scientific names and classification

- Extinction and catastrophism

- Inheritance of acquired characteristics
- Responsible for an *incorrect* mechanism of evolution

- Evolution by natural selection
- Importance of Beagle voyage
- Influence of Malthus and Lyell