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107 Cards in this Set

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The kingdom Viridiplantae includes...
Land plants and green algae
Plants that made to land and adapted. Group sister to all land plants
Plants that never made it to land
The green algae split into two major clades
Charophytes and Chlorophytes
All green plants arose from a ____ species of freshwater algae
True or false. Red and brown algae are included in Viridiplantae
No they are not.
Land plants have two major features:
Protected embryos and Multicellular haploid and diploid phases
Adaptations to terrestrial life (4) are...
1. Protection from desiccation by a waxy cuticle and stomata
2. Moving water using tracheids
Tracheophytes have tracheids
Xylem and phloem to conduct water and food 3. Evolution of leaves which increase photosynthetic surface area (big advancement) 4. Shift to a dominant vertical diploid generation, which helped to deal with increased UV radiation and mutations
Humans have a_____ life cycle
Only the____ stage is multicellular
Plants have a_______ life cycle
which includes a ….
haplodiplontic, Multicellular diploid stage = Sporophyte and
Multicellular haploid stage = Gametophyte
Multicellular diploid stage =
Multicellular haploid stage =
Sporophyte =
“spore plant”
Gametophyte =
“gamete plant”
Alternation of Generations
is the alternation between Sporophyte and Gametophyte stages of the life cycle
All plants are ______
the haploid gametophyte consumes a much larger part of the life cycle in______ and_____ than it does in higher plants like _____and_____, where the diploid sporophyte is more dominant
mosses and ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms
Size of the gametophyte is....
limited in all plants
Sporophyte (2n) produces...
haploid spores by meiosis
Spores divide _____, producing the gametophyte
Gave rise to land plants
Gave rise to aquatic algae
Green algae have two distinct lineages
Streptophytes and Chlorophytes
(fossils dating to ___ MYA; ____ similar to plants)
900, chloroplasts
Plant Life Cycles: As more complex plants evolved:
1. Diploid Sporophyte stage became the dominant portion of the life cycle. 2. Gametophyte became more limited in size. 3. Sporophyte became nutritionally independent
Gametophyte (1n) produces gametes by_____
Gametes fuse to form the ______
diploid sporophyte
(a “primitive” green alga)
Chlamydomonas characteristics (3)
-Unicellular chlorophyte with two flagella -Have eyespots to direct swimming -Reproduces asexually as well as sexually
Chlorophytes: The two phylums are
volvox and ulva
Chlorophytes: Volvox are...
Colonial chlorophyte, Hollow sphere of a single layer of 500-60,000 cells, and A few cells are specialized for reproduction
Chlorophytes: Ulva are...
Multicellular chlorophyte, Haplodiplontic life cycle the Gametophyte and Sporophyte, have identical appearance
Charophytes (a clade of Streptophyta) are _____ related to land plants. There are two candidate clades
green algae, Choleocaetales and Charales
Charales (300 species) (3) are...
Macroscopic, Plant-like mitosis
Sister clade to land plants
Choleocaetales (30 species) (3) are...
Microscopic, Plant-like plasmodesmata*, the next closest plant relatives
Bryophytes (includes 3 clades)
Hepaticophyta, Anthocerotophyta, and Bryophyta
Bryophytes are the____ living descendants of the first____ plants
closest, land
Bryophytes are called _____ because they lack tracheids (specialized transport cells)
Bryophytes are...
highly adapted to diverse terrestrial environments, Non-photosynthetic sporophyte is nutritionally dependent on the gametophyte, and Many have mycorrhizal associations as well
Brophytes are Gametophyte_____ and_____, therefore they...
conspicuous and photosynthetic, Require water for sexual reproduction
Bryophytes: Liverworts (Phylum_____)
Hepaticophyta have (3)...
