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46 Cards in this Set

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Incomplete dominance

Phenotype of the heterozygote falls between the phenotypes of both homozygotes

Each genotype has a specific phenotype

1:2:1 Genotypic ratio

1:2:1 Phenotypic ratio

Ex: Four O'Clock Plants (Red, Pink, White)


Phenotype of the heterozygote expresses the phenotypes of both homozygotes simultaneously

1:2:1 Genotypic ratio

1:2:1 Phenotypic ratio

Ex: Tay-Sachs at protein level; AB blood type

Multiple alleles

There are multiple alleles for one gene

Each human gamete would still only have 2 copies

Ex: Fur color in mice; IA, IB, i blood types


2 mutants cross to make a wild type

Mutations are on different genes and are not allelic

Complementation Test

Used to determine if two mutations are on the same gene or not

Cross 2 individuals with different recessive mutations

Recessive Lethal Alleles

If there are two copies of this allele, the result is lethality

Genotypic ratio: 1:2:1

Phenotypic ratio: 2:1 in live births (1 is lethal)


Single mutation causes multiple phenotypes

Ex: AY allele is dominant for coat color, but recessive for lethality

Dominant Lethal Alleles

If one of these alleles is present, it results in lethality

Kept in population by:

-late onset

-incomplete penetrance

Incomplete Penetrance

Failure to express the phenotype that is normally expressed with a genotype

Variable Expressivity

Has a wider range of expression of a phenotype

Ex: Eyes in flies: red, dark, all shades between; Rickets (Vitamin D deficiency-intolerance)

Complementary Gene Action

A dominant allele for 2 different genes must be present to make a specific phenotype

9:7 ratio

Duplicate Gene Action

2 genes are involved in producing a phenotype with both genes appearing equivalent

Needs a dominant allele at either A or B

15:1 ratio


Phenotype of one gene masks the phenotype of another gene

Recessive Epistasis: 9:3:4 ratio [albino masking color]

Dominant Epistasis: 12:3:1 ratio [A- -- = white, aaB- = yellow, aabb = green]


A gene that pushes the mutant phenotype toward the wild-type phenotype

Suppressor can be dominant or recessive

Can suppress dominant or recessive MUTANT genes


Heritable modification of gene function without a change in the DNA sequence

Ex: X chromosome inactivation

Complete Linkage

Genes are so close together on a chromosome that they can not have a crossover between them because of:

-Not enough space between them

-Characteristics in the DNA in space between them don't allow recombination

No Linkage

Genes that are:

-On different chromosomes


-More than 50 m.u. apart on the same chromosome

These genes segregate independently


Linear relationship of genes on a chromosome

Doesn't follow Law of Independent Assortment


Parental type- There were not any cross overs occur

2 largest categories


There was one crossover between the three points

4 middle categories

Importance of Creighton and McClintock's Maize Experiment

Cytogeneticists visually saw the chromosomes crossing over

Also, it demonstrated that crossovers could happen anywhere on the chromosome, not just between two genes

Map Units

How do you calculate?

Relative distance between genes on a chromosome

=cMorgans=% recombination

You find the percent recombination

Three-Point Testcrosses

How to calculate a linkage map

1. Determine gene order

-Compare largest to smallest, see which one changes

2. Find distances between the genes

Measured Map Distances

Actual Map Distances

Measured= value obtained by finding % recombination between 2 genes that are far apart

Actual= value obtained by adding up smaller map distances

Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism

Nucleotide change that results in the elimination or creation of a restriction enzyme site

Advantage: There are A LOT of these, so its more precise to find small, accurate recombination distance between genes and a RFLP

Heteroduplex DNA

Double-stranded DNA where 2 of the strands are not completely complementary

Forms a bulge, which is recognized and one of these strands is fixed


Pedigree Analysis

Seeing if organisms have the same combination of traits consistently

Types of Chromosome Breaks

How they repair or not

Potential Problems with Repair

Single Break in a Chromosome

Two Breaks in one Chromosome

Two Breaks in Nonhomologous Chromosomes

Single Breaks

Can go through restitution and be repaired

Can stay broken: 1 centric, 1 acentric; 2 centric chromosomes combine to make a dicentric chromosome, which pulls apart to make a deletion or duplication usually

Two Breaks in the Chromosome

Can go through restitution and be repaired

Can go through inversion- no bad problems

Can end in a chromosome with a deletion with an acentric fragment

Two Breaks in Nonhomologous Chromosomes

Can be reciprocal translocation- 2 nonhomologous chromosomes exchange pieces

Can be nonreciprocal translocation- 2 nonhom. chromosomes lose a piece, 1 gets the others, 1 acentric fragment is lost

Basic Notation for Chromosome Complement

46,XX - normal human girl

47,XXY - Klinefelter's

45,X - Turner's

47,XX,+21 - Down syndrome

46,XX,21q22ter+ - long arm of chrom. 22 moved to terminus of 21


Associated Problems

Loss of chromosomal material

Forms a deletion loop at Prophase I

Can lead to pseudodominance

Results in genetic imbalance


Only one allele determines the phenotype of an organism, even if the allele is normally recessive

Genetic Imbalance

Unnatural ratio of gene expression from an extra or missing gene

Cri Du Chat Syndrome

What is the chromosomal problem?

Large scale deletion in Chromosome 5 (5p-)

Monosomy is lethal in humans except for in sex chromosomes


Associated Problems

2 breaks in 1 chromosome; segment flips and reattaches

Pericentric- inversion includes centromere

Paracentric- inversion doesnt include centromere

Suppression of Recombination and Gamete Formation

Suppression of Recombination:

1. Real suppression- corners are not close enough to synapse and cross over

2. Apparent suppression- recombination occurs but occurs in nonviable gametes

Properties of Inversions

Inversions can inactivate an allele by placing it in a heterochromatin region

Both para- and peri- result in 1 normal nonrecombinant chromosome, 1 viable recombinant chromosome, and 2 nonviable chromosomes

Evolutionary Consequences of Inversions

Can change linkage groups


Associated Problems

Gamete Formation

Alternate segregation- normal/reciprocal translocation- each gamete has all genes

Adjacent segregation- results in nonviable gametes

Robertsonian chromosome- centromeres fuse together OR acentric chromosome fuses with a centromere


Associated Problems

Can be caused by an unequal crossover

Genes with similar codes can get mixed up and cross over where its not lined up point-by-point

Ex: Fragile X syndrome; Red-green colorblindness; Bar eye

Dynamic Mutations

Fragile X Syndrome

There is a change in the chance of an organism inheriting a trait from generation to generation [due to repetition]

Fragile X syndrome

Tend to be neurodegenerativve

Variations in Chromosome Number


Aneuploids-Have varied number of a single chromosome (nullisomic, monosomic, trisomic, tetrasomic)

Euploids-Have varied number of sets of chromosomes (haploid, diploid, triploid, tetraploid)

1 Trisomy 21

2 Familial Down Syndrome

3 Edwards Syndrome

4 Patau Syndrome

5 Turner Syndrome


7 Klinefelter Syndrome


1 3 copies of Chromosome 21

2 Translocation of part of Chrom. 21 to 14

3 3 copies of Chromosome 18

4 3 copies of Chromosome 13

5 X0

6 Extra Y- age 35, extra Y degenerates


8 Extra X inactivation



Auto- all chromosomes come from the same species

Allo- chromosomes are result of hybridization of 2 separate species