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81 Cards in this Set

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Template Strand

original strand before replication

new strand that is formed withe template to form a double helix

Daughter Strand

splits the original double strand of DNA

Replication fork


Origin of chromisomal replication

AT-RICH region and DnaA Box initiate DNA REPLICATION

initiated by DnaA Proteins binding to DnaA Box to form a large complex

separates DNA in both directions from the 5' to 3' direction creating 2 replication forks, breaks hydrogen bonds

DNA Helicase

alleviates positive supercoiling

DNA Gyrase

enzymes that catalyze the attachment of nucleotides to synthesize a new DNA strand

DNA Polymerase

responsible for most DNA replication, catalyzes the phosphodiester bond formation between adjacent nucleotide


removes RNA primers and fills the resulting gap, Uses 5' to 3' exonuclease activity to digest the RNA and replace it, unable to form the last phosphodiester bond

Pol I

the last 2 phosphates that are released from the incoming nucleotide


synthesizes short RNA primers that start DNA synthesis and are removed by Pol I

DNA Primase

start DNA synthesis

RNA primer

maintains Pol III on the parent strand, forms a clamp around the DNA

B subunit

Direction of replication

5' to 3'

one RNA primer is made at the origin, Pol III attaches nucleotides In a 5' to 3' direction towards the opening of the replication fork

leading strand

5' to 3' away from replication fork, many RNA primers needed, makes okazaki fragments

lagging strand

Pol III uses the RNA primers to synthesize small DNA FRAGMENTS

Okazaki fragments

catalyzes the formation of a phosphodiester bond connecting the DNA fragments

DNA Ligase

complex in where DNA Polymerase and all involved enzymes are connected


Role of GATC in timing

replicates when a methyladinine is attached to adenine

initiates DNA replication when added to adenine


3 main proofreading mechanisms

Instability of mismatched pairs

configuration of DNA Polymerase active site

proofreading function of DNA Polymerase

3' to 5' exonuclease activity

identifies a mismatched nucleotide and an enzyme uses a 3' to 5' to digest a newly made strand until the mismatch is fixed

caries solutes across plasma membrane, lipids brought, one allele gives susceptibility to type 2 diabetes. neanderthal gene


complex telomeric DNA sequences and bound proteins

3' overhang that is 12- 16 nucleotides long

without it, DNA would shorten after each replication


adds DNA sequences to the ends of telomeres and contains protein and RNA complex


if you have high functioning telomerase you have this

Imortalized cells

collection of organisms living in and on you


pharmaceutical effectiveness, vaccines

first chance metabolism

microbes can cause obesity or slim body shape mice

fecal transplant

prokaryotes reproduce this way by replicating and separating chromosome

Binary Fission

forms a contracting ring to separate both cells. builds new cell wall in bacteria


Cell Cycle

stages of eukaryotic cell division

Gap 1 - primary growth phase of the cell

Synthesis - DNA replication

Gap 2- organelles replicate, kineticore microtubules organize with centosome

two copies of a replicated chromosome


point on chromatids where spindle fibers attach during cell division


part of a chromosome that links sister chromatids


cell microtubule organization center, regulates cell division cycle


organization of the miotic spindle and in the completion of cytokinesis


kinetochore microtubules extend from the centromere

Mytotic spindle

attach to centromere to pull chromosomes part in mitosis

Kinetochore microtubules


replication in eukaryotes


prometaphase-centrioles capture chromosomes using microtubule filaments

metaphase - sister chromatid align along the metaphase plate

Anaphase - breaks part chromatid

telophase-nuclear envelope reforms

breaks chromatids become independent


contractile ring forms and contracts to divide the cell into 2


The process of forming gamete

half the amount of genetic material


developmental stage at which the embryonic genome sustains Cellular functions

Maternal-to-Zygote transition

first act of meiosis in which cell division occurs

second splits those in 2 so they have half the genes

Meiosis 1

meiosis 2

pairing of 2 homologous Chromosomes that occurs during meiosis occurs in prophase


a group of 4 haploid cells formed by meiosis divisor of one mother cell


formed between homologous sister chromatids

synaptonemal complex

2 sources of genetic variation

Mutations - change in genes or chromosomes

Gene Recombination- mixing of genes that result from meiosis and seal reproduction

occurs in the testes, diploma cell divides to produce 2 cells, one remains a spermatogonial cell, the other becomes a primary spermatocyte


Primary spermatocyte

goes through meiosis 1 and 2 to produce haploid sperm cells

the production of eggs, occurs in the ovaries early in development


Primary Oocyte

initiate meiosis I, but enter a dormant phase during prophase I and stay dormant till puberty

Secondary Oocyte

an Oocyte in which the first meiosis divisor is completed, the second meiosis division usually stops short of completion unless fertilization occurs

Polar bodies

haploid cell formed in oogenesis but usually cannot be fertilized like an egg. happens when cell divides unevenly

found on Chromosome 15, breaks down fatty acid byproducts, Tay Sachs Disease-causing deterioration of neuronal function at 6 months and death by age 4



causing deterioration of neuronal function at 6 months and death by age 4

proposed by hippocrates, traits aquire by parents are passed on


proposed that offspring grow Directly from gametes, people thought they saw a minature human in sperm


blending inheritance

traits of offspring are an average of both oarents

performed thousands of crosses using garden peas to study heredity


well defined traits

forms hybrids with one trait or the other

structure that allows it to be either cross fertilized or self fertilization

Advantage of pea plants

crossing 2 variants of the same characteristic

monohybrid cross

a plant that when self-fertilized, only produces offspring with the same traits

True breeding

fusion of male and female gametes produced by the same individual found in plants

self fertilization

the fusion of the male and female gametes from different individuals of the same species

cross fertilization

trait that shows up in a heterozygous gene like how tall showed over dwarf

Dominant traits

effects hidden in heterozygous genes like tall showing over dwarf

Recessive Traits

Law of Segregation

a pea plant contains 2 alleles for a given gene, one from each parent

2. When the two alleles are different like Tt, dominant trait is shown

grid that enables one to predict the outcome of simple genetic crosses

Punnett square

cross individual plants that differ in 2 characters

Dihybrid cross

of spring would show very little genetic variation from their parents, does not happen in nature.

Linked assortment

When 2 genes are on 2 different homologous pairs of chromosomes

independent assortment

traits not seen in P or F1 generation on Mendelssohn dihybrid crosses. nonparental reject linked assortment hypothesis.

nonparental traits

Law of independent assortment

During gamete formation, the segregation of any pair of hereditary traits is independent of the segregation of other pairs

diagram that shows the occurrence and appearance if phenotypes of a particular gene

Pedigree charts

Geneticists can identify the function of a gene by identifying an individual with a defective copy of the gene and observing how the phenotype is altered. defective copies of genes are this

Loss of function alleles

chart to show genetic disorders are inherited in a family. can find the probability of someone In their family will inherit the condition

Pedigree analysis

1. Two normal heterozygous individuals will have, on average, 25% of their offspring affected.

2. Two affected individuals will produce 100% affected offspring

recessive paternity of inheritance

An affected individual will have inherited the gene from at least one affected parent

Alternatively, the disease may have been the result of a new mutation that occurred during gamete formation

Dominant paternity of inheritance