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12 Cards in this Set

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- Plays an important role in the skeletogenesis of long bones and calvarial suture.
- Causes craniosynostosis
- An example of FGFR2 disorder is
o Crouzan syndrome
 Upper dental arch is narrowed and retruded.
 Skull is soft
 The eyes are two far apart
 Ears have failed to come up
o Another FGFR2 disorder is
 Alpert’s Syndrome
• Nasion is underdeveloped, the ears have failed to come up.
• Thumb is broad and apoptosis did not occur between fingers
o Resulting webbed fingers.
- FGFR facilitates
o Proliferation/apoptosis
Twist (named after the dorosphoila mutant in which a twisted larve is caused by gastrulation defects and a lack of mesoderm).
- Basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor expressed in neural crest cells.
- Twist1 loss of unction mutations causes
o Saethre-Chotzen syndrome, which causes
 Craniocynostosis.
Ephrin B1 (EFNB1) regulated Cell/cell interactions during
- Patterning hindbrain segmentation and skeletal formation
- Ephrin is expressed in complementary to Eph, since interactions cause repulsion at the suture lines to create boundaries.
- Binding initiates a bi-directional signaling cascade necessary for sorting.
- Loss of function mutations of ephrin B1?
o X-linked craniofrontonasal dysplaia
o Females have frontonsal dysplasia, craniofacial asymmetry, craniosynostosis and bifid nasal tip.
o Males only have hyeprtelorism (DUE TO THE x INACTIVATION).
MSX 2 is a homeodomain transcription factor expressed in
- It is directly regulated by bone morphogenic proteins
- It represses
o Osteoblast differentiation.
o Increased function of MSX2 function leads to
 Craniosynostosis
RUNX2 is
- Transcriptional regulator of
o Osteoblast differentiation (bone matrix proteins)
o It is essential for the commitment of multipotent mesenchymal cells in neural crest cells into osteoblast lineate.
o A loss of function mutation in Runt class transcription factor causes
 Cleido cranial dysplasia
TCOF-1 is a
- Regulator of ribosome biogenesis required for neural crest cell generation and proliferation.
- Loss of function leads to treacher Collins syndrome
o Due to decreased in proliferation and increased in apoptosis of neaural cres cell.
Sonic Hedgehod (SHH) is a secreted growth factor expressed in pharyngeal arch epithelium.
Loss of function mutation cause holoprosencephaly, with defects raning from mild to moderate to severe
homoedomain transcription factor expressed in neural crest cells.
Loss of function mutations result in - nonsyncromic cleft lip palate
- tooth agenisis.