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184 Cards in this Set

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A directional marker on a map.
Compass rose
Lines running east to west on a map, but measure north and south of the equator.
Lines running north to south on a map, but measure east and west of the Prime Meridian.
The imaginary line that is located at zero degrees latitude.
The imaginary line that is located at zero degrees longtiude.
Prime Meridian
To come into another country to settle.
Is to move from one place to another within a country.
Internal migration
Poor countries that are in the process of becoming industrialized.
Developing countries
Wealty countries that are industrialized.
Developed countries
An introductory statement to the Constitution.
People that resist change much more strongly than either the moderates or the conservatives.
Support traditional values and limited role of government.
Political views are in the middle between liberal and conservatives
Believe that government should play an active role in citizens' lives.
Political outlook favoring extreme change.
Also known as representative democracy, people elect representatives.
Indirect democracy
Absolute power that is exercised by a single person.
Powers granted by the constitution to the federal government.
delegated powers
Powers that are shared by the national government and the state governments.
Powers that are not specifically granted to the national government. (given to the state government)
Prevents one branch of government from having too much power.
Checks and balances
Formal charges against a public official
The branch of government that makes the laws.
The branch of government that interprets the laws.
The branch of government that carries out the laws.
The type of govenment in a city
Mayor Council
The attorney who initiates and conducts legal action on behalf of the parish or the state.
District Attorney
The chief police officer in the parish. Maintains the jail.
Chief executive of the state
Second in charge of a state who becomes governor if the governor can not finish his/her term.
Lt. Governor
In charge of the executive branch of government.
Presiding officer of the Senate. Becomes President if he can not finish his term.
Vice President
An advisory group chosen by the President to assist him decision-making.
Lawmaking branch of government.
Nine judges appointed by the president to decide cases of constitutional significance.
Supreme Court
House of Congress that has 100 members. (2 per state)
House of Congress that members are chosen according to a state's population.
House of Represenatives
A plan to divided Congress into 2 houses the upper house called the Senate and the lower house called the House of Represenatives.
The Great Compromise
Means that people do not and cannot have enough income, time or other resources to satisfied their every desire.
Something someone gives up in order to get something else.
opportunity cost
Something that someone buys instead of something else.
Oppurtunity benefit
When you exchange one thing for the use of another.
trade off
All things that are found in nature.
Natural resource
The type of resource that is workers or laborers.
Human resource
Includes all buildings, equipment, an human skills people develop.
Capital resource
An economic system which individuals own productive resources. (Money)
A system in which individuals own the factors of production.
Market system
System in which economic decisions are based on customs, beliefs, and ways of doing things have been handed down from generation to generation.
Traditional system
An ecomonic system in which the government controls all means of production.
Command system
System combining characteristics of more than one type of economy.
Mixed Economy
The economic law of when there is a high demand of a good that price will increase. When there is a high supply then the price will decrease.
Supply and demand
A tax on a foreign good
A term applied to early buisness leaders because of their selfishness, ruthless business methods.
Robber barons
A self made millionaire who made his fortune in railroad companies.
Cornelius Vanderbilt
A self made milliionare who made his fortune in oil. (Standard Oil)
John D. Rockefeller
Self made millionare who made his fortune in steel.
Andrew Carnegie
Most famous investment banker of the late 19th century.
J.P. Morgon
Law that prohibited the Chinese from entering the U.S.
Chinese Exclusion Act
The growth of cities.
The early 20th century movement seeking to return the control of government to the people.
Progressive Movement
Made the federal income tax legal.
16th amendment
Direct election of U.S. Senators.
17th amendment
Prohibition of alcoholic beverages.
18th amendment
Women's suffrage
19th amendment
Republican president during the Progressive era. Known as the "trust buster" and the "Square Deal"
Teddy Roosevelt
Founder of the Hull House in Chicago, a settlement house.
Jane Addams
Magazines journalists who exposed corrupt buisness practices in the early 1900s.
The author of the "The Jungle" a book about the meat packing industry.
Upton Sinclair
A system in which landowners gave farm workers land, seed and tools in return for a part of the crops they raised.
