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32 Cards in this Set

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This type of compound is named using a cation name and an anion name.
What are the two parts of an ionic compound name?
The name of this part of an ionic compound has the same name as the metal from which it is formed.
What is the way in which the cation is named in an ionic compound name?
Since this part of an ionic compound can form different cations, a roman numeral in parentheses, following the name of the metal, is used to indicate the positive charge of it.
What is the method for indicating the charge of the cation in an ionic compound, since metals can form different cations?
In naming inorganic compounds, this suffix is used to indicate the charge of a cation or the metal. It is used to indicate the lower of the two charges of ions from which these two suffixes are used to indicate the charges on the ions.
What is the suffix –ous used to accomplish in naming inorganic compounds?
In naming inorganic compounds, this suffix is used to indicate the charge of a cation or the metal. It is used to indicate the higher of the two charges of ions from which these two suffixes are used to indicate the charges on the ions.
What is the suffix –ous used to accomplish in naming inorganic compounds?
These are ions that are formed from single atoms.
What are monatomic ions?
These are positively charge ions.
What are cations?
These are negatively charged ions.
What are anions?
The name of this part of an ionic compound is formed by replacing the ending of the name of the element with the suffix -ide.
What is the way in which the anion is named in an ionic compound?
These are polyatomic anions containing oxygen. Their names end in –ate or –ite, and also their names can begin with either the prefix pre- or hypo-.
What are oxyanions?
When naming oxyanions, this suffix is used to name the most common oxyanion of an element.
What is indicated by the suffix –ate, when naming oxyanions?
When naming oxyanions, this suffix is used to name an oxyanion that has the same charge but one O atom fewer than its root oxyanion ending in -ate.
What is indicated by the suffix –ite, when naming oxyanions?
When naming oxyanions, this prefix is used to indicate that the oxyanion has one more O atom than the oxyanions ending in –ate.
What is indicated by the prefix per-, when naming oxyanions?
When naming oxyanions, this prefix is used to indicate that the oxyanion has one O atom fewer than the oxyanions ending in –ite.
What is indicated by the prefix hypo-, when naming oxyanions?
This type of oxyanions is named by adding the prefixes, hydrogen or dihydrogen as appropriate.
What is the way to name anions that are derived by adding an H^+ to an oxyanion?
When naming oxyanions, this prefix indicates that one H^+ atom has been added to the oxyanion.
What is it that is indicated by the prefix hydrogen, when naming oxyanions?
When naming oxyanions, this prefix indicates that two H^+ atoms have been added to the oxyanion.
What is it that is indicated by the prefix dihydrogen, when naming oxyanions?
Adding the prefix, bi-, to the anion is the older method for naming oxyanions that have gained this atom.
What is the older method for naming oxyanions that have gained an H^+?
In the context of nomenclature, these compounds are substances whose molecules yield hydrogen ions (H^+) when dissolved in water.
What is an acid, in the context of nomenclature?
In the context of nomenclature, these compounds are composed of an anion connected to enough H^+ to neutralize, or balance, the anion’s charge.
What is the composition of acids, in the context of nomenclature?
Acids containing anions whose name ends in this specific ending are named by changing the ending on the anion, its suffix, to an –ic, adding the prefix, hydro-, to this anion name, and then following the name with the word, acid.
What is the method for naming acids containing anions whose names end in –ide?
Acids containing anions whose name ends in these two specific ending are named by changing the ending on the anion, its suffix, to either an –ic or an –ous (respectfully), and then following the name with the word, acid. Prefixes in the anion name are retained in the name of the acid.
What is the method for naming acids containing anions whose names end in –ate or -ite?
These are two-element molecular compounds.
What are binary compounds?
Following the following steps to name this type of compounds:

Step 1: The name of the element farther to the left in the periodic table is usually written first (an exception to this rule occurs in the case of compounds that contain oxygen. Oxygen is always written last except when combined with fluorine).

Step 2: If the elements are in the same group in the periodic table, the one having the higher atomic number is named first.

Step 3: The name of the second element is given an –ide ending.

Step 4: Greek prefixes are used to indicate the number of atoms of each element.
What are the steps in naming binary molecular compounds?
These are hydrocarbons where each carbon atom is bonded to four other atoms.
What are alkanes?
These are compounds that contain carbon and hydrogen, often in the combination with oxygen, nitrogen, and other elements.
What are organic compounds?
These are organic compounds where hydrogen atoms of alkanes are replaced with the functional group, -OH.
What are alcohols?
These are organic compounds organic compounds that only contain hydrogen and carbon.
What are hydrocarbons?
This type of organic compounds is named by adding the suffix, -ane, to the root Greek prefixes that are used to indicate the number of carbon atoms that are in the compound. NOTE: different Greek prefixes are used to name compounds with 1, 2, 3, and 4 carbon atoms.
What is the way to name alkanes?
Name these types of alkanes with the prefixes, meth-, eth-, prop-, or but-, respectfully and the rest of the alkanes get named with the Greek prefixes starting at penta- and going to deca-.
What are the prefixes for alkanes with 1, 2, 3, or 4 carbon atoms respectfully?
The name of this organic compound is derived from that of the alkane (including the prefixes) and then adding an –ol ending. Finally, indicate the location of the functional group, -OH, that has replaced the H atom by adding the prefix, 1, 2, 3…etc.
What is the way to name alcohols?
When an element in this type of compound starts with an “o,” the letter “o” or “a” in the prefix ending gets dropped.
What is the rule for adding prefixes when naming binary molecular compounds that start with an “o?”