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99 Cards in this Set

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percent error
= ((accepted value - experimental value) / (accepted value)) x 100
grams / meter cubed
atomic number
(symbol Z) = number of protons
'atoms of a given element that differ in the number of neutrons, and consequently in mass
mass number
(symbol A) = number of protons + number of neutrons
all common naturally existing diatomic molecules
H2, O2, N2, F2, Cl2, Br2, I2
loss of electrons in ion
gain of electrons in ion
molecular formula
chemical formula that indicates the actual number and types of atoms in a molecule
empirical formula
chemical formula that gives only the relative number of atoms of each type in a molecule
substances which produce ions in solution- will conduct an electric current
the study of quantitative relationships in chemical reactions
the limiting reactant in a chemical reaction- the chemical that is completely consumed in the reaction
theoretical yield
the quantity of product that is calculated to form when all of the limiting reactant reacts
actual yield
the amount of product actually obtained in a reaction
percent yield
((actual yield) / (theoretical yield)) x 100
6.02 x 10^23 atoms or molecules per substance being measured
exothermic reaction
when a chemical reaction releases energy to the surroundings (written as a product in a chemical equation i.e. + energy)
endothermic reaction
when a chemical reaction requires more energy to break the bonds in the reactants than it gives off by forming products
synthesis reaction
the combination of two or more substances to form a compound
decomposition reaction
(the opposite of a synthesis reaction) one substance breaks down to form two or more simpler substances i.e. AB --> A + B
single- replacement reaction
occur when one element is replaced by another in a compound ( A + BC --> AC + B )
double- replacement reaction
occur when ions of two compounds exchange places in an aqueous solution to form two new compounds ( AX + BY --> BX + AY )
precipitation reaction
(often double- replacement reactions) reaction between two aqueous solutions where the formation of a solid occurs
acid- base reactions
acid + base --> salt + water ( HB + XOH --> XB + HOH )
combustion reaction
the reaction of a substance with oxygen, releasing a large amount of energy in the form of light and heat
formula mass
atomic mass of an ionic compound
molar mass
the mass, in grams, of 1 mole of a substance- or the mass of 6.02x10^23 formula units of a substance
compounds in which molecules of water are attached to the lattice structure of an ionic compound (waters of hydration)q
molarity (M)
concentration of a solution- moles of solute per volume of solution in liters: (moles of solute) / (liters of solution, or solvent)
use brackets [ ] to indicate molarity
substance of less quantity in a homogeneous mixture or solution
substance of greater quantity in a solution
force exerted per unit area
P= (force) / (area)
1 Pascal (Pa) = 1 Newton (N) / m^2
= (mass x acceleration)
(N) = 1 kg x m / s^2
Charles Law
when the pressure and number of moles of a gas are held constant, the volume of the gas in directly proportional to it's kelvin temperature:
(V1) / (T1) = K = (V2) / (T2)
Boyle's Law
when the temperature and number of moles are held constant, the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to the pressure applied on a gas:
(P1)(V1) = k = (P2)(V2)
Avogadro's Law
the volume of a gas is directly proportional to the number of moles if the temperature and pressure remain constant:
(V1) / (n1) = constant = (V2) / (n2)
Gay- Lussac Relationship
states that pressure is directly proportional to temperature:
(P1) / (T1) = k = (P2) / (T2)
Combined Gas Law
where # of moles are constant but pressure, volume, temperature conditions are all changing:
(P1) (V1) / (T1) = k = (P2) (V2) / (T2)
The Ideal- Gas Equation
PV = nRT where R = ideal gas constant, .082 (atm)(L)/(mol)(K)
the escape of gas molecules through a tiny hole into an evacuated space
the spread of one substance throughout a space or throughout a second substance
Graham's Law
the relative rates at which two gases under identical conditions of temperature and pressure will diffuse vary inversely as the square roots of the molecular masses of the gases:
(rate a) / (rate b) = square root ((molar mass b) / (molar mass a))
1 joule = 1 kg x m^2 / s^2
delta E
= E final - E initial
(H) heat absorbed or released under constant pressure
delta H
= H final - H initial = qp
qp equals the heat gained or lost by the system when the process occurs under constant pressure.
state functions
properties (like energy) that depend only on an object's current state
heat capacity
the amount of heat required to raise its temperature by 1K (or 1*C)
molar heat capacity
the heat capacity of 1 mole of a substance
specific heat capacity
the heat capacity of 1g of a substance
specific heat
(quantity of heat transferred) / ((grams of a substance) x (temperature change))
Cp = q / (m x delta T)
Hess's Law
if a reaction is carried out in a series of steps, delta H for the reaction will be equal to the sum of the enthalpy changes for the individual steps
ΔH° rxn
∑nΔH°f (products) - ∑mΔH°f (reactants)
ΔH°f (Standard Molar Enthalpy of Formation of a compound)
equal to the enthalpy change when one mole of a the compound is formed at a constant pressure of 1 atm and a fixed temperature (usually 25°C) from the elements in their stable states at that pressure and temp.
