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83 Cards in this Set

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Greater then or equals operator >=
The greater then or equals operator returns true if the left hand operand is greater than or equals the right hand operator, otherwise it returns false.
Less than or equals operator <=
The less than or equals operator returns true if the left hand operand iis less than or equals the right hand operator, otherwise it returns false.
Greater than operator >
The greater than operator returns true if the left hand operand is greater than the right hand operator, otherwise it returns false.
Less than opertor <
The less than operator returns true if the right hand operand is less than the right hand operator, otherwise it returns false.
Not equals operator !=
The not equals operator returns true if the two operands are not equal, otherwise it returns false.
Equals operator ==
This operator retuns true if the two operands ae equal, otherwise it retuns false.
In the statement "If the player's hitpoints are less than zero then he is dead" the antecdent would be ____ and the consequent would be
antecdent: "The player's hitpoints are less than zero"

consequent: "He is dead"
The statement which follows the "than" is called the.
The statement after the "if" and before the "than" is calle the...
Part 3 of a for-loop
This can be any C++ statment. However, it is usually used to modify the counting variable in some way.
Greater then or equals operator >=
The greater then or equals operator returns true if the left hand operand is greater than or equals the right hand operator, otherwise it returns false.
Less than or equals operator <=
The less than or equals operator returns true if the left hand operand iis less than or equals the right hand operator, otherwise it returns false.
Greater than operator >
The greater than operator returns true if the left hand operand is greater than the right hand operator, otherwise it returns false.
Less than opertor <
The less than operator returns true if the right hand operand is less than the right hand operator, otherwise it returns false.
Not equals operator !=
The not equals operator returns true if the two operands are not equal, otherwise it returns false.
Equals operator ==
This operator retuns true if the two operands ae equal, otherwise it retuns false.
In the statement "If the player's hitpoints are less than zero then he is dead" the antecdent would be ____ and the consequent would be
antecdent: "The player's hitpoints are less than zero"

consequent: "He is dead"
The statement which follows the "than" is called the.
The statement after the "if" and before the "than" is calle the...
Part 3 of a for-loop
This can be any C++ statment. However, it is usually used to modify the counting variable in some way.
C++ provides the following syntax for an alternate array initialization
int intarray [8] = {-4, 6, -2, 0, 33, 78, 0, 4};
In general, a conditional statement takes on the form:
"If A is true then P follows" Where A is some boolean expression on the condition that A is true.
Logical NOT (!) truth table
A !A
Logical OR (||) truth table
A B A || B
The logical AND (&&) truth table
A B A && B
The '!' operator is a unary operator which acts
on one operand
The '&&' and '||' operators are binary operators; that is, they
act as two operands
A logical not operator
A logical inclusive or operator
A logical and operator
The ternary operator is a
Compact notation to represent a basic if...else statement. It is the only operator that takes three operands
The break statement essentially exits out of the switch statement, which is typically...
Desired after a particular case was handled
An important fact about the switch statement is that a....
Break statement is necessary following your case handling code.
The switch statement is essentially a...
Cleaner version to nested if...else statements.
We can access a specific element in a matrix using the...
Double bracket syntax and supplying two array indices, which identifies the row and column of the element.
And if...else statement can branch execution along two seperate paths...
One path if teh condition is true or a second path if the condition is not true.
The else clause allows us to say things like
"If A is true then P follows, else Q follows"
More than one statement can be executed in consequence but to do so we must...
Use a compound statement, which is a set of statements enclosed in curly braces.
C++ treats zero as false and non-zero numbers....
Posotive or negative as true.
We use conditional statements to...
Control program flow.
Relational operators are a type of...
Boolean expression
Arrays are zero based, that is...
The first element in the array is identified with an index of zero. And therefore, the 1st element is identified with an index of n-1, where n is the total number of elements.
A specific element in an array code can be accessed using the...
Bracket operator and supplying an array index, which identifies the element.
Pary 4 of a for-loop
This part contains the statement which you want to execute for every cycle of the loop.
N is an integer constant that....
Specifies the number of elements the array contains.
To declare an array we use the following general syntax:
type identifier [n]
We call the number of elements an array holds the...
Array size
Part 2 of a for-loop...
This is the conditional part: that is, the loop continues to loop only so long as this condition is true.
The individual variables in an array are the...
Elements of an array.
An array is a contigous block of memory that contains...
n number of variables.
A do...while is gauranteed to...
Execute at least once.
The while...loop takes on the following general syntax:
While (condition is true) execute this C++ statement.
The while-loop is commonly used when ...
You need to repeat some statements an unknown number of times .
Part 1 of a for-loop...
This can be any C++ staement. However it is usually used to initialize a counting variable; that is, a variable that counts the loop cycles.
The for-loop is commonly used when..
You need to repeat some statements a known number of times.
The ternary operate may be used as follows:
If bool expression is true than the turnary operation evaluates to value 1, else it evaluates to value 2.

B is of the type bool
int x = b ? 10 : -5;
The general syntax of a ternary operator...
(bool expession ? value 1 : value 2)
cout.setf(ios_base::boolalpha); this line is used to...
Set formatting flags, which control the way cout outputs information.
Just as if...else statements can be nested, loops can be nested: that is...
a loop inside a loop.
It is possible to have an array of arrays; that is...
An array where each individual element is also an array.
Essentially the do...while loop says...
"Do these statements at least once regardless of the condition, then while the condition holds, continue to do these statements"
Declaring a set of variables of the same type in a compact way using an....
True or false. You can replace a switch statement with nested if-else statement that has the same program flow as the swithc statement
True or false, the following is a valid for loop..

for (float x = 1.5f; x < 55.0f; x*=2.0f)
cout << x << endl;
True or false, A while loop is most often useful when you do not know at compile time how many times you want to loop.
True or false, a do-while loop is guarenteed to execute at least n times, where n is any posotive integer, regardless of the conditions turth-value.
The ________ keyword can be used to exit immediately from a loop. The______ keyword immediately jumps to the next cycle of the loop.
break and continue
True or false, 5d arrays are illegal in C++
Arrays are continuous blocks of....
An element in an array can be accessed by supplying an...
index to the bracket operator
The size of an array depends on...
How many elements it has.
The relational operators allow us to determine certain elementary relationships between variables such as....
Equality and inequality
We use three logical operators:
the logical AND operator (&&), the logical OR operator (||) and the logical NOT operator (!)
The three logical operators allow us to form more complex...
Boolean expressions and therefore enable us to make more useful conditonal statements.
Conditionals are key to any program that needs to.....
Make decisions at runtime.
Conditionals allow us to make certain that a block of cide will only be executed if a...
Particular condition is satisfied (i.e. if this condition is true then execute this code)
Loops enable us to repeat a block of code a...
variable number of times.
An array is a contigous block of memory that contains...
n amount of variables.
The IF statement:
if ( logical expression == true)
then execute this statement;
The ELSE clause:
if ( playerInjured == true)
playerInjuredanimation ();
playHealthyAnimation ();
C++ supports three loop styles...
the for loop, the while loop, the do while loop
The FOR loop:
for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 100; ++cnt)
cout << cnt << ": Hello, World!" << endl;
The DO-WHILE loop:
bool conditon = false;
cout << "Enter a 0 to quit or 1 to continue:";
cin >> condition; }
while (condition );