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54 Cards in this Set

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Policy and Procedure Accountability


1. All personnel familiar with policies
2. Managers ensure employees briefed on new policies
3. Violations of GO will be disciplined according to MOU

Do all accidents resulting in injury or property damage involving on-duty employees or OCFA property have to be reported?



Alcoholic beverage and illegal drug prohibition


1. Alcohol and illegal drugs are never permitted on OCFA property
2. Can never be under influence on OCFA property, on-duty, or operating vehicles

What is required to use emergency apparatus for a public function?


1. BC approval
2. Use relief or OOS when possible
3. In-service must be secure and ready
4. Remain in 1st due
5. Discouraged from parking at social functions due to negative image

Toll Roads Policy


1. Official business only
2. OCFA vehicles
3. FASTRAK roads only

Can OCFA require an employee to not engage in outside employment or teaching?


Yes. If it would interfere with their job performance or create conflict of interest

Can OCFA time or property be used for outside employment or personal gain?



What are examples of conflict of interest?


1. Use of property or badge for personal gain
2. Use of prestige or influence
3. Representing or assisting in private interest for profit in a matter in front of County board or in court against OCFA.

Can money or gifts be accepted for performing normal on-duty duties?


No. Except from OCFA

Can employees solicit future employment with a business doing business with OCFA?


Only if that employee has no control or influence at time of transaction

Use of CAD


1. For official business only
2. No messages for personal gain, obscene, harassing , etc.
3. CAD inquiries about incidents limited to need to know basis only

How many days of fuel receipts are kept in binder in unit?


1. 90 days
2. Kept in glove box
3. Self serve fuel only (87 octane)

What is done with fuel receipts after 90 days?


1. Kept on file in station with statements attached
2. Discarded at Captain's discretion

How often are fuel receipts reconciled?


1. Monthly
2. Notify fuel systems manager of discrepancies

What is done with receipts for loaner cards?


Submitted to Fuel Systems Manager every Friday

Workplace violence


Zero Tolerance

Is Authority property subject to entry without notice?


1. Yes. Even if secured with employee-owned padlock.
2. Personal property kept on property at own risk

Will personal letters addressed to employees at OCFA be opened?


Not on purpose. Will not be opened if marked "personal" conspicuously

Explorer Program


1. Authorized on OCFA property
2. Authorizes ride along program and limited participation on incidents as outlined in Explorer Handbook

Where are uniform ribbons worn?


1. Order of precedence (importance) established
2. Worn right to left in order of precedence
3. No more than 3 in a row
4. Top row centered over bottom row
5. Bottom row 1/8" over right breast pocket

What uniforms can service ribbons be worn on?


1. Field Dress
2. Formal Dress

What is a service star?


Worn on ribbons to denote earning same award multiple times

Where are partner city pins worn?


1. Worn on inside edge of right shirt flap

What is criteria for a special pin?


1. Authorized by Fire Chief
2. Has a sunset date
3. Worn on outside edge of right shirt pocket flap
4. Work uniform only

Can confidential or personal info be publicly disclosed on an OCFA computer?



Who owns the programs and documents made for OCFA while on-duty?

It is all copyrightable by OCFA

Remote e-mail access


1. Voluntary
2. Non-compensable without written authorization

Who can equipment be loaned to?


1. Dept use only
2. Other agencies with BC approval
3. No personal use at all

Can medical transport be forced?


Only by 5150. DUH!

Whose approval is required prior to modifying apparatus?


Requires written approval from Fleet Services Manager

Can OCFA be RFF's?


1. OCFA FF can volunteer in other jurisdictions
2. Non-FF OCFA employees can be RFF
3. Employee's primary job always takes precedence

Are non-lethal weapons permitted on OCFA property?


1. No weapons, both lethal and non-lethal are permitted
2. Exception are
----employees who are required to carry with Ops Chief approval such as a Fire Investigator
---- Uniformed personnel can carry a folding blade utility knife in belt case only

Can money be accepted in exchange for pancake breakfasts?


Yes because it is in exchange for product received

Is direct solicitation (mailings, door to door) legal?


No unless organization is registered with the OC Dept of Social Services

Can a fire station be used for an employee meeting?


1. Only organizations that are outlined in the Employee Relations Resolution manual
2. Verified groups can distribute material only during non-working hours
3. Cannot involve political campaigns or fund raising
4. Reasonable charge my be required for facility use

Whose approval is required to hold an off-duty meeting at a station?


1. Fire Chief
2. Director of HR

Criteria for Station Visitations


1. 1700-2200 hours
2. Brief visitations with a purpose OK during other hours
3. Cannot impose hardship or discomfort on others
4. Public areas only

Can employees meet in private vehicles?


No. Cannot meet anywhere that they would be removed from direct contact with the crew

Is tobacco or smoking allowed in the fire station?


1. No smoking anywhere in buildings including app room
2. No tobacco on apparatus

What criteria can an employee not be discriminated against?


1. Race, Color, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Religion, Age, National Origin, Veteran Status, Marital Status
2. Medical condition or disability
3. Exercising family leave act
4. Any other legally protected basis

What is the criteria for reporting harassment or discrimination?


1. Must take immediate action if observes, knows of or receives complaint
2. Includes public and contractors
3. Prohibited from discouraging or retaliating against others for complaint

What is sexual harassment?


1. Behavior of one person against another
2. Unwelcomed sexual advances
3. Unwelcomed verbal visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature when
o Condition of employment
o Basis for evaluating work or making employment decisions
o Interferes with work performance or creates hostile or offensive work environment

Who is responsible for safety?


Everybody. Supervisors have an added responsibility

What programs and policies are required for safety?


1. Injury and Illness Prevention Program
2. Safety and Occupational Health Committee
3. Adherence by all employees to safety policies
4. Ongoing communication and training
5. Compliance with applicable federal and state safety regulations

Can public resources be used for campaign purposes?


1. State law prohibits
2. Cannot engage in political activity that advocates the election or defeat of a candidate or measure while on-duty, in uniform or on OCFA property

Where can political activity be done?


1. Off-duty, not in uniform in a public forum
2. 3631 shirts OK
3. Parking lots are not public forums (private property)

Can FF pose with elected officials?


Yes, provided employee does not have knowledge that pic will be used for political campaign activities

Volunteer activities


OCFA will not discriminate or prohibit FF from volunteering in another jurisdiction off-duty

If OCFA trademarked content on personal, social media, who must approve?


Fire chief

Can OCFA equipment be used on social media sites?



If employee on social media site and expresses personal views, what does he have to disclaim?


Views expressed are own and not of the OCFA's

Can private sector firms use apparatus for personal gain/promotional services?

No, unless approved by the fire chief

Who approves PPE modifications?

- Risk Management

- Service Center Supervisor

Who approves SIGNIFICANT modifications or those involving multiple individuals?

- Ops Chief

- Support Chief