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67 Cards in this Set

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When was the DORA act put in place?


What does DORA stand for?

defence of the relms act

When was british militery conscription put in place?


When was voluntary food rationing introduced?


When was the womens land army founded?


When was the national war aims comittee founded?


When did compulsory food rationing begin and what was rationed?


beer, butter, sugar and meat.

When was Lloyd George elected as PM?


When did the war finish?

nov 1918

When did women gain the vote in New Zealand?


When was the NUWSS (sufferagists) founded?


When was the WSPU (sufferagettes) founded?


When did Asquith become PM and why was this bad for the womens campain

1908, He was against womens rights

When could married women vote in district councils?


When was the cat and mouse act put into place?


Who threw themselves infront of the Kings horse and when?

Emily Davidson in 1913

When could women over 30 who own land/ are married vote?


When could all women over 21 vote?


When were women able to become MP's?


What act in 1918 gave;

women over 30 the vote

all men over 21 the vote

women the right to become MP's?

The representation of the people act

When was the Boer war?


When was the school meals act started?


When did the Liberals first win the elections, starting their reforms?


When did free school medical inspections begin?


When was the the childrens and young persons act introduced?


When was the old age pensions act introduced?


When was the trade boards act introduced?


When was the labour exchange act introduced?


When was national insurance introduced?


When was the paliament act put in place?


When were work houses abolished?


What percent of Boer War volunteers were malnourished?


Charles Booth;

Name of his research?

Where did he investigate?

What % of people were in poverty

'life and labour of the people'



Seebohm Rowntree;

Name of his research?

Where did he investigate?

What % of people were in poverty?

'poverty, a study of town life'



When was the Royal comission to investigate the poor law carried out?


3 conclusions the majority report of the royal commission had on the Poor law

-Poors fault they are poor

-Poor due to gambling and drinking

-Enough was done for the poor already

3 conclusions the Minority report of the Royal commision on the poor law had

-people couldnt help being poor

-illness, age, and unemployment were to blame

-MORE should be done to help the poor

2 polititions that campained for changes while also making names for themsleves?

Lloyd George and Churchill

What was the LEA

Local Education Authorities

2 things the childrens charter of 1908 did for children

-made it illegal for children to buy cigarettes, go to pubs or beg

-set up juvenile detention

At what age were you entitled to a state pension under the old age pensions act of 1908?

70 (with low income)(less than £21)

What did the first part of the National Insurance act of 1911 involve?

Giving health insurance to workers

How much and for how long was sick pay for workers under the national insurance act?

10 shillings for 4 or less days

How much was the maternity grant under the National insurance act?

30 shillings

How many people had health insurance under the new National insurance act?

10 million

What did the secon part of the national insurance act involve?

Unemployment benefits and Trade boards that set up minimun wage

How much did unemployment benefit pay and for how long?

7 shillings a week for up to 15 weeks

Who was the unemployment benefit aimed at?

shipbuilders, iron founding and construction workers

Why was the parliments act put in place?

The mainly conservative house of lords was preventing the bills of liberal reforms for their own personal interest, not the good of the country.

When was the peoples buget put in place?


Name 3 pre 1900 womens laws

-the matrimonial clause act (1857)

-the married women's property act (1870)

-the guardianship of children act (1886)

-womens vote in district councils (1894)

-the married women act (in case of desertion)(1886)

Why did women not have the vote in the first place?

-they didnt belong (should care for the home)

-women weren't seen as rational

-men were meant to own houses/vote, very few rich women owned houses

-if rich women could vote, they would vote conservative and the liberals wanted to avoid that.

What does NUWSS stand for?

Nation Union of Womens Sufferage Society


Who founded the sufferagists and what methods did they use?

Millicent Fawcett




What does WSPU stand for?

Womens Social and Political Union


Who founded the sufferagettes and what were their methods?

Emmeline Pankhurst


-setting fire to mail boxes

-disruption of meetings


What bill almost gave women the vote in 1912?

The pural voting bill but it never went to parliament

When did the sufferagettes begin using huger strikes as a political tool?


What jobs did women take over during WW1?

-bus conductors


-postal worker

-farm labourers

-coal deliverers

4 things DORA introduced?


-control over industry

-control over farmland

-day light saving

-control over alcohol consumption



Who is featured in the iconic 'your country needs you' poster campain?

Lord Kitchener

Who was orginally conscripted in WW1?

single men between 18-40

What were pacifists also known as and what did the state class them as?

conscientious objectors and traitors

What were the 3 things done to prevent british food shortages?

-Naval convoys protecting merchant ships

-Compulsory rationing

-British food farming increased (women's land army was founded in 1917)

4 things that were done to prevent bad new of the war reaching home?

-letters were censored

-reporters couldnt go to battle grounds

-newpapers were censored

-photos of dead soldiers were unavailable

-casualty figures were unavailable

How many civilians were killed in bomb raids?


When did the ministry of information release what film?

in 1916 the battle of somme was released