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46 Cards in this Set

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The awareness of the sensations, thoughts, and feelings being experienced at a given moment. (Consciousness is our subjective understanding of both the environment around us and our private internal world, unobservable to others).
Waking Consciousness
The state of consciousness in which we are awake and aware of our thoughts, emotions, and perceptions.
Altered states of consciousness
Any state of consciousness other than that of waking consciousness.
Stage 1 sleep
The state of transition between wakefulness and sleep characterized by relatively rapid, low-amplitude brain waves.
Stage 2 sleep
A sleep deeper than that of stage 1, characterized by a slower, more regular wave pattern, along with momentary interruptions of "sleep spindles."
Stage 3 sleep
A sleep characterized by slow brain waves, with greater peaks and valleys in the wave pattern than in stage 2 sleep.
Stage 4 sleep
The deepest stage of sleep, during which we are least responsive to outside stimulation.
Brain wave height =
Brain wave amplitude =
Brain wave speed =
Brain wave frequency =
Rapid Eye Movement
Sleep spindles
Sharply pointed, spiky brain waves which are seen in stage 2 sleep.
REM sleep
Sleep occupying 20% of an adult's sleeping time, characterized by increased heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate; erections; eye movements; and the experience of dreaming.
NREM sleep means
non-REM sleep.
Stages 1-4 of sleep are collectively labeled what?
NREM sleep.
Dreams are experienced...
...by EVERYONE during some part of their night's sleep.
During REM sleep...
...1) the major muscles of the body appear to be paralyzed. 2) dreams are most likely to occur.
Rebound effect
What happens when one is deprived of REM sleep and, upon being allowed REM sleep, spends greater than usual amounts of time in REM sleep.
A type of neurotransmitters.
Sleep time requirements...
...can vary over the course of a lifetime. (As people age, they generally need less and less sleep).
Unusually frightening dreams.
Unconscious wish fulfillment theory.
Sigmund Freud's theory that dreams represent unconscious wishes that dreamers desire to be fulfilled.
Latent content of dreams
According to Freud, the "disguised" meanings of dreams, hidden by more obvious subjects.
Manifest content of dreams.
According to Freud, the apparent story line of dreams.
Dreams-for-survival theory
The theory suggesting that dreams permit information that is critical for our daily survival to be reconsidered and reprocessed during sleep.
Activation-synthesis theory
Hobson's theory that the brain produces random electrical energy during REM sleep that stimulates memories lodged in various portions of the brain.
Difficulty sleeping.
Sleep apnea
A condition in which a person has difficulty breathing while sleeping.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
A mysterious killer of seemingly normal infants who die while sleeping.
Night terrors
Sudden awakenings from non-REM sleep that are accompanied by extreme fear, panic, and strong physiological arousal. (usually occur during stage 4 sleep and may cause the sleeper to awaken with a shriek).
Uncontrollable sleeping that occurs for short periods while a person is awake.
Sleepwalking and sleeptalking occur during...
...stage 4 sleep.
Circadian rhythms
Biological processes that occur regularly on approximately a 24-hour cycle.
Bodily functions that follow a circadian rhythm.
1) sleeping.
2) walking.
3) body temperature.
4) hormone production.
5) blood pressure.
The brain's suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) ...
... controls circadian rhythms.
Seasonal affective disorder
A form of severe depression in which feelings of despair and hopelessness increase during the winter and lift during the rest of the year.
Fantasies that people construct while awake.
6 suggestions to avoid insomnia.
1) Exercise during the day (at least six hours before bedtime) and avoid naps.
2) Choose a regular bedtime and stick to it.
3) Avoid drinks with caffeine after lunch.
4) Drink a glass of warm milk at bedtime.
5) Avoid sleeping pills.
6) Try NOT to sleep.
Daydream content...
...is often more closely related to immediate events in the environment because people construct them while awake.
A trance-like state of heightened susceptibility to the suggestions of others.
Is hypnosis an altered state of consciousness?
This is a key debate in psychology which is based on the following evidences for both sides.
Yes-for 4 reasons.
1) high suggestibility.
2) increased ability to recall and construct images.
3) acceptance of suggestions that clearly contradict reality.
4) changes in electrical activity in the brain are associated with hypnosis.
No-for 2 reasons.
1) altered brain-wave patterns are not sufficient to demonstrate a qualitative difference because no other physiological changes occur during a trance.
2) little support exists for the contention that adults can better recall childhood events with accuracy while in a trance.
Hypnosis has been applied in the following 5 areas.
1) controlling pain.
2) reducing smoking.
3) treating psychological
4) assisting in law enforcement.
5) Improving athletic performance.
A learned technique for refocusing attention that brings about an altered state of consciousness.
A form of meditation in which a sound, word, or syllable repeated over and over.
Types of meditation.
1) mantra
2) picture
3) flame
4) specific part of the body
All forms of meditation are...
...designed to bring about an altered state of consciousness in which attention is refocused.
The inability to understand an experience rationally or describe it in words.