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34 Cards in this Set

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relatively permanent change in behavior that results from experience not maturation
relatively permanent change in behavior that results from experience not maturation
unfolding of biologically triggered events
study animals in a laboratory
Black Box or Stimulus Response Approach
-cant know a humans thoughts
-study behaviors and responses
Pros of Studying Animal Behavior
-Highly controlled setting
-more flexable than humans
-make generalizations from animals to humans
-Learned Helplessness
-there is no association between behavior and a positive outcome
Cons of Studying Animal Behavior
-cant completely generalize animal behavior in a lab to animal behavior in the wild
-cant generalize from animals to humans
-ethical considerations
2 Types of Learning Theory
-Classical conditioning
-operant conditioning (or instrumental)
-classical conditioning
-learning that occurs from paired association
Ivan Pavlov
-discovered CC
-russian physiologist
-bell rings, dogs salivate
John Watson
-father of American behaviorism (1920s)
-CC a fear response in a human
Stimulus Generalization
learn a response to 1 stimuli, but applyt aht response to other similar stimuli
Stimulus Discrimination
-opposite of generalization
-learn a response but do not apply it to other stimuli
Stimulus Extinction
-process by which we undo the conditioning
-present the CS without the US
-original learning is never completely forgotten
Spontaneous Recovery
-after extinction, the CS can again elicit the return of the CR, but the response in weakened.
-we cna agin enter the CS and US to relearn the CR in a shorter period of time
Taste Aversion
-Single trial learning
-takes one pairing of the NS and US to learn the association
-operant conditioning
-learning that occurs when a consequence follows a behavior
-shape or change behavior
3 Differences between CC and OC
cc-animal is passive(dont have to do anything for US
oc-animal is active

cc-response is elicited(reflex actions)
oc-response is emitted

cc-automatic or reflex action
oc-voluntary actions
Operant =
B.F. Skinner
-developed Skinner box
-rats press lever for food reward
-in class
-animal is trained to make the operand(rat pressed lever)
-reward closer and closer approximations to the desired behavior
OC Applied to Humans
-school settings(token economy)
-behavior modifications(habit control)
OC Generalization
-subject learns to perform a response to other similar stimuli
-reward a child for studying math, child studies english for no reward
OC Discrimination
-train an animal to not respond to other stimuli
-red light not green light
OC extinction
undo the conditioning(no longer give reward)
3 Ways to Influence Response in OC
-positive reinforcement
-negative reinforcement
Positive Reinforcement
event that occurs after a behavior that increses the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated in the future
Negative Reinforcement
taking away a noxious stimlus following a behavior, incresing the likelihood of that behavior occuring in the future
consequence that decreases the likelihood of a behavior being repeated
2 Types of Reinforcement
Continuous Reinforcement
everytime a person does the response, they get a reward
Partial Reinforcement
recieve a reward only sometimes that the response occurs
4 Types of Partial Reinforcement
-Fixed Ratio(FR)fixed # of responses
-Variable Ratio(VR)varied # of responses
-Fixed Interval(FI)fixed # of time
-Variable Interval(VI)unpredictable period of time