A policy of a country taking over weaker countries for economic gain.
British passenger ship that was bombed by a German U-Boat in 1915.
The assassination of this man began World War I in Europe. (1914)
Archduke Francis Ferdinand
Telegram sent to Mexico asking them to declare war against the U S. The U S then declared war on Germany.
Zimmerman Note
President of the United States during World War I
Woodrow Wilson
President Wilson's plan for peace. (World War I)
14 points
The idea of an international organization after World War I. (The U S never joined this organization)
League of Nations
Americans were worried about a communist take over after World War I.
Red Scare
A time period known as the Jazz Age.
Roaring 20s
Celebration of African-American culture in art, literature and music that occured in New York City.
Harlem Renaissance
Production of goods in large quanities.
Mass production
A time period in the late 1800s and early 1900s that was the birth of the factories.
Industrial Revolution
Powers of the court to decide whether a law or government action violated the Constitution. (Supreme Court)
Judicial Review
A constitutional right where the government can not deny a citizen of their rights to life, liberty and property.
Due process
The amendment that gives due process to the citizens.
5th amendment
Grants citizenship to all people born or naturalized in the United States.
14th amendment
Forbade the paying of a poll tax.
24th amendment
System of taxation in which the tax remains constant regardless of a person's income.
Proportional Tax
System of taxation in which individuals pay a higher percentage of additional tax dollars as income rises.
Progressive Tax
The time period in the 1930s when people began to lose their jobs.
The Great Depression
The Great Depression began with the ...
Stock Market Crash
Buying stock at a lower price than paying off the rest as the stock price rose.
President at the beginning of the Great Depression. (He did nothing to help the people)
Herbert Hoover
The insurance that banks have to protect people's investments.
Elected President in 1932 and promised to help the country out of the depression.
Franklin D Roosevelt
President Roosevelt's plan to get the country out of the depression.
The New Deal
The 3 r's of the the New Deal.
Recovery, relief, reform
A worker that works in an office, sales or professional positions.
White collar worker
Category of workers employed in crafts, manufacturing and non farm labor.
blue collar worker
People who provide services directly to people.
Service worker
A large company owned by stockholders.
A company that has multiple owners that share in the profits and the loses.
A firm with a single owner who has the right to all the profits and who bears the burben of any debt.
Individual proprietorship
Belief that the United States should not get involved in war.
Series of laws passed by Congress that the United States would not get involved in World War II
Neutrality Acts
Policy that said Great Britain could buy war supplies for cash and they would have to transport the goods.
Cash and carry
Law passed by Congress allowing the president to lend or lease supplies to countries fighting the Axis Powers.
Lend Lease
Lightening warfare used by the Germans in World War II.
President of the United States during World War II
Franklin D Roosevelt
Prime Minister of Great Britain during World War II
Winston Churchill
Communist dictator of the Soviet Union during World War II
Joseph Stalin
A non aggression pact signed between Germany and the Soviet Union.
Nazi Soviet Pact
Nazi dictator of Germany during World War II
Adolf Hitler
Fascist dictator of Italy during World War II
Benito Mussolini
Emperor of Japan and the military dictator during World War II
World War II began in 1939 when Germany invaded this country.
A civil war in Russia when the communist took over this country in 1917.
Russian Revolution
First communist dictator of the Soviet Union.
Great Britain, United States and the Soviet Union during World War II
Germany, Italy and Japan during World War II
When the Neuville Chamberlain appeased Hitler before World War II
Munich Conference
Country that surrendered to Germany in 1940.
Meeting between Churchill and F D Roosevelt to agree to help each other in time of war.
Atlantic Charter
F D Roosevelt, W Churchill and Joseph Stalin
The Big Three
The location where the Allied forces invaded France on June 6, 1944. (D- Day)
Last major battle of World War II in Europe.
Battle of the Bulge
Meeting in early 1945 between Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin to decide how to rebuild Europe after World War II.
The mass killing of 6 million Jews before and during World War II by the Nazis.
May 8, 1945. When the war ended in Europe.
V-E Day
The location where the Japanese bombed the naval base and the United States entered into World War II.
