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42 Cards in this Set

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What is coevolution?
Coevolution is the evolution of two species that depend on each for survival. Each species adapts in the competition for survival.
What is pollination?
pollination is when the pollen grain is transferred from the anther to the stigma. Pollination can occur by wind, water or animals.
What is fertilization?
fertilization is when the sperm nuclei grows through the ovary and penetrates the ovule and into the egg cell. Once fertilization occurs, the ovary grows and becomes a fruit with the seed inside.
What is parenchyma?
Parenchyma is the most abundant type of plant cell, it is spherical with thin, flexible walls.
What are Collenchyma?
Collenchyma are plant cells with tubelike strands of uneven thickness. FIBER
What are Sclerenchyma?
Sclerenchyma are plant cells that are very thick and rigid, often dead. WOOD
What is Bryophyta?
Bryophyta is moss, NON VASCULAR, low to the ground, can photosynthesize
What are angiosperms?
Angiosperms are flowering plants, they produce seeds with fruits.
What is vascular tissue?
Vascular tissue transports water, food and dissolved substances through the plant. There are two types: XYLUM AND PHLOEM.
What are meristems?
Meristems are where most new plant cells are produced (i.e. where cell division and reproduction are taking place)
What is Xylum?
Xlyum is the vascular tissue that carries water and dissolved minerals throughout the plant. Xylum is made of sclerenchyma cells, like wood.
What is Phloem?
Phloem is the vascular tissue that carries sugars and other organic compounds throughout the plant. Made up of collenchyma cells.
What are roots and what do they do?
Roots anchor plants, absorb water and and other dissolved substances.
What do stems do?
Stems provide structural support and contain vascular tissue.
What is sap?
Sap is a fluid in parenchyma cells, it is located in the large central vacuole.
What is a taproot?
a single thick structure with smaller branching structures. Carrots and beets have taproots. Monocots have taproots.
What is a Fibrous Root?
A Fibrous Root is spreads out, like weeds. Dicots have fibrous roots.
What is a stigma?
A Stigma is the top of the carpal on a flower that receives the pollen.
What is wood?
secondary growth of xylem tissue.
What is a style?
A Style is the slender stalk that connects the stigma to the ovary.
What is the ovule?
The ovule is where the egg cell forms in the ovary of a plant
What is the ovary?
The bottom portion of the pistil, it contains one or more ovules.
What is a fruit?
A fruit is is the structure that contains the seed of a flower. It is formed after fertilization.
What is a seed?
A seed has three parts: protective covering, embryo and food supply. Seeds are how vascular plants reproduce.
What is a fungus?
a fungus is a saphrophyte, unicellular to 3.5 miles in diameter, evolved from protists.
What are rings?
Rings are the annual growth in a tree that the layers of vascular tissue produce by secondary growth.
What is the primary function of leaves?
What is photosynthesis?
converting light into energy for plants. Algae and plants trap energy from sunlight with chlorophyll and use this energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into simple sugars.
What are veins?
veins are bundles of vascular tissue in leaves. Vein patterns in leaves help distinguish between monocots and dicots.
What are blades?
leaves below the flower.
What is the Petiole?
It connects the blade to the flower.
What is a flower?
four basic structure of every flower-sepal, petal, stamen, pistil.
What is the stamen?
The stamen is the male reproductive organ of the flower.
What is the anther?
The anther is produces pollen that contains the sperm.
What is the filament?
The filament is the thin stalk that has the anther at its top.
What is the pistil?
the female reproductive organ of the flower.
What is the receptacle?
The receptacle is the stigma at the top of the pistil that receives the pollen (/)
What is the peduncle?
The peduncle is flower stem.
What is the Corolla?
It is the name for the petals of the flower.
What is the Calyx?
It is the name for the sepals of the flower. Sepals are leaflike and encircle the peduncle below the petals.
What is a perfect flower?
A perfect flower has both male and female parts.

An imperfect flower is male OR female parts, not both.
Why are plants important?
Plants are important because they use up carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. They are a source of food for animals and people. They produce NUTIRENTS in the soil by decomposing. The can be used to produce CLOTHING. They provide ENERGY. They provide WOOD. They are sources for MEDICINE AND HERBS.