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93 Cards in this Set

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crushing pain with swallowing, harder to swallow liquids than solids, uncoordinated contraction- work up?
1. barium swallow
def dx. manometry
(motility problems)
Tx- repeated dilations or surgical myotomy for achalasia
esophageal cancer:
h/o smoking and etoh
(high incidence in blacks)
esophageal cancer:
h/o chronic GERD
esophageal cancer workup
barium swallow
endoscopy and bx
CT to see if operable
prolonged, forceful vomiting with bright red blood
photocoag with laser
prolonged, forceful vomiting with sudden onset epigastric and low stern pain, fever, leukocytosis
contrast swallow (gastrografin first, barium if negative)
-ER surgical repair
long standing GERD sx
endoscopy and bx
surgical procedure for GERD
if dysplasia--> resection
all others --> laproscopic Nissen fundoplication
what type of stomach ca is more common in the elderly?
gastric adenocarcinoma
- anorexia, wt. loss, epigastric distress or early satiety.
which stomach ca can be reversed if you get rid of H.pylori
lymphoma (maltoma)
colicky abd pain,
protracted vomiting, progressive abd distention, no gas or BM
x-ray :: distended loops of small bowel with air fluid levels
tx: NPO, NG suction, IVF
small bowel ob with fever, leukocytosis, constant pain...
strangulated ob- compromised blood supply
tx= ER surgery
small bowel ob sx + irreducible hernia that used to be reducible.
incarcerated hernia
diarrhea, flushing, wheezing, Rheart damage (JVD)
carcinoid syndrome: seen in pts with small bowel carcinoid tumor with liver mets
w/u for carcinoid syndrome
24hr urine collection, look for 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid.
1. anorexia
2. periublical pain
3. sharp, severe constant pain that localizes to RLQ
4. fever, leukocytois
-ER apendectomy
sx: anemia
often inelederly
stools with 4+ blood
mostly likely ca of right colon
dx: colonoscopy and bx
tx: right hemicolectomy and transfusions
sx: bloody BM, constipation
mostly likely ca of left colon

flexible proctosigmoidoscopic exam and bx
if large ca--> preop chemo rad
when is surgery an option for ulcerative colitis?
severe, >20 yrs, medical management not helpful. surgery removes all of affected colon, rectal mucosa too.
profuse water diarrhea, crampy abd pain, fever, leukocytosis after abx
--> Pseduomembranous colitis from C. diff
dx: C. diff toxin assay
tx: d/c abx, metronidazole or Vanc
sx: usually young F w/ pain on defecation + blood streaks on stool, start to avoid BM = constipation
anal fissure
tx: relax sphincter by giving stool softners, topical nitroglycerin, local Botulin toxin, forceful dilatation, lateral internal sphincterotomy.
tx of ischiorectal abscess
-caution if diabetic?
-other complications?
- diabetic may get necrotizing infection
-fistula in ano
fecal soiling and perineal discomfort after I&D of rectal abscess
fistual in ano
-epithelial migration form anal crypts to skin= cordlike tracts, d/c
SSC of anus:
mass out of anus and mets to inguianl nodes
dx? and tx?
HIV +, homosexuals
dx: bx
tx: nigro chemoradiation protocol
tests for GI bleeding:
vomit blood
upper gi endoscopy
-look at naso and oropharynx first
tests for GI bleeding:
upper gi endoscopy
tests for GI bleeding:
red blood from rectum
pass NG tube and aspirate gi contents
results for NG tube aspiration:
-no blood, fluid is white (no bile)
- nose to pylorus clear, but duodenum may be source
--> UGIE
results for NG tube aspiration:
no blood and fluid is gren (blood tinged)
exclude entire upper gi
upper gi landmarks
tip of nose to ligament of treitz
h/o recent rectal bleeding but not actively bleeding now
UGIE if young
if old do UGIE and LGIE
bloody rectum in a kid
meckel's so do technetium scan looking for ectopic gastric mucosia
Sx:sudden onset, constant generalized abd pain.
Pe: tenderness, gaurding, rebound, -bs
dx: abd x-ray: free air under diaphragm
sudden colicky abd pain, constant movement
abd obsruction
severe abd pain + blood in gut lumen
ischemic process
ascites + mild generalized acute abd pain
primary peritonitis:
- cx of ascitic fluid
- tx is abx not surgery
DDx for generalized acute abdomen
-primary peritonitis --> exploratory laparotomy
-MI --> ecg
- LL PNA -->cxr
- pancreatitis --> amylase
-urinary stones --> abd xray
sx: rapid onset of epigastric pain radiating to back, n/v/ retching.
pe: ttp in upper quads

