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69 Cards in this Set

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eukaryotic or prokaryotic?
autotroph or heterotroph?
chitin or cellulose?
eukaryotic, heterotroph, chitin
how do fungi digest their food?
outside of their bodies, then absorb it
except for yeast, all fungi are ____
what is hypha?
thin filaments, only one cell thick
many hyphae tangled together into a thick mass
why is the mycelium well suited to adsorb food?
it permits a large surface area to come in contact with the food source through which it grows
fruiting body
a reproductive structure growing from the mycelium in the soil beneath it
why are "fairy rings" produced?
spores are released in a circular shape
asexual reproduction is done by what
spores are capable of growing into a new organism by ___ alone
in some spores, produced in ____ which are found at the tips of specialized hyphae called _______.
sporangia; sporangiophores
a process of asexual reproduction is when
a cell or hyphae breaks off from a fungus and begin to grow on their own
how are the two dif. mating types referred to?
+ and -
why are the two different mating types referred to in this way?
because gametes of both mating types are about the same size
in sexual reproduction, what do hyphae of opposite mating types do when they meet?
they start the process of sexual reproduction by fusing
bringing + and - nuclei together in the same cell
mold can grow with the right combination of ___ and ___
moisture and food
T/F: temperature is not a condition that is important for the growth of mold
list two things that help mold spores travel
wind and animals
how are fungi classified?
according to their structure and method of reproduction
phylum of common molds
phylum of sac fungi
phylum of club fungi
phylum of imperfect fungi
common name for phylum zygomycota
reason for name of phylum zygomycota
a resting spore that contains zygotes formed during the sexual phase of the mold's life cycle
most familiar zygomycete is the
black bread mold
scientific name for the black bread mold
rhizopus stolonifer
a rootlike hyphae that penetrate the breads surface
what 3 things do rhizoids do for mold?
anchor the fungus to the bread, release digestive enzymes, absorb digested organic material
stemlike hypae that run along the surface of bread
where are sporangiophores located?
on rhizoids in asexual reproduction
common molds: during asexual reproduction, haploid/ diploid spores are produced and form a _____, located at the tips of ______
sporangium, sporangiophore
common molds: during sexual reproduction, hyphae from two different mating types form _______. _____ occurs and a haploid/diploid zygospore is produced. it may remain dormant but when conditions become favorable,____ occurs, and a sporangium is produced, which releases haploid/diploid ____.
gametangia, fertilization, zygospore, meiosis, sporangium, spores
common name for the phylum ascomycota
sac fungi
sac fungi is known as
a reproductive structure that contains spores
T/F: the life cycle of the sac fungi only include sexual reproduction
sac fungi: during ____ reproduction, spores called ____ are formed at the tips of specialized hypahe called _______. These spores are haploid/diploid.
asexual, conidia, conidiophoes
sac fungi: during sexual reproduction, fusion of ____ from opposite mating strains produces a fruiting body called an _____. _____ produces a haploid/diploid zygote, which then undergoes ___. eventually, eight ______ are produced and released. if conditions are favorable, they can germinate and grow into ______
hyphae, ascus, fertilization, meiosis, ascospores, mycelium
Yeasts are uni/multi cellular fungi
What two industries commercially use yeast?
baking and brewing
why are yeast classified as ascomycetes?
they form asci with ascospores during the sexual phase
asexual reproduction in which yeasts increase in number; process of attaching a bud to a plant and produde a new branch
common name for phylum basidiomycota
club fungi
reason for common name of basidiomycota
a specialized reproductive structure that resembles a club
Where are basidia located?
on the girlls that grow on the underside of mushroom caps
club fungi: hyphae _____ and produce secondary mycelium. they grow and with the right combination and nutrients, a spore-producing ____ body may push above the ground. this spore-bearing structure is called the _______. the underside of the cap portion is composed of ____. these are lined with _____. ____ occurs and produces a haploid/diploid zygote. it undergoes _____ forming haploid/ diploid ________.
fuse, fruiting, fruiting body, gills, basidia, fertilization, zygote, meiosis, basidiospores
list five common basidiomycetes besides the mushroom
shelf fungi, puffballs, earthstars, jelly fungi, plant parasites
common name for phylum deuteromycota
deuteromycetes are known as the
imperfect fungi
Why are these fungi placed in the imperfect fungi?
researchers have never been able to find a sexual phase
most common species of imperfect fungi
why do scientists think fungi were essential to the evolution of plants
they think they helped early plants obtain nutrients from the ground
fungi can/cannot manufacture their own food
organisms that obtain food from decaying organic matter
harm other organisms while living on or in them
live in close and mutually beneficial association with other species
how do fungi help to maintain the equilibrium in ecosystems?
they recycle nutrients by breaking down the bodies and wastes of other organisms
parasitic fungi cause ___ and ___ diseases
plant , animal
What is thrush?
a yeast that disrupts the equilibrium within the human body
what happened when the fugus that causes athletes foot infects other areas of the body?
it causes a ring worm
lichens and mycorrhizae are both examples of what kind of symbiotic relationship?
mutualistic associations
symbiotic relationship between a fungus and a photosynthetic organism
where do lichens grow?
dry, bare rocks in deserts or tops of mountains
algae-lichen relationship
algae provides energy, fungus provides water and minerals
associations of plant roots and fungi
why is presense of mycorrhizae essential for the growth of many plants
the hyphae in fungi and plants in absorbing water and mineral