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71 Cards in this Set

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Europe is a very ______ region of the world with great diversity in terms of climates, population and population densities, physical features, languages, religions, standards of living, etc. However, it is also a region that has much ___________. Governmental and economic systems, relative affluence, population growth rates, commitment to democracy, etc. are common across western Europe and are developing in eastern Europe.

- diverse

- similiarity internally

The population of Europe today is over _____ million persons, not counting the former USSR. Average population density across the region is _____ persons per square mile but varies considerably from country and area to area. So Europe has a substantial portion (almost _____) of the world's 7 billion plus people.

- 600 million

- 266 persons

- 10%

Europe's relative location, at the heart of the _______, is one of maximum efficiency for contact with the rest of the world. It is close to most of the rest of the world, thus facilitating _____ and ______.

- land hemisphere

- trade

- colonization

Perhaps because of this location in part, European powers developed _________ in the last three or four centuries, with European powers becoming the holders of the colonies in much of the rest of the world. Thus European culture and influence was felt not just in Europe but all over the globe.

- large world empires

European economies are generally dominated by the ________ industries and in more recent years the growth of _________. Standards of living are generally quite _____ by most measures but tend to decline from _____ to ______. Per capita incomes in some west European countries are among the _______ in the world and exceed US levels in some instances.

- manufacturing

- service industries

- high

- west

- east

- highest

What are some instances where Europe exceeds the US?

- life expectancy

- educational attainment

- infant mortality rates

- calorie intake

- urbanization

- percentage of population in the agricultural sector

European people enjoy "the ___________."

- good life

Europe is a region blessed with some of the best ______ and _______ systems in the world.

- communication

- transportation

Most of Europe's countries are governed by state _______, _______________ governments, often with a figure head _______ attached.

East European countries are more recent in developing democratic institutions as a result of the breakdown in soviet control in the last 15 years. Complementing this democratic political order is a _______ or _______ _________ order in Europe that for the west has meant high standards of living.

- democratic, parliamentary

- monarchy

- capitalistic

- mixed

- economic

What is a looming problem in Europe?

- low population birth rate and a steady rise in the average ages of people which is also called the "graying" of Europe

What is another problem in Europe?

- high, long term, intractable unemployment rates (current recessions there)

Geographically, Europe's land forms can be grouped regionally into four types:





Thus virtually all of Europe geographically is composed of _____ or _____ with the exception of thegreat North European Plain.

- The North European Plain

- Central Uplands

- Alpine Mountain Range

- Western Uplands

- mountains or uplands

It is also notable geographically that most of the continent of Europe is located in a very ______.

- northerly part of the globe

What is the North Atlantic Drift?

- the northern extension of the Gulf stream in the northern Atlantic ocean. It warms the coast and affects the climates of northwest Europe.

The same winds that bring moderate temperatures to Western Europe also bring ______ to much of western Europe.

- ample moisture

What has always been one of Europe's major assets?

- ample, well distrubuted, and relatively dependable

What are Europe's climate types?

- most are found except desert and tropical rainy types

What is Indo-European?

- a hypothesis that says most of the languages spoken from Northern India to the extreme west of Europe derive from the same original language called Indo-European.

What are the 3 major religious groups in Europe?

- Protestantism

- Roman Catholicism

- Eastern Orthodoxy

What are some fun facts on The United Kingdom?-

- United Kingdom of England, Whales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland

- $36,000 Per Capita

- 63 million people within all 4 regions


- lowlands in south and uplands in north

- Moors

- Pennines Mts

What is the Moors in the United Kingdom?

- upland areas that are wet and soggy, fog rises up from these, beautiful for grazing purposes

What is the Pennines?

- mountains in Great Britain, tourist attraction

What is the economy like in the United Kingdom?

- southern part of England is healthy

- northern part of England is not doing so well

- shipbuilding is pretty important

- wool

- cotton and textiles

- iron, steel, coal, some petroleum

- tourist industry

Who attracts the most tourists?

- London

________ - most predominant religion but UK not religious, more secular

- Anglican faith

What are some fun facts about Whales?

- mountainous region

- few coal mines

- tourism

- 3 million people

What are some fun facts about Scotland?

- 5 million people

- North Sea oil flow

- Edinburgh - main city - home of richest female in the UK (rowling)

- golf originated here

- Glasglow- biggest city for industry

- Lake Lochness - "nessy"

What are some fun facts about Northern Ireland?

- 1921 when it was separated from Ireland

- Protestant - religious connection with the big island of the UK

- Catholics 40% - Nationalists - want to separate, being discriminated

- Protestants 60% - Unionists

---- Known as the Troubles - the conflict between

- shipbuilding

- 1.5 million people

- little bit of industry

- Ulster (nickname)

What are some fun facts about the Republic of Ireland?

- Erre (nickname)

- $33,000/year

- mainly Catholic country

- Great Potato Famine in the 1800s

- mostly upland areas

- tourism

- the Emerald isle - green island (lush and green)

- most towns like Pineville size

What is the Chunnel?

- a 21 mile tunnel under the English Channel

What are some fun facts about France?

- Chunnel

- 63 million people

- $34,000/year

-lower lowland areas and mountains

- Seine River (divides parish)

-Loire River

- Massif Central - high plataeu area

- economy is reasonable healthy

- Jura Mts

Who is the most important agriculturalcountry in Europe? What do they produce?