w/u? and tx?
dx: serum or urinary amylase or lipase
ct if not clear
tx NPO NG suction IVF
-colicky flank pain radiating to inner thigh and scrotum/labia
-inc urinary urgency and freq
plain x ray may show stones
acute onset LLQ pain, fever, leukocytosis
w/u? tx?
ct to confirm acute diverticulitis
NPO, IVF, abs
surgery if 2 or more attacs
severe abd distention in elderly
volvulus of sigmoid
dx with xray= air-fluid levels, parrots beak
tx: proctosifmoidoscopic exam
if recurrent resection
serum marker for hepatocellular carcinoma
a/w- cirrhosis, and hepc
alph fetoprotein

CEA marks metastic tumors from the colon
tx of mets to liver
resection if on one lobe or radioablation
liver tumor a/w OCP's
heaptic adenoma
dx with CT
tx er surg
tender liver, fever, high wbc's
h/o acute ascending cholangitis
-pyogenic liver abscess

dx: sonogram or CT
tx: percutaneous draiange
+ elevated unconjugated bili
hemolytic jaundice
+ high direct and indirect bili,
high high liver transaminases, high alk phos
hepatocellualr jaundice
- hepatitis
+ high direct and indirect bili,
high liver transaminases, very high alk phos
obstructive jaundice
dx- sonogram
pres: obsese, fertile, 40F withhigh alk phos, dilated ducts on sonogram and nondilated gB full of stones
ERCP, sphincterotomy and choleystectomy
location of tumors causing jaundice:
-head of panc or ampulla of Vater
steps of w/u in biliary tumors
1. u/s (dilated inrahepatic ducts, distended thin-walled gb)
2. ct
3. percutaneous bx
5. brushings of cbd for cytology
tx- whipple's (pancreatoduodenectomy)
which has better prognosis, ampullary cancer or CBD cancer or pancreatic cancer
ampullary and CBD
pancreatic is worst
location of biliary colic?
sx?, dx? tx?
cystic duct (gallstones)
sx: colicky pain in RUQ, radiating to the R shoulder, 10-30 min
worse with fatty food, n/v
dx; U/s
tx: cholecystectomy
location of cholecystitis?
cystic duct
dx:u/s: gallstones, thick waled gb, pericholecystic fluid
tx: NPO, NG suction, IVF, abx
if pts do not respond to initial tx of cholecystitis, what next?
er cholecystectomy (common in diabetics),
er percutaneous transhepatic cholecystostomy if very sick
location of cholangitis?
dx: high bilis, high alk phos, really high wbc's
tx: ax, er decompression of CBD by ERCP (PTC also)
location of biliary pancreatitis?
ampulla, temporarily obstructing both panc and biliary ducts
dx: sonogram
tx conservative (NPO, ng tube, ivf) later elective cholecystectomy
epigastric pain
+ high WBC, high glucose, low Ca2+, Hct drops, BUN incr, and metab acidosis
acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis
-do serial CT's, may need to drain
pancreatic pseudocyst (5wks post pancreatitis or trauma)
dx w/ CT or U/s
tx: drain
young F, teens, twenties
-firm rubbery breast mass, moves easily w/ palpation
dx fibroadenoma w/ u/s or FNA
tx of giant juvenile fibroadenomas
cystosarcoma phyloodes
fibrocystic disease
usually w/ menses
aspirate: if clear: no big deal, come and go
if bloody, send to cytology, if mass persists or recurs after aspiration then bx
bloody nipple d/c
intraductal papilloma
-mammogram or galactogram
most common breast ca
invasive ductal carcinoma
-worst and most invasive
tx for ductal ca in situ
-simple mastectomy for multicentric lesions
