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32 Cards in this Set

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How many of Milgrams participants reach the full 450 volts?

65% or 26/40

What is the highest voltage all participants reached (100%) ?

300v (40/40)

What qualitative findings were there in Milgrams study on obedience?

- Violent seizures of a few participants

- All were visibly sweating/distressed

From Reicher and Haslam's study on tyranny, what was a result of the groups becoming impermeable?

The prisoners became more united and empowered.

In Reicher and Haslam, what happened in the guards group when the groups were told they were not legitimate?

Guards were even less united than before and the prisoners became more confrontational

What happened when the groups failed?

Tyranny ensued due to the power vacuum, a new regime asked for 'dark glasses and berets' so the study was halted for ethical reasons

In Piliavin et al, How many of the spontaneous helpers were male?


From Piliavin et al, in which condition of the IV (drunk/lame) was same race helping more prevalent?


From Piliavin et al, in which condition of the IV (drunk or lame) was helping more likely?

Lame (pretty obvious really)

Which theory which was being tested in Piliavin et al was not seen?

Diffusion of responsibility, no strong correlation between number of people in the carriage and speed of helping was seen.

From Piliavin et al, how many of the trials did participants leave the critical area?

21/103 trials

Dement and Kleitman:

In the first hypothesis, which type of sleep resulted in the most incidences of dream recall?


Dement and Kleitman:

Did participants tend to get the estimation of dream length (5 or 15 minutes) correct?

Yes, showing dreams move somewhat like real time


Which area of the hippocampus grew in volume in the taxi drivers MRI scans?

Posterior, anterior was smaller than non-taxi drivers (vice versa)

Did Maguire find a correlation between time as a taxi driver and volume of the posterior hippocampus?

Yes, the longer spent as a taxi driver the larger it was.


If an image was presented in one half of the visual field and then the other, did participants recognise it?

No, but when it was presented in the original one it was.


Could participants talk about an image that was presented in their left visual field?

No, they could point with their left hand to a matching picture or select the object from a grab bag.


Right hand + object = ? response


Loftus and Palmer:

In the 1st experiment, what was the average speed estimate for the 'smashed' condition?

40.8 mph

Loftus and Palmer:

In the 1st experiment, what was the average speed estimate for the 'smashed' condition?

31.8 mph

Loftus and Palmer:

In the 2nd experiment, which condition of the IV resulted in the most responses of yes to 'Did you see broken glass'?


Loftus and Palmer:

What does this study show about the effect of the critical verb on memory?

The critical verb influenced both the speed judged immediately afterwards and the memory of broken glass after a longer period.


Which group had the worst performance on the eyes task?

The high-functioning autistic (Asperger's) diagnosed group.


Did males or females do better on the eyes task (advanced theory of mind)?



Which other test for theory of mind did the autistic group perform worst on?

Happé's Strange Stories


Between 6-16 months which two Pygmy chimpanzees began to communicate spontaneously?

Kanzi and Mulika


How was there lexigram use monitored?

Two researchers observed video of the chimps communicating


Which two older chimpanzees were also studied but could not comprehend things from other people's perspectives and were generally less able?

Sherman and Austin


Through what method did Freud gain information about Hans?

Letters written between him and Hans' father.


What word did Hans use to refer to his penis, which his mother threatened to remove?



Did Hans like his baby sister, and how did Freud interpret this?

No, Hans called her 'lumf' (poo). Freud inferred from this that Hans saw his sister as a rival for his mother's attention.


Why did Freud interpret Hans' equinophobia as the Oedipus complex?

The horses Hans was especially afraid of had black straps on their mouth and black blinkers, which Freud thought resembled the moustache and glasses of Hans' father.