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64 Cards in this Set

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What are the 2 assumptions for the Hardy-Weinberg Law?
1) Constant allele frequencies over time

2) predictable genotype frequencies
Under H-W, a 2 allele system will have the predictable frequencies of:
p^2, 2pq, q^2
At H-W equilibrium...
...NO evolution occurs.

It meets the 2 assumptions for H-W:
1) Constant allele frequencies over time

2) predictable genotype frequencies
In the H-W model, the variables:

p and q

...represent which alleles?
p = f(A) = the dominant allele

q = f(a) = the recessive allele
H-W Model:

Frequency of heterozygotes in a randomly mating population is...
What are 3 important points to remember about the H-W model in terms of allele frequencies?
1) Allele frequencies exactly determine genotypic freq. in the next generation.

2) Allele freq. in the new generation (p' and q') are identical to those now (p and q)

3) With random mating, allele freq. will always be p and q, and genotype freq. will always be:
p^2, 2pq, and q^2.

Assuming random mating, the genotypic frequencies will always be:



Define the variable:

Observed frequency of heterozygotes in the sample

Define the variable:

Expected freq. of heterozygotes in sample.

Define the variable:

The genotypic frequency for homozygous recessives in a randomly mating population.

Define the variable:

The genotypic frequency for homozygous dominant in a randomly mating population

Define the variable:

The frequency of individuals that carry the recessive allele.

Define the variable:

The frequency of individuals that carry the dominant allele
If we assume H-W freq., what kind of test can we NOT do?

We cannot do a X^2 (chi-square) test.

We can only do the test when the number of heterozygotes (H_o) is *actually known*.

For entire populations, this is difficult.
The 5 assumptions for HW equilibrium are:
a - Random mating

b - Large population size (no genetic drift)

c - No mutation

d - No migration

e - No natural selection (no genotype is more pervasive than another)

Define the variable:

The expected frequency of heterozygous individuals, if mating were random.

Inbreeding Coefficient of an Individual

The probability that the individual carries alleles that are identical by descent.
Non-random mating occurs when mate choice is influenced by:

(2 factors)
1 - Phenotype

2 - Genetic relatedness
Non-Random mating:

What are the two types of mating based upon Phenotype?
1) Positive assortative mating

2) Negative assortative mating

Positive Assortative Mating
Mating with the same phenotype more often than if chosen randomly.

Negative Assortative Mating
Mating with the same phenotype less often than if chosen randomly.

(opposites attract)
Non-Random mating:

What are the two types of mating based upon Genotype?
1) Inbreeding

2) Outbreeding

Mating with relatives more often than if chosen randomly.

Mating with relative less often than if chosen randomly.
Non-random vs. H-W:

In Positive Assortative Mating there are more _____ and fewer _____ than under H-W.

Non-random vs. H-W:

Both negative assortative mating and outbreeding lead to fewer _____ and more _____ than under H-W.

Non-Random mating:

Name and define the variable:

Inbreeding coefficient

The probability (frequency) that two gene copies in an individual are identical by descent.

The concept of Identity by Descent
Quantifies the probability that 2 gene copies derive from the same parental chromosome from a past generation.
Pedigrees that begin with a half-sibling mating have what type of pathway?
1-loop pathway
Pedigrees that begin with a full-sibling mating have what type of pathway?
2-loop pathway

Two alleles that are identical by descent.

Two alleles that are NOT identical by descent.
Gene flow alters frequencies _____ populations.
Gene flow _____ genetic difference among populations.
Gene flow is also called:
The great homogenizer
Gene flow _____ speciation.
Speciation requires...

(i.e. it requires "this" before it can occur)
...genetic divergence.
The homogenizing effects of gene flow can be eliminated by...
...geographic isolation.
What are 3 reasons why gamete production and fertilization are subject to random sampling error.
1 - The number of parents is not infinite.

2 - The number of gametes per parent is not infinite.

3 - The number of zygotes in next generation is not infinite.
Sampling error of gametes results in...
...random changes in allele frequency over time.
3 major results of Genetic Drift.
1 - Changes due to genetic drift are random and can't be accurately predicted.

2 - Drift causes allele frequencies within a population to change over time.

3 - Drift causes populations to diverge genetically over time.
Explain how genetic drift "erodes" genetic variation over time.
- Some rare alleles are lost.

- Alleles eventually become fixed (q = 1) or lost (q = 0) in all populations of finite size.
Genetic Drift:

If an alleles frequency has become "fixed" then:

q = ?
q = 1

i.e. that is found in all individuals of the population.
Genetic Drift:

If an alleles frequency has become "lost" then:

q = ?
q = 0

i.e. that allele is not found in the population any more.
How is the magnitude of the sampling error and the number of trials related to one another?

What does this mean?
The magnitude of the sampling error is inversely related to the number of trials (2N).

This means as your number of trials gets larger, your sampling error will go down.
What is the equation for:

The probability of a new allele arising by mutation becoming fixed by genetic drift?

What does this equation say?
P(fixation) = 1/2N

That as N (your sample size) becomes larger, the probability that this allele will become fixed (i.e. the allele will be present in all individuals) goes down.
What is the equation for:

The probability of a new allele arising by mutation becoming lost by genetic drift?

What does this equation say?
P(loss) = 1 - (1/2N)

That as N (your sample size) becomes larger, the probability that this allele will become lost (i.e. it won't exist in any individuals of the population) goes up.
The Founder Effect:

What are 'founders'?

What does the Founder Effect result in?
Founders are only a sample of the source population.

Results in:
1 - Different allele frequencies in founder population

2 - Lower variation in founder population.
What are 2 special cases of Genetic Drift?
1 - The Bottleneck Effect

2 - The Founder Effect.
What is the Bottleneck Effect?

What does it result in? (2 things)
A population undergoes a drastic reduction in population size (N).
The organisms after this decrease are the sample population.

Bottleneck Effect results in:
- Changes in allele frequency.
- Loss of genetic variation.
What are 2 ways to restore lost variation from the bottleneck effect?
1 - Gene flow from other populations.

2 - Mutation (a very *slow* process)
What is another phrase for "Random Sampling Error of gametes"?
Genetic Drift
Reproduction in populations is a _____ event.

Genetic Drift
The random sampling error of gametes resulting in fluctuations in allelic frequencies from one generation to the next.

The progressive genetic "improvement" of populations by natural selection.
What are the 4 general points about natural selection?
1 - Natural Selection is an important evolutionary force, but not the only one. (many alleles are selectively "neutral").

2 - Natural Selection operates on phenotypes.

3 - Gene pools respond to Natural Selection if phenotypic differences have a genetic basis.

4 - Selection operates to better adapt populations to their environment.

Natural Selection
The differential reproduction and survival of genetically determined forms.
How does Natural Selection better adapt populations to their environment?
Natural Selection increases the frequency of adaptive genotypes.

The capacity to survive and reproduce, based on phenotypic differences among individuals.


Reproductive contribution of a genotype to future generations.

Absolute Fitness
(population genetics)

The average contribution of all individuals *with a particular genotype* to future gene pools

Avg % survival (x) avg. # offspring

Relative fitness
(population genetics)
Variable = w

(Absolute fitness) / (Absolute fitness of best genotype)

*The best genotype has (w = 1)

Selection coefficient (s)

What does it equal?
Measures the intensity of selection on a genotype.

s = 1 - w

*w = relative fitness
What are the 3 components of fitness?
1 - Viability (zygotic) selection

2 - Sexual selection

3 - Fertility selection
If there is *no* gene flow in a population, genetic drift will lead to...
...maximal population divergence

i.e. alleles will eventually become fixed or lost.