- France

- wheat and grapes for wine

Who has the best high tech industry in the world? For what?

- France

- nuclear power- produces more electricity than any other country

- high speed trains

- weapons

Where are the Jura Mts and what was found here?

- France

- dino bones

The French believe _______ is the center of the universe.

- Paris

What are some more fun facts about France?

- Paris is its capital

- tourism is an important part of economy/country

- an attraction in Paris is the French Rivera (coast and mountains), nude beaches, Alps, the history


_______ region is number one iron and steel production in Europe.

- Lorraine

What type of government is in Paris?

- democratic (president and parliament)

What is the religion in France?

- roman catholic, southern region receives immigrants from Algeria which brings Islam (10%)

What are some fun facts about Germany?

- most powerful (economic output) in Europe

- 83 million

- $38,000/year

- industrial heartland of Europe

- capital city = Berlin

- government = democracy (elected Parliament and Prime minister)

- religion - lutherinism, roman catholicism

- world's leading solar power production

_____ is the most powerful (economic output) in Europe.

- Germany

Who is the industrial heartland of Europe?

- Germany

- they produce automobiles (BMW, Votswagon, Mercedes), planes, and beer

What is the most important port in Germany?

- Rotterdam

Who is the world's leading solar power production?

- Germany

What are some fun facts about Switzerland?

- small, mountainous

- $50,000/year

- no mineral resources but natural beauty

- b/c of mts, major economic factor is tourism

- expensive to visit, high standard of living

- 2nd economy factor - production of chocolate (Nestle')

- other factors : banking, time pieces, cheese, textiles (expensive, high quality)

Who has one of the richest per capita in the world?

- Switzerland

What is Switzerland's economy factors?

- tourism, chocolate,

What are Switzerland's 4 langauges?

- French, German, Italian, and Native language

What are some fun facts about Austria?

- 8 million

- $40,000/year

- Religion - Roman Catholic

- language - German

- govt - democratic

- economy - tourism (outdoor sports). lumbar, iron, steel. outdoor clothing

- landlocked country, small, poor agriculture, but stable

Who is known for lumbar and outdoor clothing?

- Austria

What are the Benelux Countries?

- the low countries : Belguim, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands

What are some fun facts on Luxemburg?

- most afluent country in Europe

- $65,000/year

- half million people

- iron and steel iindustry

- french

- democratic government

Who is the most afluent country in Europe?

- Lexemburg

What are some fun facts about Belguim?

- $38,000/year

- 11 million

- In the South people are French and in the North people are Dutch - they don't get along with each other

- polished and cut raw diamonds

- world's leader in the production of cobalt

- iron and steel industry

- lace production

- tourism

- use to produce a lot of pianos

Who is the world leader in the production in cobalt?

- Belgium

What is Belgium known for?

- the production of polished and cut raw diamonds

- lace

- pianos

What are some fun facts about the Netherlands?

* Know all these fun facts*

- $40,000/year

- Amsterdam

- high tech

- liberalized (prostitution, drugs, porn, etc. are all legal

- reclaiming land from the Dead Sea

- 16 million people

- believe and helping/promoting arts

- Shell (oil and natural gas)

Norden means __________. And What 5 nations does it contain?

- north

- Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland

What is the most common religion in Norden?

All of these nations are ________, with some severe or harsh weather in the colder months. The bulk of the populations in these nations live in the ________ areas (like Canada) because these are the mildest areas in the winter months.

- Lutheranism

- relatively cold

- southermost

All of the nations of Norden have ____________ and are very stable politically. some of these nations have monarchs still but they are largely figureheads, with no political powers.

- democratically elected parliments

All of the nations of Norden are mountainous except for ________.

- Finland, which is more flat

What are fjords?

- deep, salt water bays that are cut unto the western side of the nation that glaciers in Norway left

Today _____ of Sweden is covered with lakes and water.

- 8%

What are some fun facts about Norway?

- 5 million

- $55,000/year

- Capital = Oslo

- mostly mountainous and very cold

-70% of country considered wetlands

- producer of petroleum, hydro power, natural gas, fish, and aluminum.

- fjords

What are some fun facts about Sweden?

- 9.4 million

- $38,000/year

- capital = Stockholm (one of the most beautiul cities)

- largest nation in size in Norden

- most population in the south

- over 10,000 lakes

- robots

Who has robots?

- Sweden

What are some fun facts about Denmark?

- 5.6 million

- $39,000/year

- capital - Copenhagen

- world leader in the production of pork, butter, and cheese

- also produces insulin, hearing aids, leggo toys, marine diesel engines and chmcials

- this little nation has a higher percentage of its land in agriculture than any other nation in Europe

- Greenland is today still a colony of Denmark

What is Denmark a world leader in?

- production of pork, butter, and cheese

Greenland is still a colony of ________.

- Denmark

What are some fun facts about Finland?

- 5.4 million

- $35,000/year

- capital = Helsinki

- shipbuilding nation, Nokia phones, nickel and copper

- rated the most democratic country in the world in recent years

- excellent educaiton system

- coffee lovers

What are some fun facts about Iceland?

- 300,000 people

- $33,000/year

- capital = Reykjavik

- "land of fire, ice, and steam - volcanoes, glaciers, geysers and hot springs

- hydro electricity produces 95% of electricity

- fishing is the backbone