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23 Cards in this Set

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Capacitive vs. Ionic current

Capacitive - rapid redistribution of charge along the membrane due to local changes in voltage

(injection of current -> accumulated charges dissipate without ions flowing across the membrane)

Ionic - delayed flow of carriers of charge (ions)

Time constant

= time required to rise to ~63% of the total change in potential (speed of dissipation; usually 1-10 ms)

- determines how closely spaced sequential stimuli must be for their temporal summation

Length constant

= distance (in cm) at which ~37% of the original change in membrane potential still occurs (usually 0.1-1 mm)

λ = sqrt[r(m)/r(i)]

Speed of propagation

(speed) ~ 1/sqrt[r(m)*r(i)*C(m)]

r(m) ~ 1/d

r(i) ~1/d^2

C ~ d

-> as the axon diameter increases, the speed of propagation increases

Action potential

= rapid depolarization & subsequent repolarization of the membrane in response to membrane depolarization of sufficient magnitude (= threshold, C(Na) > C(K))

- depolarizing/rising phase (-> Eq(Na)) -> + = overshoot

- repolarizing -> hyperpolarizing phase

- back to RMP

Channel activation during an AP

- Depolarization ~> Na equilibrium potential

-> Na channels open & close w/ delay

-> delayed rectifier K channels open w/ delay

- Repolarization ~> K equilibrium potential

-> drK channels close

-> Na channels ready to open again

=> Afterhyperpolarization

Refractory period

= period of time in which another AP cannot be generated, or only w/ some difficulty; due to:

- Na channel inactivation

- high K channel activity

Absolute RP - <1ms after peak; cannot fire AP

Relative RP - afterwards; more current required

=> unidirectionality of AP

Voltage-gated ion channels

- 4-fold symmetry

- (ion) selectivity filter (by size & hydration E)

- S4 voltage sensors (depolarization -> activation)

- intracellular loops/AA clusters (inactivation)

- flow: up to 100M ions/sec

- inactivation: ball and chain model

VGCC (voltage-gated calcium channel)

T-type -> transient, Ca -> NT release

L-type -> long-lasting, in cell body

- contribute to "Ca shoulder" or "Ca plateau"

- often modulated by GPCR pwy's -> ↓ NT release

K channels

Delayer rectifier - closed @ RMP, open during depolarization

I(A)-producing channels - also respond to depolarization, but inactivate rapidly

- prolong the interspike interval

HCN channel

- hyperpolarization-activated -> pacemaking

- cyclic nucleotide-gated (cAMP)

- cation-selective -> I(H)


TTX (tetrodotoxin) - puffer fish (Fugu)

STX (saxitoxin) - shellfish

- bind w/ high affinity to external site of Na channel & block the pore

Conus toxins --| VGCC

TEA (tetraethylammonium) --| K channel


Procaine, Lidocaine --| Na channel

- use-dependent effect: more active w/ neural activity


Transected nerve endings

-> tangle of axons & swollen nerve endings

-> accumulation of VGNC

-> ↑ excitability

-> phantom pain


Seizures & epilepsy: VGNC, VGKC, VGCC, HCNC

AP initiation

Axon hillock/axon initial segment (AIS):

- accumulation of membrane proteins, lipids, cytoskeletal elements

--| diffusion b/w axon & soma

- high density of VGNC & VGKC

AP proagation

1-120 m/s

(speed) ~ 1/sqrt[r(m)*r(i)*C(m)]

- myelin (CNS: oligodendroc., PNS: Schwann c.)

-> ↓ C(m) => ↑ velocity

-> ↑r(m) => ↑ λ - less space required

Myelination in PNS

Schwann cells around axons:

- unmyelinated - multiple axons, 1 layer of SC

- myelinated - one axon, multiple SC wraps (150)

- uncovered regions in between (/1mm) = nodes of Ranvier: ↑[VGNC]&[VGKC] => AP regeneration

~ saltatory conduction (speed, E conservation)

Myelin development

CNS: little plasticity ~ parallels oligodendrocytes

PNS: depends upon axonal contact

- Axon d : myelin thickness (layer #) ~ constant

- Myelin control signal comes from axon:

Neuregulins = TM factors expressed in axons

Receptor (ErbB R trk) expressed on glial cells-> increases myelin thickness

Myelin composition

PM consistency, ↑ [cholesterol] & [PL]; proteins:

- MAG (myelin-associated glycoprotein) - early expression (1st wrap), Ig-like: initial axonal-glial recognition, adhesion & myelination initiation

- P(o) - PNS myelin structure -> compaction

- PLP (proteolipid protein) - P(o) CNS equivalent

- MBP (myelin basic protein) - cytosolic

Guillain-Barre syndrome

- Inflammatory damage to myelin

- PNS demyelination in motor neurons

Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

- Autoimmune

- Gaps/lesions in myelin in the CNS w/ oligodendrocytes absent, axons preserved

- plaques: accumulation of activated astrocytes, microglia, macrophages -> local gliosis

- blurring of vision, numbness, tingling, weakness, paralysis, gait disorders, incontinence

Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease

- neurogenetic: mutation in Cx32, gap jxns between different myelin layers

- peripheral motor & sensory neuropathy

- leg weakness, difficulty running, hand weakness, sensory loss