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43 Cards in this Set

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The position of vertebrates in the animal kingdom
-Phylum Chordata
-The Deuterostome branch (with echinoderms and hemichordates)
4 mandatory traits of chordates
-Notochord: support structure
-Dorsal, hollow nerve cord
-Pharyngeal gill slits: not necessarily functional
-Postanal tail
Name the 3 subphyla of Chordata
Subphylum Urochordata
-Represented by the tunicates, aka sea squirts
-adults filter feed and squirt the filtered water out of an excurrent siphon
Subphylum Cephalochordata
-Notochord extends all the way up to the tip of the head, displacing the brain
-This is an adaptation for their lifestyle of burrowing into fine sediments head-first.
Subphylum Vertebrata
-"having vertebrae"
-The function of the notochord is generally replaced by a bony column made up of vertebrae (but still have a notochord at some point in their lives)
What is the problem of defining classes in Vertebrata?
-The jury is still out on how exactly to categorize the different groups, whether it is lumping, splitting, etc.
-We will be using a more classical approach
Origin of vertebrates
-Invertebrate ancestry (at least a close affinity genetically and anatomically speaking)
Deuterostomes vs. Protostomes
-Developmentally different
-Coeloms (internal cavities) develop differently
-Deuterostomes (literally “second mouth”): Anus develops from blastopore. Radial (even, symmetrical), indeterminate (you can’t tell what each cell is going to become) cleavage.
-Protostomes (literally “first mouth”): Mouth develops from blastopore. Spiral (uneven), determinate (you can tell what cell is going to become what) cleavage.
What are the two types of animal larvae?
-Protostomes: trochophore
-Deuterostomes: tornaria (hemichordates), bipinnaria (echinoderms)
-Except for vertebrates!! Vertebrates have something more “tadpole-like” in appearance
How did protostome groups compare to vertebrates?
-Arthropods (hey, this is a successful phylum! Maybe they are more closely related to vertebrates!)
-Morphological similarities between primitive jawless fishes and primitive arthropods (Limulus)
-But primitive arthropods have legs, and primitive jawless fishes don’t
-Vertebrate body plan similar to the upside-down body plan of an annelid
-Lots of problems that are tougher to reconcile if you flip it upside-down. Ventral brain? Dorsal mouth? I don’t think so.
What is the vertebrates' closest deuterostome relative, and why?
-Similar cleavage patterns, blastopore development, coelom formation, and larvae to hemichordates—support through DNA analyses
-More similarities between us and this deuterostome branch than protostome branch
-Common Deuterostome ancestor?
-Still trying to figure out what it might be, if it exists...
What is the idea of Tunicate larva and Paedogenesis?
-Paedogenesis: “acceleration of maturation.” Becoming sexually reproductive earlier than we had thought (even sometimes when showing juvenile characteristics).
-Maybe due to some mutation, genetic mistake, in which the larval stage becomes a sexually active organism, able to reproduce then and in essence never go to its adult stage.
-Idea: over time, sessile arm feeder loses arms and becomes filter feeder with free swimming larva, then larva becomes sexually active, which eventually leads to fish.
What were the two types of the first fish?
-Ostracoderms appear in Cambrian fossils
-Relatively large heads, primitive looking
-Class Agnatha or Ostracodermi
-Jawless, bony armor, many with bony endoskeleton
-Most inhabited freshwater
-Placoderms appear (and Ostracoderms disappear) in Devonian fossils
-Class Placodermi
-No living relatives, nothing alive today resembles them
-Jaws, paired fins, bony armor and endoskeleton
-Not directly ancestral to higher fishes
-May have given rise to cartilaginous fishes (no real solid fossil proof showing relationships just yet)
What were the first Chondrichthyes?
-Appeared in the late Devonian period (the same period as the Placoderms)
-Probably developed in freshwater! (Weird)
-Differed from modern sharks
-Terminal mouth at the tip of the snout, rather than on the underside of the head like modern sharks
-Pectoral fins broadly joined to the body. Fins very immobile, no twisting ability in the fins because they are attached to the body completely on the inner edge.
-No pelvic claspers for reproduction purposes
What are Skates & Rays, and what is the difference between them? When did they appear, and from what did they descend? How did the body shape come about?
-Subclass Elasmobranchii (same as sharks)
-Skates are different from rays mainly by the thickness of the tail (thicker tails on rays)
-Appeared in the Mesozoic
-Descended from primitive sharks (rather than the other way around)
-Odd body form is derived from the general shark body plan—an adaptation toward life on the sea floor.
What about the Chimaeras?
-Subclass Holocephali
-Appeared shortly after primitive sharks, but did not arise from them
-Not that closely related to either the sharks or the skates & rays.
-Slightly different lineage, possibly arose independently from placoderms...?
-Some people argue they shouldn’t even be in Chondrichthyes because of this.
What are the main groups of the first Osteichthyes?
-Arose in the late Silurian
-Probably from freshwater
-Followed two lines of development:
-Sarcopterygii: fleshy-finned (aka lobe-finned), lungfishes, crossopterygians, coelocanths, primitive amphibians, etc. Important origin to all other non-fish vertebrates.
