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59 Cards in this Set

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Gene pool
all the genetic material in a local population
a local population
Hardy-Weinberg law states that....
if there is....
1.large population
2.random mating
3. no mutations
4. no natural selection
5.no immigration/ emmigration

then evolution will not occur
evolution (def)
a change in allele frequency
what is the Hardy-Weinberg equation

p= % dominant allele
q=% recessive allele
pq= hetrozygous allele

what are the 5 agents of microevolution
1. mutations
2. gene flow
3. nonrandom mating
4. genetic drift
5. selection (look up in book)
mutations (def)
a change in the genetic structure of the DNA
spontaneous mutations (def)
these changes in the genetic structure of Dna occur because of the unorganized nature of replication

odds of this are 1/500,000 nitrogen bases
induced mutations (def)
mutations caused by an outside agent
silent mutation
mutation in which the nitrogen base is altered but doesnt change the AA sequence
what % of mutations are silent or harmful?
gene flow (def)
the movement of alleles from one population to another

populations exchange information

Gondwanaland possibility
Nonrandom mating
Only organisms that are best adapted to the environment get to reproduce, and pass along their genes
differential reproduction
some individuals reproduce more or less differently than other individuals
determined by how many offspring you have
genetic drift
the idea that over time, due to random probabilities, the allele frequency changes
The Founders Effect
the genetic drift seen when a part of a population migrates, and allele frequency changes between the original population and the new one
The Bottleneck Effect
a reduction in population size (disease, human interaction, hurricanes, starvation, etc.) leads to more genetic drift
Natural Selection
certain genotypes remaining that are best fit for the environment in nature
4 parts to natural selection
1. excess progeny: requires lots of offspring- the more offspring, the more variation
2. variability-the you have, the more you have to work with
3. inheritability- has to be a trait that is capable of being passed on genetically (not Lamarckian)
4. differential adaptiveness- some orgs will reproduce more because they are better adapted (certain traits are going to have an advantage)
what are the 3 types of selection. draw them.

KNOW: what are natural instances of these, which leads to the creation of a new species?
1. disruptive
2. directional
3. stabilizing
a change that occurs that better fits the environment
the ability to leave offspring
when two species effect each other's evolution
a group of similar organisms that reproduce in their natural environment
phyletic evolution
evolution where species transition into one another in a linear fashion
evolution where species transition away from each other, instead of in a linear fashion (LOOK UP IN CLIFF)
geographical isolation

is this pre or post zygotic?
when species occur in different areas, often separated by a barrier (like a river or mountain)

ecological isolation
when species occur in the same area but occupy different habitats (so they don't encounter one another)
behavioral isolation
species differ in their mating rituals
temporal isolation
when species reproduce in different seasons or at different times of day
mechanical isolation
when structural differences prevent mating

parts don't fit!
prevention of gamete fusion
when the gametes of one species functions poorly with the gametes of another species or withing the reproductive tract of another species
hybrid inviability or infertility
when the hybrid embryos do not develop properly or hybrid adults do not survive in nature or hybrid adults are sterile
post zygotic isolation
even after all the prezygotic repro. barriers, and fertilization happens, the embryos do not develop further
after enough accumulations of small changes over long periods of time, groups of species eventually are no longer able to reproduce with one another (no longer a species)
adaptive radiation
because of unfilled niches, and diversity within a species, divergent evolution occurs, as different types within the species occupy these niches, and grow further apart genetically
the view that organisms change very slowly and accumulate change very slowly (in a gradual way) but these lead to major changes over very long periods of time
punctuated equilibrium
the idea that speciation is driven by long periods of equilibrium followed by rapid, massive changes over a short period of time
the idea of trying to put together the evolutionary history of an organism
refers to similar structures that relate orgs together evolutionarily
structures that are similar in function but different in origin
what 3 things do evolutionists assume?
1) no god or intelligent designer
2) random and non directed
3) macroevoltuion
divergent evolution
when certain species evolve they become more and more different from one another

the idea behind this is to maximize differences to minimize differences
parallel evolution
because of identical environments, some species evolve in a parallel fashion, not more/less like each other, but develop the same characteristics
convergent evolution
when 2 organisms grow more similar between structures usually because of inhabiting similar environments

minimize competition, minimize differences
Scope's trial
a trial in the 1800's that was held by those who wanted to teach evolution
what did Darwin not say about primate evolution
he never said that humans descended from monkey, this was a creationist distortion
Anthropoids (italicized)
includes monkeys, apes, humans
Hominoids (italicized)
includes apes and humans(hominids)
what is the alternative, "Christian" option instead of strict evolution or strict creation (also believed by Wright)
God picked 2 primitive neanderthals and breathed "the breath of life" or Adam and Eve are representations for men and women as a whole

creationist perspective of primate evolution
humans spread out of Mesopotamia because of the Tower of Babel incident. They didn't migrate to the Tigris/ Euphrates (from Africa).

Their hominids are descendants of Adam and Eve devolved, as they moved away from God's intentions
Hominid brain sizes? WRIGHT?
look up foo
cretinism's role
Kinnes believes neanderthals bear a striking resemblance to cretins, people who are short in stature, mental retardation, because of thyroid defiency (lack of iodine)
organisms with different structures
could have been defective


the study of
ecology (def)
the study of living organisms and their relation to the environment
ecology conundrum
why do people who believe God carefully created all for the earth neglect while evolutionists who believe everything in our universe arose for no reason care more for the earth?
what 3 things are needed to care for ecology?
1. knowledge
2. awareness
3. basis to care (faith)