ΔHfus (Heat of fusion)
heat absorbed when a solid melts in units of J/kg or J/mole:
ΔH = (mass) (ΔH fusion)
ΔHvap (Heat of Vaporization)
the heat absorbed when a liquid vaporized
ΔHcomb (Heat of Combustion)
Energy released when a substance reacts with oxygen to form CO2 and H20
spontaneous processes
a change that proceeds on it's own without any outside intervention
Entropy (symbol S)
the measure of the degree of disorder of a system
= S products - S reactants
Gibbs Free Energy
a function of the state of a reaction system has been defined to relate both the enthalpy and entropy factors at a given temperature. This combined enthalpy- entropy function is called the free- energy of the system
change in free energy
Gibbs-Helmholtz Equation
frequency (v)
the # of complete wavelengths or cycles that pass a given point in 1 second:
= # waves / second = Hertz
the height of the wave from the origin to its crest or peak
(measures brightness or intensity)
wavelength (λ)
the distance between similar points in a wave
the speed of light: 3.0 x 10^8 m/sec. symbol C:
C = λv
Max Planck
proposed the idea that energy could be released or absorbed by atoms only in "chunks" or "quanta"
(fixed amount) the smallest quantity of energy that can be emitted or absorbed as electromagnetic radiation
E of a quantum
E = hv (energy of a single quantum equals a constant times its frequency)
Planck's Constant (h)
6.63 x 10^ -34 J x sec
equation to find E of a quantum
E = (h)(C) / (λ)
photoelectric effect
light or radiant energy shining on a clean, shiny metal surface can emit electrons
a unit "packet" of light energy-- behaves like a tiny "particle" of light
dual nature of light
possesses both wavelike and particle like properties
Niels Bohr
made contributions to understanding line spectra
monochromatic radiation
radiation composed of a single wavelength
continuous spectrum
continuous merging of colors from certain radiation passed through a prism, refracting its different wavelengths
line spectrum or discontinuous spectra or bright line spectra
spectra showing lines of color present of a few wavelengths from specific sources- specific gasses under pressure
Bohr's Model
an atomic model proposing only electron orbits of certain radii, corresponding to certain definite energies permitted:
proposed the idea that electrons could absorb/release specific "quanta" of energy to make changes in energy states
Ground State
the lowest possible energy state f an atom
Excited State
when the electron is in a higher energy state- has excess energy
Louis De Broglie
proposed the idea of "matter waves" to describe the wave characteristics of material particles (electrons)
Werner Heisenberg
uncertainty principle- it is not possible to accurately determine the position and momentum for a particle as small as an electron simultaneously.
Erwin Schrödinger
proposed the idea of wave functions- symbol Ψ
probability density
Ψ^2: represents the probability that the electron will be found at that location
atomic orbital
a region around the nucleus where an electron with a given energy is likely to be found
quantum numbers
(n, l, ml, ms) designations that describe the position and spin of an electron- give a probable location
1st quantum number- principle quantum number (n)
assigned values in order of increasing energy: n= 1, 2, 3, 4...
n^2 gives the total # of orbitals in any energy level
2n^2 = maximum number of electrons for level
2nd quantum number- angular momentum (l)
designates the shape of the orbital- describes which sublevel the electron is in (s, p, d, or f)
l can be 0 up to (n-1)
3rd quantum number- the magnetic quantum number (ml)
assigning ml values helps determine the # of orbitals in a given sublevel- distinguish one orbital from another in possible type/shape/orientation
assigned: +l,... 0... -l
4th quantum number- spin quantum number (ms)
indicates the e- spin (clockwise or counter clockwise)
assigned +1/2 or -1/2
Pauli Exclusion Principle
No two electrons can have an identical set of 4 Q#'s
effective nuclear charge
the net positive charge attracting the electron: Z eff. It is the atomic # - the average # of electrons between the nucleus and electron in question:
Zeff= Z - S
Aufbau Principle
electrons enter orbitals of the lowest energy first
Hund's Rule
the lowest energy configuration for an atom is the one having the maximum number of unpaired electrons allowed by the Pauli Exclusion Principle in a particular set of degenerate orbitals.
Valence Electrons
electrons in outermost (highest) principle energy level of the atom