-Actinopterygii: ray-finned, most other fish.
What are the Sarcopterygii?
-Lobe-finned fishes. Big wad of flesh at the base of the fin! Even has bony structure inside the fleshy part.
-Ancestral to first amphibians
-Tetrapod-like bones in lobe fins. Homologous to feet?
-Thought extinct until 1939—coelocanth found in fish market near Indian Ocean. Local fishermen had been catching them all the time!
-Lungfishes. Air bladder modified into “lung!”
-Peaked in Paleozoic, then declined
-3 living genera: Australia, Africa, South America
What are the Actinopteygii?
-Cartilaginous ganoids. Skeletal system starts off bony and becomes cartilaginous! Have hard, ganoid scales.
-Paddlefish and Sturgeons
-Became dominant during Paleozoic, then declined
-Bony ganoids. Still have hard, ganoid scales, but have internal bony skeleton.
-Gars and Bowfin
-Became dominant during the Mesozoic, then declined
-Higher bony fishes
-Common modern fishes
-Became dominant during Cenozoic, still dominant
What are the general details of amphibians?
-Arose from lobe-finned fishes
-Freshwater inhabitants
-Appeared in the Devonian period
-Cool adaptations:
-Strong limbs for movement out of water! Could prop themselves up and even emerge from the water.
-Lungs for breathing air
-Interim survival adaptations for continued existence in water rather than on land. This was a period of drying, in which living in inland waters was a dangerous thing! It wasn’t “so they could go on land.” It was so they could survive!
-Oldest group survived until Triassic
-Another extinct before Mesozoic
-Relationship to present day amphibians not clear
-Little known about present groups
-Anurans (frogs, toads) appeared in Triassic
-Others (salamanders, etc.) appeared in Cretaceous
What are the general details of reptiles?
-Appeared in Carboniferous period
-Branched quickly into two groups:
-Subclass Anapsida – “stem reptiles”- thecodonts - reptile/bird ancestors. This is the group that gave rise to the reptiles and birds we know today.
-Subclass Synapsida – “therapsids” – mammal ancestors.
-Dominant vertebrates by the end of the Paleozoic
-Turtles appeared at the end of the Paleozoic, haven’t really changed much in appearance.
-Turtles are the oldest living group of reptiles.
-We discovered that the duck-billed platypus is from around this time, too!
-By the Mesozoic, it was the “age of the reptiles,” because they were so dominant and had the greatest diversity and abundance.
-Lizards and snakes appeared in the Jurassic period
-Very distantly related to turtles
-Crocodilians descended from the Thecodonts
-Closest living relatives (true reptiles) of dinosaurs!!
-More closely related to birds than to other reptiles
What are the groups of dinosaurs?
-Two groups
-Saurischian – reptile like – bipedal carnivores
-The actual bird ancestors
-Ornithischian – bird like – herbivores
-Name based on the pelvic shape, but NOT the bird ancestors
-Most of them died by the end of the Cretaceous period (nooooes)
What are things that people often call dinosaurs, but are not dinosaurs?
-Plesiosaurs with snake-like neck and paddle-like limbs
-Part of the Therapsid group, so NOT a dinosaur.
-Marine, dolphin-like
-Membranous wings
-Wingspread > 25 feet
-NOT ANCESTRAL TO BIRDS! Didn’t come out of the thecodont group.
-Remember: if they’re not dinosaurs, they’re not birds—they are reptiles.
-Extinct by the end of the Cretaceous period
What are the general details of Birds?
-Appeared in the Jurassic (yay!)
-Descendents of the thecodont reptiles (fairly certain due to the improving fossil record)
-Archaeopteryx (literally “ancient-wing”)
-Feathers, wing shape like modern birds
-Reptilian teeth, claws, and tail (with vertebrae!)
-Definitely capable of gliding, maybe capable of flying
-Diversification during Tertiary
-Most modern genera were present by the end of the Pliocene (end of the Tertiary)
-Variation occurred very rapidly
What are the general details of mammals?
-Legs tucked under rather than off to the sides, which brings the body higher up off the ground
-Developed from therapsid reptiles
-Three major groups: Prototheria (Monotremes), Eutheria (Placentals), Metatheria (Marsupials)

-One group gave rise to present day marsupials and placentals
-Earliest mammals appeared in the late Triassic
-Marsupials: Early cretaceous
-Placentals: Slightly later
-Monotremes: There is no evidence of these before the mid-Tertiary, but the expectation is that they would be more primitive than others because they are egg-layers. Still, we have no evidence of that yet.
-Many modern genera by the Pliocene
-All modern species had developed by the Pleistocene
Describe the skeletal system's gill arches.
-main function in the Agnathans is to support the body around the pharyngeal gill slits in the most primitive fishes.
-Modified functions in others: Jaws, jaw support, parts of the skull.
-Tiny bones of the human inner ear have also apparently been derived from these gill arches!
