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31 Cards in this Set

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Define: Third Wave Feminism
-New energy after failure of ERA, coined by Walker
-Goal: how to organize feminism and make political change
-Difference at the center of 3rd wave feminism, broaden to race, gender, class, justice (personal narrative rather than overarching agenda)
-Leaders born in 60s/70s, gender equality is how it should be attitude
-CR necessary for action
-Critiques media, reconstruct binaries, subversion/humor, theory-making expansion, sex positive
Define: beauty myth
-Replaced the feminine mystique
-Naomi Wolf published work
-Expectation of beauty, too pretty or too ugly (focus on looks instead of accomplishments)
-Objectification of women, the "myth" damages
Define: purtity/pollution binary
-Purity as women's ideal (they can be corrupted), used to contain/oppress women
-Binary used to make order and meaning of the world
-Only married sex as pure
-Black women seen as promiscious/polluted and homosexuals
Define: homosocial
-An all one sex environment usually refers to all male, implications of this environment will foster certain gender roles/dynamics
-Mentioned in Masculinity as Homophobia (Kimmel)
-More common in 1830s, how marketplace manhood developed rural environment and new division of labor
-Risk of failure, relentless male competition
-Ex. sports team, prison
Define: marketplace manhood
-Narrow definition of what a man should be
-Absent father, connects capitalistic marketplace to men's drive for power and success
-From the 1830s homosocial communities (division of labor)
-Defining notion of American manhood today
-Masculinity must be proved (repetitive cycle), impossible standards
Define: trans liberation
-Leslie Feinberg at forefront, Transexual Menace
-Movement focused on the rights of transgendered people
-Greater acceptance and understanding of trans people
-All gender performative
-Societal treatment of people based on their sex and gender expression, goal: fight for justice
Define: genderqueer
-Those who identify their gender outside the gender binary system of male and female
-Gender presentation may or may not conform to gender norms
-Use gender neutral pronouns
-Wilchins defines as link in feeling/expressing/being-perceived fails, when all aren't in harmony
Define: The Stonewell Riots
-Gay clubs in NY targeted but anti-gay, but Stonewall Inn still going strong, then invaded Stonewall, riots for 3 to 4 days
-Lead to more organized action
-Beginning/sparked gay liberation movement
Define: democratic manhood
-From Kimmel's "Masculinity in the Age of Obama"
-After economic downturn and increase of women in the workforce=both softening and hardening of stereotypes
-Obama is a different kind of masculine, definition broader, optimistic
-Historically, exclusion of groups from masculinity
-Hope will change to inclusion, shared responsibilities and rights, integrity (return to this idea)
Define: sexual fluidity
-Anne Fausto-Sterling
-Idea that we should accept the complexity of human sexuality
-Kinsey Scale=example of a continuum (still subjective)
-Binaries restricting fluidity
-Gender socially constructing, ever-changing
-Sex used to be about acts, now about identity
What did Rebecca Walker write?
Becoming the Third Wave
What did Amy Richards and Jennifer Baumgardener write?
The Dinner Party/Manifesta
What did Nancy Fischer write?
Purity and Pollution
What did Chet Meeks write?
Gay and Straight Rites of Passage
What did Anne Fausto-Sterling write?
Thinking About Homosexuality
What did Reese Kelly write?
Gay marriage. Why now? Why at all?
What did Naomi Wolf write?
The Beauty Myth
What did Michael Kimmel write?
-Masculinity as Homophobia
-Masculinity in the Age of Obama
What did Riki Wilchins write?
It's Your Gender, Stupid!
What did Leslie Feinberg write?
We Are All Works in Progress
What are the main points in "Becoming the Third Wave" and who was the author?
-Rebecca Walker
-Anita Hill case
-In Miss Magazine (women's magazine)
-Coined the term 3rd Wave Feminism
-Although come a long way, still need to come together and identify goals
-Critique of presumably progressive men (boyfriend took Thomas' side, civil rights>women)
-Difference at center of 3rd wave, no single women experience
What are the main points in "The Dinner Party" and who was the author?
-Amy Richards and Jennifer Baumgardener
-Silence is a road block, must talk about things, CR not just organized but everyday lives fighting for equality and power (necessary for action)
-Organize feminism to make political change
-Personal narrative=displays differences, preserve diversity, lots of forms of justice (race gender class)
-Feminism like flouride
-Feminists now experts in their fields
What are the main points in "Purity and Pollution" and who was the author?
-Nancy Fischer
-Policing gender and sexuality through social means makes us feel better
-Idea of sex as immoral is social power/control, religious context, but socially constructed (changed over time)
-Sexual double standard=male power dynamic
-Purity as women's ideal used to oppress women
What are the main points in "Gay and Straight Rites of Passage" and who was the author?
-Chet Meeks
-Coming out vs. Mormon marriages=getting a new identity w/ values attached to it
-Sexuality feels natural/instinctive, but really socially constructed (even desire is a social product)
What are the main points in "Thinking About Homosexuality" and who was the author?
-Anne Fausto-Sterling
-Science about gender very subjective, not biological
-Cultural/human influence of how we think of sex science needs to change
-Human sexuality is fluid (changed over time)
-Kinsey Scale=continuum, but still problems
-Binaries exist to make sense of sexuality (twin testing, not genetic)
What are the main points in "Gay marriage. Why now? Why at all? and who is the author?
-Reese Kelly
-Queers argue marriage/non-marriage binary is too strict
-Marriage has rights/benefits=queers say marriage shouldn't be the only way to get these benefits
-Outdated article (14 states allow gay marriage)
-Politics of fear
What are the main points in "The Beauty Myth" and who was the author?
-Naomi Wolf
-Replaced Feminine Mystique (expectation of beauty)
-Started conversation about beauty
-Women's magazines and advirtising paradox (connection to capitalism)
-Physical damage the myth does (anorexia, ect.)
-Women's lack of political efficacy
-Female competiton=we're our biggest critics
-Potential damaged by these factors b/c of media, capitalism, self objectification)
What are the main points in "Masculinity as Homophobia" and who was the author?
-Michael Kimmel
-Masculinity studies as recent
-Manhood socially constructed not innate or natural
-Marketplace Manhood and homosocial communities
-Men also held to impossible standards
-Masculinity and homophobia=not really a fear a gay ppl but of being unmanly, men vs men competition, heterosexual as masculine ideal, weakness/femininity with homosexuals
-Feminine definition of masculinity (they feel powerless=shame)
What are the main points in "Masculinity in the Age of Obama" and who was the author?
-Michael Kimmel
-Obama embodies different kind of masculinity
-After economic downturn and increase of women in workforce
-Both softening and hardening of stereotypes (anger)
What are the main points in "It's Your Gender, Stupid!" and who was the author?
-Riki Wilchins
-All gender is drag, all a performance, still externally constructed, still "acting" women
-Continuum frustration=still competing ends
-Gender as a way of seeing, binary needs to be broadened
-But problem if there's no symbolic meaning to performance, don't get transgression
-Genderqueer=link in feeling/expressing/being-perceived fails, when all aren't in harmony
-Gender from language
What are the main points in "We Are All Works in Progress" and who was the author?
-Leslie Feinberg
-Dangers of being trans, prejudices, raising awareness
-Audience=ppl who aren't trans