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19 Cards in this Set

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Chemical Bond
Attractive forces that bond elements to form molecules-Valence electrons of combined atoms
Octet Rule

most atoms bond according to Octet Rule.

  • Atoms tend to bond with other atoms so that it has eight electrons in outermost shell-
  • most stable at 8 val. e-
  • Exceptions

- Hydrogen(2val)

-Li, Be bond for 2 or 4 val e-

-B: bonds for 6 val e-

all electrons period 3 or greater: can expand+8 w/ d-orbitals

ex: Cl can form seven covalent bonds- total of 14 e- in valence shell

Octet Rule exceptions
  • Incomplete Octet: elements stable w/ <8 val e- includes: Hydrogen(2) He(2), Li(2), Be(4), B(6)

  • Expanded Octet: >period 3, can hold >8vale- includes: P(10), S(12), Cl(14) and many others

  • Odd Number e-: any molecule w/ odd val e- cannot distribute to yield 8 val e-
ex: Nitric Oxide(NO) has seven val e-

Ionic Bonds

electrons w/ element of low ionization energy(usually metals) transfer to element w/ high electron affinity (typically nonmetal)

-ex: NaCl

* resulting electrostatic attraction between opposite charges holds ions together like NaCl

  • anion+cation

-creates lattice structures

Covalent Bonding

electron pair shared between two atoms-typically nonmetals (similar E.N)

  • Sharing of e- forms single, double- triple bonds
  • C-C Longest bond----weakest bond strength
  • C=C Medium length bond--medium strength
  • Triple C-C bond: shortest, strongest

Bond Energy: energy to break a bond(more bonding=more energy to break)

Polarity: atom with highest electronegativity gets larger share of electron density

  • creates dipole (partial +(least EN) and -(most EN))

Polar Bonds can be polar, coordinate

Cations vs Anions

Ioninc Bonding w/ diff. electronegativities

CaTion (metal) loses electrons to become (+)

ANion(Nonmetal) gain e- to become (--) ions

Diatomic Elements

Most group 7, except H2

include : H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2, and I2

Polar Covalent Bond

diff. in electronegatives(partial + and -)

electronegative difference between 0.5 and 1.7

  • >1.7 is an ionic bond
  • can measure a dipole moment(partial + and -) Dipole moment(p)= qd

-- Vector quantity (C/m), q is magnitude of charge, d is displacement

Coordinate Covalent Bond

Shared e- in covalent bond all from the same atom

--> normal, when lone pair of one atom attacks another atom w/ unhybrid p-orbital

ex: Lewis acid( electrophilic) accepts electrons /attacked by/from lewis basic(Nucleophilic w/ the e- to share)

Lewis Structures

Only show diff. possible ways atoms can be combined to form diff compounds/ or resonance

diff compound- differ in bond connectivity

resonance: only moving lone pairs

use #valence electrons to form onds

- complete octet central atom, then outside, then add lone pairs

Formal Charge: valence electrons- bond#- #lonepairs

*best lewis structures: small, or no formal charge

- less separation between opp. charges

-w/ neg. charge, best stable w/ most EN atom`

VESPR Theory-Geometry and Polarity

uses Lewis Dot structure to obtain 3D arrangement of atoms surrounding a central atom

determined by repulsion of bonding and nonbonding e- pairs in valence of central atom

- arrange as far apart to minimize repulsion forces

AX2 linear 180 angle between e- pairs

AX3 trigonal planar 120 angle between pairs

AX4 Tetrahedral (pyramid w/ 3 sides) 109.5 ang

AX5 trigonal bipyramidal 90, 120, and 180

AX6 Octahedral 90 180

***Electronic geometry( spatial arrangement of ALL pairs of e- around central atom)

**Molecular Geometry( spatial arrang. of just bonding pairs of e-)

Electronic Geometry vs Molecular Geometry

***Electronic geometry( spatial arrangement of ALL pairs of e- around central atom)**Molecular Geometry( spatial arrang. of just bonding pairs of e-)

ex: CH4 and NH3 and H2O

electronic geometry: all three have 4 e- pairs around central atom-------> tetrahedral

molecularly: differ in # e- pairs,

- CH4 tetrahedral

-NH3 trigonal Planar

-H2O is bent/angular

Intermolecular Forces- weak electrostatic interactions

forces between atoms and compounds

impact Melting and boiling points

--determines state of substance-solid/liquid/gas

--determines whether two substances are miscible(mix) or immiscible(form aqueous and organic layer)

Dispersion-London Forces: weakest forces

Dipole-dipole Interactions: intermediate strenght

Hydrogen Bond:: strongest(no actual transfer of H)

London Dispersion Forces

weak intermolecular force

random unequal distrib.of e- orbiting causing instant polar/counterpolarization---

shortlived dipole moment

in add.--> dipole causes nearby clouds to interact, polar/counterpolar

**only in close proximity are they present

**depends on degree of ease in polarizing molecule

farther electrons from nucleus(large molecules) more easily polarized

London Dispersion forces most important for

noble gases not liquefying at any temp.

- only intermolec. force between noble gas atoms

-require extremely low temp to liquefy noble gas( bc small mag. of dispersion forces)

Dipole-Dipole Interactions

energetically favorable for opposite ends to be closest to each other- electrostatic force formed between two molecules

------- dash lines----- (part. + and -)

temporary bonding

present in: solids and liquids- negligible@ gas(inc. distance)

higher melting and boiling points than nonpolar species******w/ sim. Molec weight

only diff. than L-D forces b/c is longer duration(permanence)

Hydrogen Bonds

strong dipole-dipole (intra or intermolecular)

---no sharing or transferring of H-----

H w/ high E.N. atom( N, O, F): H e- density very low

H w/ high EN: essentially a naked proton

-- will react w/ s(-) of F, O, N on nearby molecules

**w/ H bonding have very high boiling points

H-Bonding Acronym

(only molecules H bonding ocurrs w/)

Hydrogens pick up the F.O.N(phone)