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27 Cards in this Set

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Crohn's disease gene mutation

- CARD15/NOD2: especially Ashkenazi Jews, early onset disease, ileal involvement, fistulisingand stenotic disease

- CARD15 gene product modulates NFκB, which is required for the innate immune responseto microbial pathogens

Differentiating CD from UC clinically

- Distrib: CD bum to mouth, UC colon only, always involves recum

- Rectal bleeding: UC 90%, uncommon in CD

- Abdo pain: Post prandial/colicky in CD, uncommon UC

- Fever: Common in CD, uncommon CD

- Urgency/tenes: Uncommon CD, common UC

- Recurrence after surgery: Common CD, never post colectomy in UC

Endoscopic finding CD

- Cobble stone, pseudopolyps, patchy lesions, ulcers (stellate, aphthous, linear)

Endoscopic findings UC

- Continuous diffuse inflamms, erythema, friability, loss of normal vascular pattern, pseudopolyps, frequent strictures and fistulae (not in UC)

Histological features CD

- Transmural dist w skip lesions, focal inflamm, non-causeating granulomas, deep fissuring + aphthous ulcers, strictures, glands intact

UC histology

Mucosal dist, continuous disease (not skip lesions), architectural distortion, gland disruption, crypt abscess, no granulomas

Complications CD and UC

CD: fistulae, strictures, perianal disease

UC: Toxic megacolon

Extraintestinal manifestations IBD

- Perianal skin tags in 80% CD

- Oral ulcers CD

- Cholelithiasis 35% of people w ileal CD

- Arthritis (CD>UC) - Sacroilitus (both)

Acute liver failure def + aetiology

• severe decline in liver function:

- coagulation abnormality (INR>1.5)

+encephalopathy in setting of previously normal liver

- rapid (<26 wk duration)

Toronto Notes 2016 drugs (especially acetaminophen), hepatitis B (measure anti-HBc, IgM fraction becausesometimes HBV-DNA and even HBsAg rapidly becomes negative), hepatitis A, hepatitis C(rare), ischemic, idiopathic

Acute liver failure s/s

- Encephalopathy

- Cerebral edema: eg papilloedema, HTN, bradycardia

- Jaundice

- Ascites: hepatic vein thrombosis w rapid development in setting of fulminant hepatic failure w abdo pain

- RUQ tenderness

- Change in liver span: May be small due to hepatic necrosis or may be enlarged due to heart failure, viral hepatitis, or Budd-Chiari syndrome

- Haematemesis or melena: D/t upper GI bleed

- Hypotension + tachycardia: Due to reduced systemic vascular resistance

Acute liver failure aetiology

- Drugs(especially paracetamol,mushroom tox)

- Viral: hepatitis B, hepatitis A, hepatitis C(rare)

- Ischemic: eg. budd-chiari (hepatic vein) or thrombosis hepatic artery, portal vein

- Acute fatty liver of pregnancy=>fulminant hepatic failure. AFLP typically occurs in the third trimester; preeclampsia develops in approximately 50% of these patients.

- Idiopathic

Irritable Bowel Syndrome definition

≥12 wk in the past 12 mo of abdominal discomfort or pain that has 2 out of 3 features:

• Relieved with defecation

• Associated with a change in frequency of stool • Associated with a change in consistency of stool

Supportive info

- Abnormal stool freq (>3/d, <3/wk)

- Abnormal stool form >1/4 poos

- Abnormal stool passage >1/4 poos (straining etc)

- Passage of mucous >1/4 stools

- Bloating

Red flags that make IBS less likely

- Weight loss

- fever

- Nocturnal defecation

- Anaemia

- Blood/pus in stool

- Abnormal gross findings on flexible sigmoidoscopy

IBS ddx

• Enteric infections e.g. Giardia

- Lactose intolerance/otherdisaccharidase deficiency

- Crohn’s disease

- Coeliac

- Drug-induced diarrhoea

- Diet-induced (excess tea, coffee, colas)

GORD aetiology

• Inappropriate transient relaxations of LES – most common cause

• low basal LES tone (especially in scleroderma)

• contributing facts: delayed esophageal clearance, delayed gastric emptying, obesity, pregnancy, acid hypersecretion (rare) from Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

Complications of GORD

- Bleeding

- Perforation


- Penetration=>


Classic features of duodenal ulcers

- Burning

- Epigastric pain

- Periodic (tends to occur in clusters over a week w periods of remission.)

