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103 Cards in this Set

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fotanelles fuse/ossify
2 year
0-3 dimensions compared to adult size: transverse vs. ap vs. Vd
closest to adult size, ap- growth rates of maxilla and mandible, vertical dimension least developed
when do all nerve cells develop by
8 month in utero
cranial vault vs. face in comparison to adult size
CV closer to adult size that face
cephalocaudal growth gradient
cranial vault, maxilla, mandible
tooth formation begins
7 weeks in utero
Calcificfication of all primary teeth
by birth
enamel of primary teeth complete
1 year of age
all primary teeth erupted
24-36 months
all roots of primary complate
3 years
tooth formation for permanent teeth
1st molars, incisors, canines 3.5-6 months in utero
calcification of first permanent molars
calcification of all permanent teeth except molars
enamel of incisors and first molars
interdental spacing
0-3 in incisor and primate region
fear of strangers
7 12
Separation anxiety
6 months, peaks around 13 18
normal overbite
1-2mm 20-30%
normal overjet
age of maxillary anterior caries
10 12
fissure caries of molars(can be with anterior)
13 15
posterior proximal caries
what percent of 6mo-5 yr can have trouble sleeping
one forth to one third
what percent of babies can sleep through the night by 12 weeks
two thirds
what percent of children during their first year have an oral habit?
most children cease oral habits by
24-36 months
if havent stopped by 3?
less chance of quitting
duration of sucking to affect occlusion
4-6 hrs per day
spontaneous cessation of oral habits majority by?
problems arise?
pacifier happens?
earlier than digit, 90% before age 5, 100% before age 8
Worry about oral habit
before 1 - none, 2-3 only if change occlusion, 4-5 actively counsel
what percent of open bites in primary close by when?
90% by age 10
mouth breathing normal for
3-6 year olds, 50/50 before 8
nail biting occurs
onlder than 3-6
avearge height at weight at 3
38 inches, 33 lbs
growth until 6
4 inches in hieght, 5 lbs in weight
3-6: head growth, limb, trunk
head slow, limb fast, trunk medium
spacing throughout until
age 4 mesial drift of 2nd primary molars
early mesial drift-IP space closed in primary dention on eruption of first permanent molars
4 essentials of communication
sender, message, context, reciever
precoop exam
CTNPDPp and Succesive Approximation
CTNPDPp SA + voice control
precoop restorative
CNPDPp + immobilization and pharm sedation
Coop restoration
CTNPDPp + SA + nitrous/O2
uncoop rest
CTNPDPa + SA+ Voice control
Voice control
ow, ow, now
Active immobilization non sedation
Passive imm non sed
ow, ow, ow
Act imm sed
ow ow ow
pass im sed
ow ow ow
conscious sedation
ow ow w
w w ow
w w w
what dentist sees to justify treatment, assement of behavior
backed up with behavior note
Remodeling theory
periosteum = target of genetic activity,
average 6 year old
3'10, 48 lbs
until year 12
5% increase in hieght, 10 % increase in weight
average 12 year old
5ft 85 lbs
body proporition at 6
similar to adult hood
Boys general taller and heavier than girls until age
10 11
neural and cranial growth compltee by?
jaw grwoth vs. cranium
jaw is faster
mandibular perm. Incisors are how much larger than primary?
intercanine distance increase in mandible?
maxillary perm larger
intercanine distance increase in maxilla?
mandible eruption
centrals-close intedental space, laterals push canines disto-labially, come in from the lingual
centrals close id space, and push canines distolabially leading to a diastma
maxillary leeway
mandibular leeway
arch length decreases how much during late mesial shift?
late mesial shift leads to what molar relationship
class I
mixed into permanent molar relationships
class1 > 2>3
problems with mixed dention
class II, posterior xbite, crowding
tanaka johnson
mandibular incisors /2 + 10.5, maxillary incisors/2 + 11 = canine and premolars
use mandibular incisors to predict canines and premolars
how can u address crowding in mixed dentition
hold leeway space
how can you change space avalaible
distalize molars, procline incisors, expand palate, upright posterior teeth
how can you change space required
IP reduction, extract teeth, single tooth four premolars
greatest space loss post extraction occurs when?
4 8 months
Effects of early tooth loss
mandible worst than maxilla, 2nd molar worst than 1st, early worst than later, extraction in crowded worst than spaced
1mm of bone takes how long ?
4 5 months
12+ growth spurt: males vs. females, when? Correlates with?
earlier in females by 2 years, end correlates with menarche
increase growth of maxilla effects the mandible by?
autorotation down and back
when do sutures begin to interdigitate
during adolescences
puberty effects on face
acceleration of mandibular growth decrease convexity, apposition at chin point, growth of the mandible down and forward, increase vertical height of ramus accomodates maxillary vertical change
shouldn’t have unerupted permanent teeth by what age?
all roots complete by 16
caries risk as you progress through adolescents
increasing number of permanent teeth, ip contacts, id spacing around premolars early(may not need bitewings)
Skeletal/dental growth patterns in adolscents
rapid/unpredictable/irregular, 35% vertical dimeonsion, 10-13 exfoliate 12 teeth, hormones/immune shift
Skeletal problems of adolescence
Transverse: posterior xbite, AP Skeletal class 2 and 3
dental growth problems in adolescence
crowding and malignment
inter canine distance of a child
IC distance of child/adult
IC adult
3cm +
pinching leads to what kind of marks?
mirror image
temperature and burns
113-6hrs, 127-one minute, 130-30 seconds, 150-2 seconds-sensed hot at 109-115
retinal hemmorrahge from birth trauma dissappears by?
2 months
common in accidental head injures
epidural hematoma