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64 Cards in this Set

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What is protoplasm
jellylike substance containing food elements (proteins, fats, carbs, mineral salts and H2O)
What is metabolism
Name the 2 phases
chemical process where cells are nourished and carry out their activities
1. anabolism: the process of building up larger molecules from small ones (stores food, water and oxygen)
2. catabolism: complex compounds in the cells are broken down and energy is released (muscle contractions, heat production, body secretions)
What are the 4 types of tissues
What is connective tissue
supports, protects and binds together other tissues bone, cartilage, ligaments, fat, tendons, fascia (collagen and elastin are located in the connective tissue)
What is epithelial tissue
protective covering on body surfaces. Skin, mucous membranes and the lining of organs and glands are epithelial tissue
What is muscular tissue
muscles that contract and move the body
What is nerve tissue
carries messages to and from the brain and controls and coordinates functions. neurons.... that make up the brain, and spinal cord
What are organs
a group of tissues designed to perform a specific function
What are body systems
group of organs acting together to perform 1 or more functions
11 major systems
Define the skeletal system
physical foundation of the body-provides shape, support and protection allowing the body movement, producing blood and storing minerals
How many bones are in the body
What connects muscles to bone
What connects bone to bone
What is bone tissue made of
bone cells, collagenous fibers and ground substance
What are the 2 types of joints
movable: elbows, knees and hips
immovable:pelvis and skull
How many bones are in the skull
8 bones of the cranium
ethmoid (spongy bone that forms part of the nasal cavity)
sphenoid (hold all the bones together)
14 bones of the face
nasal bones (2)
maxilla (2)
mandible (1)
zygomatic (2/malar bones)
turbinal (2)
lacrimal (2)
vomer (1)
palatine bones (2)
What is the vomer bone
flat thin bone that forms part of the nasal septum
What is the lacrimal bones
smallest and most fragile bones of the face located on the inside of the eye sockets
What are the turbinal bones of the face
2 spongy bone on either of the outter walls of the nasal depression
Bones of the neck (2)
cervial vert (1-7)
Bones of the chest (thorax)
elastic bony cage
sternum, ribs, connective cartilage
Bones of the shoulder (2)
clavicle and scapula
Bones of the arm and hand
ulna-bigger bone (pinky side)
radius- smaller (thumb side)
Define the muscular system
covers, shapes and supports the skeletal tissue
contracts and moves various parts of the body
40% of body weight
approx 600 in the body
How many muscles are in the face
Name the 3 types of muscular tissue
non striated
Define a striated muscle
skeletal or voluntary muscles that are attached to bone that contract moving our body
Define a nonstriated muscle
involuntary , visceral or smooth muscles that function automacically
found in circulatoy, digestive and in other internal organs
What are the muscles of the scalp
epicranius-covers the skull in 2 parts
What does the occipitalis do
draws the scalp backward
What does the frontalis do
raises the eyebrows and draws the forward upward

causes wrinkles in the forehead
What is the tendon that holds the epicranius
What are the 3 muscles of the ear
auricularis superior(draws up)
auricularis anterior (forward)
auriculars posterior (back)
What are the 2 muscles of chewing
What are the two muscles of the neck
What does the platysma do
responsible for lowering the lower jaw and lip
What does the sternoclydomastoid do
acts to rotate the head and move it up and down
What are the 2 muscles of the eyebrow
corrugator-draws the eyebrows down and wrinkles the forehead vertically
orbicularis oculi-closes the eyes
What is the muscle of the nose
procerus-causes wrinkes along the sides of the nose
What does the buccinator do
purses lips
flat muscle of the cheek
What does the depressor labii inferioris do
depresses the lower lip and draws it to the side
What does the levator anguli oris do
raises the angle of the mouth and draws it in
What does the levator labii superioris do
elevates the upper lip and dialtes the nostrils
tisk tisk
What does the mentalis do
elevates the lower lip and wrinkles the chin
What is the orbicularis oris
muscle around the lips
What does the risorius do
draws the corner of the mouth back in a smile
What does the triangularis do
pulls down the corners of the mouth in a frown
What does the zygomaticus do
elevates the lip as in laughing
major and minor
goes from the zygomatic bone to the angle of the mouth
What are the 4 muscles that attach the arms to the body
latissimus dorsi
pectoralis major/minor
serratus anterior
Where is the latissimus dorsi and what does it do
flat, large triangular muscle that covers the lower back
(attaches to the humerus) controls the shoulder blade and the swinging movements of the arm
What does the pectoralis major/minor do and where is it located
assist in the swinging movements of the arm
muscles of the chest
What does the serratus anterior
muscle of the chest that assist in breathing and in raising the arm
What is the trapezius muscle for
shrugges shoulder and stabilizes the scapula
back of the neck and upper region of the back
What are the muscles of the arm
What are the tendons of the forearm and what do they do
extensors: straighten the wrist and hand
flexors: involved in bending the wrist
pronators: rotate in
supinators: rotate outward
Define nucleus
dense, active protoplasm found in the center of the cell-important part in cell reproduction and metabolism
Define nucleoplasm
within the nucleus of the cell-contains DNA and proteins
What is cytoplasm
Is all of the protoplasm of the cell except that found in the nucleus-this watery fluid contains the food material necessary for cell growth, reproduction, and self-repair
Define the cell membrane
encloses the protoplasm and permits soluble substances to pass in and out
What % of a mans body is water
Name several body systems
circulatory, digestive, endocrine, excretory, integumentary, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, skeletal, lymphatic or immune
Name several major organs
brain, eyes, heart, kidneys, lungs, liver, skin, stomach, and intestines