Pearl Harbor
How the the United States raised money during World War II. People would lend money to government.
War Bonds
The stragety used in the Pacific by the Allied forces.
Island hopping
Leader of the Alllied forces in the Pacific Ocean.
Douglas MacAuthur
Leader of the Allied forces in Europe.
Dwight D Eisenhower
Meeting between Turman, Stalin and Atlee to decide how to divide Germany.
The secret project of building the atomic bomb.
Manhatten Project
Where the Allies dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan.
The location of the dropping of the second atomic bomb on Japan. After this Japan surrendered.
September 1945. End of World War II in the Pacific.
V-J Day
Japanese suicide bombers.
The name of the court that put the Nazison trial for war crimes committed against the Jews.
Nuremberg Trials
That the state has the supreme and absolute authority within its territorial boundaries.
popular sovereignty
The document that said even the king had to follow the laws.(1215) Habeas corpus
Magna Carta
Stated the rights of English citizens.
English Bill of Rights
Came up with the idea of a Social contract which is a contract people gave up to the state so the government could maintain order
Thomas Hobbes
People were endowed with the right of life, liberty, and property. The Two Treatises of Government
John Locke
Stressed the separation of powers. The Spirit of Laws
A system gives all key powers to the national or central government
Unitary System
Divides the powers of government between the national government and state
Federal system
A plan that provides the rules for government. Supreme law of the land.
A form of government where a king, queen, or emperor exercises the supreme power of government.
A system of government in which a small group holds power
Is any system of government in which rule is by the people.
Means “to let alone” – government should keep its hands off the economy.
Lassiez faire
Is an economic system where the government owns the basic means of production, distributes products and wages, and provides social services such as health care and welfare.
He wrote The Communist Manifesto.
Father of communism.
Karl Marx
A military allaince signed between the communist countries after World War II
Wasaw pact
A failed attempt to overthrow Castro and the communist in Cuba.
Bay of Pigs
Built in 1961 to divide this city between the east and west. It was torn down in 1989.
Berlin Wall
Fought in 1776 for the Americans to gain their freedom from the British.
American Revolutionary War
1945 - 1990 - A time of tension between the US (free world) and the Soviet Union (communist world)
Cold War
Gave aid to Greece and Turkey after WWII so they would not fall to communism.
Truman Doctrine
Fought from 1950 - 1953 to keep communism from spreading in that country. The country was divided at the 38th parallel.
Korean War
A change to the constitution
Phrase used by Winston Churhill to describe the division between Western and Eastern Europe.
Iron Curtain
When the Soviet Union shot down a US spy plane.
U 2 affair
Money given to Western Europe after WWII to help rebuild those countries and not have these countries fall to communism.
Marshall Plan
President Truman's plan not to allow communism to spread to other countries.
War fought in the 1960s and 1970s to stop the spread of communism in this country.
Vietnam War
Communist leader of Cuba
Fidel Castro
First 10 amendments to the constitution
Bill of Rights
Passed in 1973 saying the President has to tell Congress within 48 hours of sending deploying troops. If Congress does not approve he has to remove the troops in 90 days.
War Powers Act
Name of the first satellite launched by the Soviets. This began the space race.
A military allaince signed by the free countries during the Cold War.
Signed on July 4, 1776 declaring Americas independence from the British.
Declaration of Independence
When the US discovered Soviet missiles in this country that is 90 miles south of Florida. The Soviets removed the missiles and the US removed its missiles from Turkey.
Cuban missile crisis
An international peace organization formed after World War II
United Nations
The movement in the United States to end segreation during the 1960s and 70s
Civil rights movement
The Supreme Court case that said separate but equal was legal. 1898 Began the Jim Crow laws.
Plessy V Ferguson
The founder of the NAACP in 1909
W E B Dubois
The Supreme Court case that overturned Plessy v Ferguson. It said separate but equal was unconstitutional.
Brown v Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas
Banned segregation in public places such as restaurants, buses
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Said no one can be denied
the right to vote because of race, religion etc..
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Leader of the Civil Rights Movement
Dr. Martin L King
The President that passed the most Civil Rights legislation.
L B Johnson