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17 Cards in this Set

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Characteristics of Early Vertebrates
-Early Vertebrates, most likely marine and jawless
-500+ Ma
-Tripartite brain
-skull and sense organs
-gills and respiration
-external armor
-Ostracoderms in hagfish and lampreys- extensive radiation about 400 mya
Characteristics of gnathostomes
-480 MA early Ordovician
-Placoderms- extinct
-Acanthodians –extinct
-Osteichthyans- bony fish
-Chondrichthyans- cartilaginous fish
What is some Vertebrate Fossil Evidence
-Cambrian ~540 Ma
-Haikouichthys- fish shaped body plan with distinct cranium and myomeres, no bone or mineralized scales, paired sensory structures

-Late Cambrian ~500Ma
-Conodonts- small with lots of elements that are spine and cone like, microstructures similar to dentine

-Ordovician ~480 Ma
-Ostracoderms- highly diverse
-First jawed fishes
Characteristics of Ostracoderms
-“shell skin” or bony armor
-more derived than extant agnathans
-10-15 cm length
-Movable mouth plates
-Small, soft-bodied prey
-Midline dorsal fin
Why did ostracoderms have bony armor/ what was it made from?
- hydorxyapatite, enamel and dentine found in the bony armor of ostracoderms
-Defense against predators
-Protective insulation to electroreceptors
-Phosphorus storage

Ostracoderms more closely related to gnathostomes, hag fish thought to be most primitive form and shares more characteristics with ancestral vertebrates.
-body concentration fluid same as environment in which they lived in primitive ostracoderms
What are some characteristics of Myxinoidea
-~40 species
-Deep-sea, cold-water scavengers
-smell their food
-Mucus glands, protein threads (tons of mucus)- protein thread will explode and can produce a lot of mucus, can deter predators will knot its body to take of mucus and sneezes to empty nasal passages
-No vertebrae
-Two horny plates in mouth, with long prehensile tongue

Slime eel products (another name for hagfish)
-eat hagfish (Korean ) also can become leather

-External gill openings, species vary can be 1-15, large blood sinuses and low blood pressure, have accessory hearts in liver and hearts which are not controlled by CNS- similar to amphixious and lampreys
-similar to vertebrates in several ways, many females few males. Eggs hatch into small hagfish no larval stage.
Characteristics of Petromyzontoidea
-~40 species
-Vertebrate structures
-Parasitic on other fish- tight attachment to host
-Oral hood, spines
-Nasohypophysial opening-duct allows for respiration ability
-Eye and pineal body- well developed, photoreceptive hole on top of head
-Heart innervated
-tidal ventilation
-Velum keeps water from flowing out respiratory tube and into the mouth
Characteristics of Lamprey Lifestyle
-Anadromous- spend most of adult of life in salt water ocean and span in fresh water and die when they spawn
-Ammocoetes (used to be genus name now is the larval name for the lamprey)
-3-7 years filter feeding
-Adult 1-2 years
-exotic introductions and expansions
-problem in northeast
Characteristics of Gnathostome Evolution
-Origins in Agnathan radiation
-Jaws and Teeth
-Paired fins
-Hydorfoils- gives fish thrust for propulsion
-Defense (spines)- control movement
-Heteroceral caudal fin
-colored fins and altered fins (spines)
-caudal fin used for quick propulsion
-Hox gene complex duplicated a second time
Characteristics of Teeth
-Bony fish, tetrapod teeth embedded
-Chondrichthyian teeth form in skin
-Amphibians with pleurodont teeth- teeth set in lingual part of jaw
-Many reptiles with acrodont teeth – teeth fused to jaw bone not always upright
-Archosaurian reptiles and mallas with thecodont teeth- set in tooth socket and held in place by periodontal ligaments
What are some gnathostome specializations?
-Jawed and hypobranchial muscles- innervated by spinal nerves- allow added suction for feeding
-Two distinct olfactory tracts leading to nostrils- different from jawless vertebrates
-Elongated cranium both anteriorily and posterior for more complex systems
-Complex Vertebrate- notochord by spinal column
-Ribs- allow for anchorite of muscle s- horizontal septum/lateral line separation
-Three semicircular canals- likely improve navigation, orientation in three dimensions
-Myelin sheath- new to nervous system, increase signals
-Conus arteriosus in heart, added chamber in ventricle smooth out pulsitive nature of blood through heart
Characteristics when vertebrates began moving towards jaws
-Vertebrate jaws from cartilage of neural crest- first two arches
-From mandibular arch
-In a very forward position
-Ancestral condition non modified brachial system- derived to agnathans and gnathostomes
-Spiracles- water intake in cartilaginous fishes
How did gills become jaws?
-Jawless and Jawed considered two separate evolutionary lineages
-Nonhomology in branchial arches
-Pouched vs. lensshaped gill openings
Characteristics of Mallatt reconciliation
-Gill anatomy similar between lamprey and sharks
-Pouched gills primitive
-Internal brachial arches lost in jawless fishes, external lost in jawed fishes
-Mandibular for ventilation
-higher metabolic respiration, brachial arches become more muscular water through pharynx, gnathosomes can such food and water in their mouths easier
What are the jawed fishes that radiate?
Four distinct clades
-Actinoptergians- most alive today
-Sarcopterygians- lobed fined fishes gave rise to tetrapod, extensive extinction events

Placoderms most perimive
Characteristics of the Placoderms
-Armored ‘plate skin’- ornamental in structure, jointed between head and trunk region
-Shield in head and trunk portions
-Mineralized perichondral bone in endoskeleton- unique to the bony fish
-pelvic fins, originated in different ways than other
-highest diversity in their time
-Benthic marine (deep sea dwelling marine organisms
-Lamprey-like structures have simple myomeres, have 7 muscles that move eye unlike others have 6, nerves lack sheaths, lack teeth instead have teeth plates, semidentine, pelvic appendages
-Pelvic appendages in some but is thought to be sexually dimorphic
Characteristics of the Acanthodians
-Stout spines
-Up to 6 pairs of ventrolateral fins
-Early Devonian diversity
-marine and freshwater became freshwater in Devonian
-Midwater dwellers
-Sister to Osteichthyes
-Resemble Chondrichthyans also
-have tooth whorls, produced from skin instead of dermal bone, resembled cartilaginous fish