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53 Cards in this Set

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Why do you perform an abdominal palpation?
Assessing size and shape of organs
Also to feel for masses that should not be present(tumors, or foreign bodies)
See if pain is present and to localize it.
What is regurgitation?
Expulsion of material from mouth and esophagus
What is vomiting?
Expulsion of material from stomach and intestines
What does regurge indicate? examples?
a problem with esophagus.
Obstruction of the esophagus
Weakness of the muscles
What is megaesophagus?
Generalized dilation of the esophagus with a decrease or absence of motor function
What are the three types of megaesophagus?
Congenital idiopathic
Adult-onset idiopathic
Secondary megaesophagus
What is the congenital version of Megaesophagus?
Lack or delay in maturity of nervous innervation to esophagus
Spontaneous recovery possible
but if it doesn't resolve in 6 months then the prognosis is grim...
At what age does Acquired megaesophagus occur?
7-15 yrs
What is the cause of acquired megaesophagus?
Abnormality in initiation of esophageal contraction

Prognosis: poor-grave
What is the cause of secondary megaesophagus?
Neurologic, endocrine, toxic, or inflammatory cause
What does Secondary megaesophagus the #1 cause of? haha..
Myasthenia gravis
What is myasthenia gravis?
dysfunction of neuromuscular transmission= generalized muscular weakness
What are the clinical signs of megaesophagus?
Swelling of the ventral aspect of the neck
Weight loss
Poor body condition
Respiratory Difficulty
How do you diagnose Megaesophagus?
History(vomiting v. Regurge)
Thoracic radiographs(Plain + Contrast)
Tests for potential causes
What is the treatment of secondary megaesophagus?
Treat primary problem
How do you treat idiopathic megaesophagus?
Dietary management
Feed elevated
type of food determined by trial and error
small and frequent meals
Calorically dense diet
Keep elevated for 10-20 minutes after eating
Gastrostomy tube
Client Education
What are some complications of Megaesophagus?
#1- Aspiration pneumonia
Mucopurulent nasal discharge
Harsh lung sounds
What are some causes of vomiting?
Motion sickness
Dietary indiscretion
Ingestion of emetogenic substances
GI foreign body
Gastrointestinal obstruction
Gastric Ulcers
Abdominal inflammation/irritation(peritonitis)
Extra-GI disease (endocrine diseases)
What are some additional tests that you can do to discover the reason for vomiting?
Abdominal radiographs, blood tests, fecal exam, barium series(upper GI), surgery
What is the symptomatic Tx of vomiting?
Withhold food and water
Bland diet
Can you give peptobismol to cats?
What is the dosage for peptobismol?
What is strange that happens when peptobismol is given?
stool turns black
What can you give for a bland diet?
Hills I/d, CNM EN
Homemade, boiled rice with boiled chicken or hamburger

cats/small dogs- meat based baby foods

and slow conversion to normal diet
What does GDV mean?
Gastric Dilation Volvulus
What is gastric dilation volvulus?
Common in large, deep chested dogs
causes severe shock and can be fatal if not treated rapidly
What are the symptoms of GDV?
Restless/discomfort several hours after eating
Animal retches but does not vomit
Abdominal distension
Rapid and/or labored breathing
How do you diagnose Bloat?
Clinical signs and radiographs
What radiograph do you take for bloat?
Right lateral and
Double bubble
How do you treat Bloat?
Aggressive IV fluid therapy
Gastric decompression
Orogastric intubation
Treatment of cardiac arrhythmias
How do you prevent GDV?
Feed many small meals
avoid excercise immediately before or after eating
Avoid air ingestion
What is diarrhea?
Excess water in feces-->Osmotic, hypersecretion, increased permeability.
What are some causes of acute diarrhea?
Drug side effect
Viral or bacterial
Inflammatory bowel disease
HGE-Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis
What are examples of Ascarids?
Toxacara canis
Toxacara cati
Toxascaris leonina
What are examples of Hookworms?
Ancylostoma caninum,
Ancylostoma tubaeforme
Ancylostoma braziliense
Uncinaria stenocephala
What are examples of Whipworms?
Trichuris vulpis (dogs)
What are examples of Tapeworms?
Dipylidium caninum, taenia species, Echinococcus
What are examples of coccidia?
Infections that cause diarrhea?
Canine Parvovirus
Feline Panleukapenia Virus
What is another name for Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis?
Actue Hemorrhagic enteropathy also..
Acute Intestinal Hemorrhagic Syndrome
What is Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis?
Acute loss of mucosal integrity leading to hemorrhagic diarrhea with rapid development of hypovolemia and shock
What animal is hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis most common?
toy and small breed dogs such as mini schnauzers and poodles but can occur in any dog
What is the cause of Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis
cause unknown
What symptoms from the history can point to Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis?
Acute onset vomiting followed by diarrhea
Diarrhea may start as very bloody or strawberry jam-like or it may progress from watery, blood free to hemorrhagic
What can the PE show in terms of Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis?
Vital signs are normal early
Progress rapidly to signs of hypovolemic shock
What lab work can you run to diagnose Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis?
Hallmark finding is elevated PCV(50-80%) with normal to low total protein
What is the treatment for HGE?
Aggressive IV fluids(shock)
NPO X 12-48 hrs
What do you have to monitor when a patient is diagnosed with HGE?
Vital signs
Ongoing losses every 2-4 hours
PCV/Tp every 4-6 hrs.
What is the prognosis for HGE?
Recovery usually rapid and complete over 1-2 days w/ tx
Can progress quickly to shock and death w/o fluid therapy
10% die despite therapy
10-15% of dogs repeated episodes of HGE
What are the causes of chronic diarrhea?
Dietary intolerance
Inflammatory bowel disease
What is small bowel diarrhea?
Weight loss
Normal frequency
Large volume of stool
No mucous
+/- melena
Strainging only if have perineal irritation
What is large bowel diarrhea?
No weight loss
Increase frequency
Small volume of stool
Mucous in stool
+/- fresh blood in stool
straining very common
What do you perform when diagnosing Small/large bowel diarrhea..?
Physical Exam(+rectal exam)
Fecal tests
Endoscopy/colonoscopy with biopsy