-Have flattened gametophytes with liver-like lobes, Form gametangia in umbrella-shaped structures, and Also can undergo asexual reproduction
Bryophytes: Hornworts (phylum_____)
Anthocerotophyta have
Sporophyte has stomata, Here, the sporophyte is photosynthetic, and Cells have a single large chloroplast
Bryophytes: Mosses (phylum_____)
Bryophyta has (3)
Gametophytes consist of small, leaflike structures around a stem-like axis, Anchored to substrate by rhizoids, and Multicellular gametangia form at the tips of gametophytes
Female gametangia
Male gametangia
_____ withstand drought, but not air pollution
Features of Tracheophyte Plants (3)
Cooksonia, the first vascular land plant, appeared about 420 MYA, Only a few centimeters tall, No roots or leaves, and Homosporous (=1 spore type)
Features of Tracheophyte Plants has Vascular tissues are of two types and what are their functions
Xylem, which conducts water and dissolved minerals upward from the roots. Phloem, which conducts sucrose and hormones throughout the plant. These enable enhanced height and size in the tracheophytes
Tracheophytes are also characterized by the presence of a_____ and_____
cuticle and stomata
Vascular plants have_____ reduced in size and complexity relative to sporophytes
Their Seeds are (2)...
Highly-resistant structures that protect the plant embryo and Occur only in heterosporous plants (=have both microspore and megaspore types)
___in flowering plants add a layer of protection to seeds and Also attract____ that disperse seeds
Fruits, animals
Features of Tracheophyte Plants
Vascular plants include seven extant phyla grouped in three clades. The clades are...
1. Lycophytes (club mosses) 2. Pterophytes (ferns and their relatives) 3. Seed plants
Lycophytes are _____ are the _____ vascular plants
Club mosses, earliest
Lycophytes lack... and resembles....and they can be...
They lack seeds. Superficially resemble true mosses but they are not related. Homosporous or heterosporous
Pterophytes, The_____ relationships among ferns and their relatives is still being sorted out.
Pterophytes, They all have/need (2)...
All form antheridia and archegonia and All require free water for flagellated sperm
Pterophytes include (3)
True Fern, Whisk Ferns, and Horsetails
Whisk ferns (tropical to subtropical) are...
Sporophyte consists of evenly forking green stems without leaves or roots
Horsetails have/ are (4)...
All 15 living species are homosporous, Constitute a single species Equisetum, Consist of ribbed jointed photosynthetic stems that arise from branching rhizomes, Stems with silica deposits à scouring rushes in Am. N.W.
Ferns, The most _____ group of _____ vascular plants with about 11,000 species
abundant, seedless
Ferns, The conspicuous sporophyte and much smaller gametophyte are both_____
The fern life cycle differs from that of a____. Why?
Moss, Much greater development, independence and dominance of the fern’s sporophyte
Fern morphology, they have Sporophytes have_____
Ferns Fronds (leaves) develop at the tip of the_____ as tightly rolled-up coils_____. They unroll and expand
rhizome, fiddleheads
Fern reproduction: Most fern are_____.
Ferns Reproduction: Produce distinctive sporangia in clusters called_____ on the back of the_____
Sori, fronds
Fern reproduction: Diploid spore mother cells in_____ produce____ spores by_____.
sporangia, haploid, meiosis
Fern Reproduction: At_____, the spores are______ by a_____ action
maturity, catapulted, snapping
Seed Plants, The Evolution of
Seed plants first appeared _____ MYA
Seed plants, Evolved from spore-bearing plants known as______.
The seed represents an important advance (3)
1. Protects the embryo 2. Easily dispersed. 3. Introduces a dormant phase in the life cycle
The Evolution of Seed Plants: Seed plants produce 2 kinds of gametophytes
Female and Male
Male gametophytes are...and is...
Pollen grains, Dispersed by wind or a pollinator
Female gametophytes develop in...and enclosed within the ____ is
Develop within an ovule, Enclosed within diploid sporophyte tissue
Gymnosperms: Gymnosperms are plants with “_____”
naked seeds
Gymnosperms, _____ is exposed on a scale at _____.