- Relieved by eating and antacids

- Interrupts sleep

- Develops 1-3hrs after meals

Hiatus hernia type 1

- Sliding hiatus hernia (90% all oesophageal hernias)

- Herniation of stomach and Gastroesophageal (GO) junction into thorax

- RFs:


*increase intraabdo pressure (obesity, pregnancy, coughing, heavy lifting)



- Majority asymptomatic

*larger hernias frequently assoc w GORD d/t dec competence of LES


*GORD most common

*oesophagitis (dysphagia, heartburn)

*Consequences of oesophagitis (peptic stricture, barrett's oesoph, oesoph carcinoma)

*extra-oesophageal comps (pneumonitis/pneumonia, astham, cough, larygnitis)

Paraoesophageal (type II hiatus hernia)

- Herniation of all or part of stomach through diaphragm, undisplaced GO junction (stays below diaphragm)

- <10% of HHs

- Complications:



*strangulation (gastric volvulus)


*gastric stasis ulcer=>iron deficiency anaemia

Type III and IV hiatus hernias

Type III: mixed (combo of sliding and paraoesoph)

Type IV: herniation of abdo organis into thorax

Barrett's oesophagus

- Metaplasia of normal squamous epithelium to abnormal columnar epithelium containing intestinal-type mucosa (intestinal metaplasia)

- acquire from longstanding GOD=>damage to squamous epithelium

- 10% GORD suffers will have it already by the time they seek help

- M>F, increased gastric acid secretion, age >50, caucasion, smokers, overweight, hiatus hernia, long hx reflux

- Malignant transformation low risk w low grade metaplasia, high risk (<60%/8 yrs) in high grade metaplasia

H.pylori and cancer risk

- px w H. pylori have an increased risk of gastric adenocarcinoma

- The risk increase appears to be restricted to non-cardia gastric cancer.

Coeliac disease and cancer risk

- Malignant lymphoma

- Small intestinal adenocarcinoma

- Enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma

Peptic stricture

- From oesophagitis

- Dysphagia w a long hx of reflux sx

- Diagnose w endoscopy (barium study if endoscopy unavail)


- Endoscopic dilation and indefinite PPI

- Fundoplication if failure of above

Diffuse oesophageal spasm

- Normal peristalsis interspersed w frequent, repetitive, spontaneous, high pressure, non-peristaltic waves

- Idiopathic

- Dysphagia of liquids and solids

- Chest pain


- Manometry

- Barium swallow (corkscrew)

- Endoscopy would should normal mucosa (not first line, just to exclude)


*reassurance this is not cardiac pain

*Anticholinergics, nitrates, calc channel blockers have variable benefit

*surgical: balloon dilation, long oesophageal myotomy (rarely helpful)

Zollinger Ellison patho, comps

- non–B islet cell, gastrin-secreting tumour of the pancreas =>stimulates parietal cells of the stomach to maximal activity=>hypertrophy gastric mucosa=>inc acid=> GI mucosal ulceration + diarrhoea + malabsorption

- Idiopathic or as part of MEN1

- 1o tumor is usually in duodenum, pancreas, + abdo LNs, but ectopic locations also poss (eg, heart, ovary, gall bladder, liver, kidney).

Comps <5% px

*abdominal perforation

*gastric outlet obstruction

*oesophageal stricture.

Zollinger ellison s/s

- Upper abdo pain in 75% (mimics PUD)

- Diarrhoea in 73%

- Heartburn

- Nausea, vom

- GI bleeds (d/t ulceration)

- Weight loss

- px w MEN1; hx of nephrolithiasis, hypercalcaemia, pituitary disorders