-lumpectomy + radiation if lesion just in one quarter of breast
female who recently recovered from breast ca now has persistent HA and back pain
likely mets (brain or bone)
CT brain, bone scan and xray
-give steroids and radiation
which type of breast ca is often bilateral
which type of breast ca has the best prognosis?
inflammatory worst
orange peel skin of breast, painful
inflammatory breast ca
-do mammogram and mult core bx
eczematous patches on nipple, pigment changes.
mucin filled cell in epidermis
paget's dz
bloody or serous nipple d/c
intraductal papilloma
-do a mammogram
leaf like projections of large bulky breast mass
phyllodes tumor
thyroid nodule:
if cancerous, would pt have hypo or hyperthyroid?
usually hypothyroid
w/u for cushing's
low dose dexamethasone suppression test:
-if sup at low doseage= neg
-if high cortisol, try high dose
-sup at high does =pit microadenoma
-no supp= adrenal adenoma
PUD sx hypersecretion of acid
a/w MEN
dx: gastrin and glucagon levels, CT of pancrease
tx. removal and PPI
migratory necrolytic dermatitis, diabetes, anemia, glossitis, stomatitis.
labs- glucagon levels
ct- glucagonoma
tx with tumor resection, somatostatin and streptozocin if metastatic and inoperable.
HTN + hypokalemia
primary hyperaldoseronism
-renin low
-check response ot postural changes
tx- aldatone
HTN + HA, perspiration, palpitations, pallor
pheochromocytoma (chromaffin cell of adrenal medulla tumor tahat secretes NE and E and DA)
dx: 24h urine= VMA or metanephrine
CT scal of adrenals
tx: surgery with alpha blockers: phenoxybenzamine)
heart abnormality a/w HTN
coarctation of aorta
HTN + fibromuscular dysplasia in young women
renovascular HTN
dx with doppler of ranl vessels and ateriogram
tx: balloon dilatation and stenting
pt has severe constatn retrosternal pain after UGIE, has ferver and sweats and subq emphysema at base of nec
dx, tx?
gastrografin swallow
then er surgical repair
which types of colonic polyps are benign?
juvenile, peutz-jeghers, inflam, hyperplastic
the more villous the poly, the more______
-villous adenoma
polyps and their potential for malignant conversion
familial adenomatous polyposis
-gardner, turcot
-villous adneoma
-adneomatous polyp
h/o ulcerative colitis, now very sick with abd pain
likely toxic megacolon, ER surg
which type of hemorrhoids bleed but do not hurt?
-external really hurt but not blood
tx- need to rule out malignancy
so do proctosidmoidoscopy examination (rectal, anoscopy)
excruiating abd pain, then 40 min later, cannot move, abd is rigid, xray shows free air under diaphragm
-perforated duodenal ulcer
tx= er exploratory lapartomy
liver abscess that results in bloody diarrhea, very common in MX
entamoeba histolytica
tx- metronidizole, send serology but it takes forever, no cx
dx test for alcoholic w/ constant chronic epigastric pain that radiates to the back, w/ dm, statorrhea, and calicifation in the upper abd on xray
ERCP-- likely chronic pancreatitis
-stop etoh
-replace panc enysmes
tx for breast ca in post menopausal pt that has +receptors
anastrozole instead of chemo
thyroid nodule w/u?
-if fna malignant or unk
--> thyroidectomy
hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia
sestamibi scan
(likely pit adenoma)