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120 Cards in this Set

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Genetic Code
written in linear form, using ribonucleotide bases that compose mRNA molecules as letters
The sequence of RNA is derived from
complementary bases in the DNA
mRNA triple codons specifys
one amino acid
the code contains
start and stop signals to iniciate or terminate translation
serves as an intermediate in transferring genetic information from DNA to proteins
The triple code provides ____ to specity the _____
64 codones, 20 amino acids
The genetic code reads ___ at a time in a _____, Thus, the code is _____and _____.
three nucleotides
continous linear manner
Some aminoacids are specifed by more than one codon.
the genetic code is degenerate
They are only encoded by a single codon
tryptophan and methionine
predicts that hydrogen bonding between the codon and anticodon at the third position is subject to modified base-pairing
wobble hypothesis
genetic code shows order
aminoacids often share one or two middle bases in the triplets endoing them
Initial amino acid in prokaryotes
do not call for amino acids
To distinguist begging and middle
fmet and met
exceptions to the universal genetic code
some viruses overlapping genes
serves as intermediate molecule between DNA and proteins during transcription
Directs the synthesis of RNA using DNA template.
RNA polymerase
No ______ is required for initiation, and enzyme uses _____ instead of _____________
E.coli contains the subunits___,___,___, and ___
alpha 2, beta, and beta prime and sigma.
Transcription begins with _____ by ____ at a _____. The ___ ___ is responsible for promoter recognition.
template binding
RNA polimerase
alpha subunit recognizes ___ in prokaryotes.
is for binding in prokaryotes
Where does transcription begins
at the transcription start site. Where DNA is unwound to meke template strand accessible.
Causes transcription to terminate
hairpin formation in the RNA or rho termination factor.
Where does transcription occurs in eukaryotes
In eukaryotes is transcription coupled?
In eukaryotic transcription requires ____ remodeling
kinds of chromatin
what influences transcription regulation in eukaryotes
types of promoters
strong-polimerase will bind to promoter every 1-2 sec
weak-polimerase will bind to promoter ever 20 min
requires processing to produce mature mRNAs
eukaryotic mRNA
three forms of RNA
polimerase I,II,III
Are enhancer required for transcription
can be upstream or downstream of the gene
are required to help RNA polymerase II bind to promoter and initiate transcription
transcription factors
What are transcription factors?
is RNA editing only in eukaryotes?
is a addition of a 5' cap and a poly-A tail
heterogenous nuclear RNA (hnRNA)postranscriptionally
what is the cap for
to bind to small subunit of ribosome
poly A-tail
for endonucleases to destroy is a protective mechanism
In eukaryotes are introns expresed
no, only exons are expresed
how are introns removed
by splicing
where are exons joined together
in the mature mRNA
tRNA live ___ as well as ____. While mRNA lives ____
long, small
rRNA, small
big, 15 min in bac and couple hours in eukaryotes
is the biological polymerization of amino acids into polypeptide chain
process that requires amonoacids, mRNA, ribosomes, and tRNA
serves as adaptor molecules to adapt the triplet codons in mRNA to the correct amino acid
constist of ribosomal proteins and ribosomal RNAs and have a large subunit and small subunit
16s rRNA
small subunit of prokaryotes
provide important catalytic functions associated with translation, are moderately and tanemly repetitive
are 75-90 nucleotides and have a two dimentional structure like clover leaf
contain postransciptionally modified bases
has the anticodon that base-pairs with the codon in the mRNA
The corresponding amino acid is bound to the CCA sequence at ___ end of all ____
tRNA charged is ______ ____ ___. Uncharged is ____ ___ ____ ____.
carring amino acid
looking for amino acid
charges (activates) tRNAs with the apropiate amino acid
aminoacyl tRNA synthetase
steps to charge
1- amaminoacylsinthetase(a) binds to a specific aa
2- aasynthetase binds to a specific tRNA
3- tRNA gets charged
specificity is controlled by
T on left and D on right loops
three steps of translation
requires the small and lage ribosomal subunits, charged initiator tRNA, initiation factors and others
In bacteria the AUG start codon is preceded by_____, which base pairs with a region of the _____ of the _____.
shine-dalgarno sequence
16 s rRNA
30s small subunit
requires ribosomal subunits assembled with the mRNA to form the P site and A site
P and A stand for
the charged tRNA enters the ____ __, and peptidyl transferase ____ peptide bond formation between the ___ __ on the tRNA at the __ site and the growing peptide chain bound to the tRNA in P site.