Describe the skeletal system's vertebral column.
-Not present in Agnathans.
-Vertebral column present. Little skeletal differentiation amongst the higher fish, virtually identical from front to back.
-Modification/regional specialization of vertebrae in amphibians, birds, and mammals (because different vertebrae are serving different purposes!).
Describe the skeletal system's ribcage.
-Major protection and muscle attachment in higher vertebrates
Describe the skeletal system's sternum.
-First found in the amphibians
-Highly developed and modified in birds
Describe the skeletal system's skull.
-Cartilaginous in Agnatha, Condrichthyes. Don’t really look like skulls... creepy. Relatively simple, light in weight, and not very protective.
-Bony in the higher fish
-Greater fusion in reptiles and other higher forms. The trend is definitely toward fusion and armoring of the bones in the skull.
Describe the skeletal system's girdles.
- the pectoral girdle is attached to the skull in the fishes, and the pelvic girdle is free (both act as fin supports).
-the pectoral girdle is free in tetrapods, and the pelvic girdle is attached to the vertebrae in the rear of the organism.
Describe the skeletal system's appendages.
-Fish fins used for balance and steering, not really support.
-Amhibians and reptiles have laterally held legs for support and a little locomotion.
-Birds and mammals have ventral legs for support and locomotion.
Describe the muscular system.
-Fish muscles mostly axial myomeres to power body undulations via contractions.
-Limb muscles small (for fin steering)
-Tetrapod limb muscles are massive for both support and non-undulatory locomotion.
-Axial muscles are more reduced and specialized (for example, we don’t need the muscles in our trunk for movement much).
Describe the integumentary system.
-From fish on up, there is a general thickening, layering, and moisture-proofing of dead cells at the surface.
-Fish don’t really need moisture-proofing for keeping water in
-Also more gland development, hair/fur/feather follicles, etc. More complication goes on in the integumentary surfaces as you travel up the groups.
-The major trend is toward protection against drying and abrasion. Higher animals have mechanisms for constantly replacing cells (very obvious in reptiles and birds which shed old skin/molt).
Describe the digestive system.
-Remarkably similar in all vertebrates!
Describe the respiratory system.
-Switch from gills to lungs
-Bony fishes have swim bladders homologous to lungs
-Generally function in buoyancy, not gas exchange
-Trend: after the switch from gills to lungs, there is a gradual increase in lung internal surface area and efficiency from amphibians upward.
Describe the circulatory system.
-Fish have a single-loop circulatory system
-Amphibians and higher groups have a double-loop circulation
-One loop is systemic, the other is pulmonary
-Fish have a 2-chambered heart
-Lungfish have added features to the circulatory system
-Amphibians have a 2- or 3-chambered heart
-Partial septum separates oxygenated from deoxygenated blood in ventricle
-Most reptiles have 3-chambered hearts (with a partial septum as well)
-Crocodilians have 4-chambered hearts with a full septum
-Birds and mammals have 4-chambered hearts with a full septum as well
Describe the excretory/osmoregulatory system.
-Aquatic vertebrates: gills = the chief organs of excretion/osmoregulation.
-Kidneys first evolved as osmoregulatory organs in fishes to remove water (freshwater) or conserve water (marine).
-Freshwater fish pee a lot and it’s very dilute
-Marine fish hardly ever pee and it’s very concentrated
-Sharks are able to match body concentrations in different environments by retaining or releasing urea
-Terrestrial animals: get rid of stuff we don’t need by excretion in feces, urine, respiration, heat, etc.
-The losses are equal to the gains!
What are the three levels of kidney development?
-Stages are based upon how much a given vertebrate needs its kidney to do.
-Pronephros: simplest (embryonic fish, early amphibians)
-Mesonephros: intermediate (some adult fish and all amphibians, embryonic reptiles, embryonic birds, embryonic mammals)
-Metanephros: more complicated (adult reptiles, mammals, and birds)
Describe the reproductive system.
-Little difference between female systems
-Male differences are closely associated with kidney differences (ducts from kidneys for sperm transport, separate ducts develop in some)
Describe the nervous/sensory system.
-Increased complexity of whole system, brain to cope with adaptations of other body systems for life on land.
-Balance, movement, and stimuli are big players in the brain
-Most changes in the cerebrum (especially the cortex)
-Primarily the olfactory in Agnathans
-Some olfaction, integration of complex behaviors in sharks and amphibians
-The memory and higher learning regions are in the cortex of reptiles and higher.
In energetics, what is the difference between ectothermy and endothermy?
-Ectotherms: body temperature determined solely by the environment
-Fishes, amphibians, reptiles
-Body temperature fluctuates with environment
-Can use behavior to keep temperatures within optimal range (if available)—retreating into caves, basking on rocks, etc.
-Endotherms: regulate body temperature internally
-Birds and mammals (also the dinosaurs, more than likely!)
-Most birds: 40-42 degrees C
-Mammals: 36-38 degrees C
-Balance between heat production and loss
-Changes in insulation
-Counter-current heat exchange systems, adaptive hypothermia