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35 Cards in this Set

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bivalent (aka tetrad)
synapsed homologous chromosomes in the 1st prophase of meiosis
chiasmata (single: chiasma)
the crossed strands of nonsister chromatids seen in diplotene of the 1st meiotic division; the cytological evidence for exchange of chromosomal material, or crossing over
sister chromatids
longitudinal subunits of a replicated chromosome that are connected by a common centromere to form a chromosome
a DNA mlc complexed with RNA and proteins that serve as a "vehicle" for transmitting genetic info (genes). visible during mitosis and meiosis
the exchange of genetic material bw homologous chromosomes by breakage and reunion. the exchange of material bw nonsister chromatids during meiosis is the basis of genetic recombination
the products of tetrad separation or disjunction at meiotic prophase I. Each dyad consists of 2 sister chromatids joined at the centromere.
sex cells with a haploid number of chromosomes
homologous chromosomes
chromosomes that synapse/pair during meiosis and that are identical with respect to their genetic loci and centromere placement
dyads split during meiosis II into two monads of one chromosome each
the formation of ova, or eggs, which occurs in the ovaries
takes place in the testes to produce spermatozoa (or sperm)
a unicellular body or cell encased in a protective coat, capable of surviving unfavorable conditions and gives rise to a new individual upon germination. In plants, they are the haploid products of meiosis
the pairing of homologous chromosomes during early meiosis
synaptonemal complex (SC)
an organelle consisting of a tripartite nuceloprotein ribbon that forms between the paired homologous chromosomes in the pachytene stage of the first meiotic division
binomial probabilities
allows us to calculate the probability of any specific combination of outcomes for any given number of potential events
[N!/(S!T!)] X [A^S X B^T]
chi-square analysis
allows us to either reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis
conditional probability
the probability that one outcome will occur, given the specific condition upon which this outcome is dependent (the events are not independent)
dihybrid cross
a genetic cross involving two characters in which the parents possess different forms of each character (e.g., yellow, round X green, wrinkled peas)
dominant allele
is expressed in the heterzygous condition
unit of heredity; a DNA sequence coding for a single polypeptide
the allelic or genetic constitution of an organism
different allels at a locus; will not breed true
identical alleles for a gene of interest; will breed true
independent assortment
the independent behavior of each pair of homologous chromosomes during their segregation in meiosis I; the random distribution of maternal and paternal homologs into gametes
the site or place on a chromosome where a particular gene is located
monohybrid cross
a genetic cross involving only one character (e.g. AA X aa)
null hypothesis
used in statistical tests, the hypothesis that there is no real difference bw the observed and expected datasets; statistical methods such as chi-square analysis are used to test the probability associated with this hypothesis
a diagram showing the ancestral relationships and transmission of genetic traits over several generations in a family
the appearance of a genetically controlled trait
product law
the law holding that the probability of two independent events occurring simultaneously is equal to the product of their independent probabilities; "and" (ex having brown hair AND blue eyes)
recessive allele
expression is overridden in the heterozygous condition by a dominant allele
the separation of maternal and paternal homologs of each homologous chromosome pair into gametes during meiosis
self cross
the fertilization of a plant's ovules by pollen produced by the same plant
sum law
the probability of one of two mutually exclusive events occurring is the sum of their individual probabilities; Ex: probability of having brown eyes OR blue eyes
a cross between an individual whose genotype at one or more loci may be unknown and an individual who is homozygous recessive for the gene or genes in question