A site
amino acid
uncharged tRNA moves to ____ and the tRNA bound to the peptide chain moves to ___
E site
P site
elongation steps
1-mRNA binds to small subunit
2-tRNA met binds to P site where AUG is
3-large subunit joins
4-now charged tRNA fills A site
5-Peptidyl transferase catalyses peptide bond
6- aa chain on A site moves or translocates to P site
7- A site is availabe to new charged tRNA
is signaled by a stop codons UAG
UAA, and UGA
release factors cleave the ____ ____ from the tRNA and ___ __ from the translation complex.
polipeptide chain
release it
mRNAs with several ribosomes translating at once
ribosomes are larger in
in eukaryotes translation is ____ and _____ separated.
requires more factors for initiation, translation and termination
one-gene: one-gene enzyme hypothesis. Nutritional mutations in mold neurospora caused the loss of an ____ ____ that catalyzes essential raction in wild -type organisms.
enzymatic activity
growth only when aa are provided
bcs not all proteins are enzymes and some proteins have more than one subunit hypothesis changed to
one-gene: one-polypeptide chain
genetic disease in which one aa change (single point mutation) in the protein affected the shape of the protein
sickle-cell anemia
the order of nucleotides in a gene correlates directly with the order of amino acids in the corresponding polypeptide
1 st structure- nonfunctional
2 nd " -nonfunctional
3 rd " -functional 3D
4th " - functional over one polypeptide chain acting together for one protein
crusial modifications for capability of the final protein product
posttranslationally modification
structure of alpha helix
secondary structure
Beta pleated sheet
group that confers specific chemical properties
R group
peptide bond forms by _____ ____
dehydration reaction
what groups are involved in forming peptide bond
carboxyl group and amino group
are involved in movement of molecules across membranes
transport proteins
example of transport protein
hemoglobin it transport oxygen
example of structural proteins
keratin and collagen
contractile proteins
actin and myosin
function in the immune system of vertebrates
regulate various types of chemical activity
hormones and receptors
bind to DNA in eukaryotic organisms
are largest group of proteins involved in catalysis
fold independently of the rest of protein into stable unique conformations. impart different functional capabilities
protein domain
proposed to encode protein domain
may be a kind of evolution to form unique gens in eukaryotes
exon shuffling
catabolite activating protein
secondary mechanism involved in repressing expression of the lac operon when glucose is present. it operates through an interaction between promoter (lac operon) and the CAP
CAP catabolite represion
If glucose is present _____ will not be further metabolized
promoter regions
CAP site
RNA polymerase site
If CAP is not attached transcription will not occur
false. still occurs but very inefficient. bcs polymerase has a difficult time to recognize and bind to promoter. alpha subunit will not closely bind to -10 for transcription to occur
CAP binds to ____
promoter cap site
CAP +cAMP forms a _____
cAdenosine MonoPhosphate form a complex
interferes with the formation of cAMP
glucose. it makes transcription occur inefficiently. CAP+cAMP cannot attach to DNA
In prokaryotes structural genes are ______ and specify the amino acid sequence in the polypeptide
sequence of DNA that interacts with a specific repressor protein to control transcription of structural genes
Induced system. genes are turned on when a specific substrate is present or off when not present
Lac operon
negative control
repressor protein has to be removed from DNA
Structural genes of lac operon
lacZ, lacY, and lacA plus a upstream regulatory region with an operator and a promoter
encodes B-galactose
lacZ. B-galactosidase converts disaccharide lactose to monosaccharides glucose and galactose
gene that specifies primary structure of permease
lacY. permease facilitates entry of lactose into bacterial cell
codes for the enzyme transacetylase
lacA. transacetylase is involved in removal of toxic by-products of lactose digestion from cell
regulatory genes of lac operon
repressor gene lacI, near structural genes will bind to the other regulatory gene
operator gere-segment of DNA interacts with repressor protein to control trancription of structural genes
Represor protein has 2 binding sites
and lactose
if no lactose in medium
the represor protein rp binds to operator. polymerase cannot get though. transcription cannot occur. lactose is not available to be metabolized
If lactose present
lactose to RP transcription proceeds
mutation of represor gene
RP will never bind to DNA transcription will not occur
if a mutation on operator gene
RP will not bind to DNA transcription will occur constantly
example of secondary positive control mechanism
catabolite repression
how can transcription be turned off
by the presence of RP