Ovule, pollination
There are four living groups...
Coniferophytes, Cycadophytes, Gnetophytes, and Ginkgophytes
Coniferophytes, Cycadophytes, Gnetophytes, and Ginkgophytes all lack
All lack flowers and fruits of angiosperms.
Conifers (phylum Coniferophyta) are the largest_____ phylum, Include:
gymnosperms, 1). Pines, spruces, firs, cedars and others. 2). Coastal redwood – Tallest trees. 3). Bristlecone pine – Oldest living tree
Conifers are sources of important products...
Timber, paper, resin and taxol (anti-cancer).
Pines, More than 100 species, all in the Northern hemisphere. Produce tough needlelike leaves in clusters. Leaves have (2)...
1. Thick cuticle and recessed stomata. 2. Canals into which cells secrete resin
Pine reproduction: Male gametophytes (_____) develop from_____ in male cones by_____.
pollen grains, microspores, meiosis
Pine reproduction: Female cones are _____, and have _____. Two_____ develop on each scale.
larger, woody scales, ovules
Pine reproduction: Each_____ contains a _____ called the _____. Which is Surrounded by the _____. Opening – Micropyle, One layer becomes the _____. While scales of female cone are_____, _____ drift down between them. Are drawn to top of ______
ovule, megasporangium, nucellus, integument, seed coat, open, pollen grains, nucellus
Female pine cones form on the_____ branches of the _____ tree
upper, same
Pine reproduction: While female _____ is developing, a ______ emerges from the _____. It digests its way to the ______.
gametophyte, pollen tube, pollen grain, archegonium
Pine Reproduction: _____ months after pollination, pollen tube reaches_____ and delivers its_____
15, archegonium, sperm
Cycads (phylum Cycadophyta) are Slow-growing gymnosperms of tropical and subtropical regions. ______ resemble _____ trees.
Sporophytes, Palm
Cycads - _____ cones can weigh 45 kg. They also Have largest _____ cells of all organisms!
Female, sperm
Gnetophytes (phylum Gnetophyta) Only gymnosperms with _____ in their_____
vessels, xylem
Ginkgophytes (phylum Ginkgophyta) Only_____ living species remains, called _____
one, Ginkgo biloba
Ginkgo biloba have....
Flagellated sperm
Angiosperms are the_____ plants._____ are enclosed in______ tissue at the time of_____.
flowering, Ovules, diploid, pollination
Angiosperms: Origins as early as _____ MYA. The oldest known angiosperm in the fossil record is ______. The closest living relative to the original angiosperm is _____.
145–208, Archaefructus, Amborella
Flower morphology: ______develops into a bud at the end of a stalk called the______. ______expands at the tip to form a ______, to which other parts attach. Flower parts are organized in circles called _____. Really are______ stems bearing ______ leaves
Primordium, pedicel, Pedicel, receptacle, whorls, modified, modified
Flower morphology: Outermost whorl = _____. Second whorl =_____. Third whorl = ______ (______). Innermost whorl =______
Sepals, Petals, Stamens, androecium, Gynoecium
Flower morphology: Each_____ has a pollen-bearing ______ and a______ (stalk)
stamen, anther, filament
Gynoecium consist of....
Consists of one or more carpels that house the female
Carpel structure: Three major regions. 1)._____ = Swollen base containing _____. Later develops into a ______. 2).______ = Tip, where pollen lands 3).______ = Neck or stalk
Ovary, ovules, fruit, Stigma, Style
Angiosperm Life Cycle:
Angiosperms include:_____ (about 175,000 species)
Eudicots and Monocots
Eudicots are...uses
Trees, shrubs, snapdragons, peas, other. Use flowers to attract insect pollinators
Monocots (about 65,000 species) are...some rely on
Grasses, lilies, palms, irises, others. Some rely on wind for pollination. Note: Self-pollination may also occur