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40 Cards in this Set

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What are some common features of fungal infections...
a. Time scale
b. Exogenous vs. endogenous
c. Communcable?
a. Chronic, long time scale
b. exogenous mostly
c. non-communicable mostly
In what ways are Fungi different from bacteria?
Fungi = eukaryotes --> nucleus, mitochondria, organelles, 80s ribosomes
In what ways are fungi different from human cells?
Have a cell wall made of glucans and chitin

Produce filamentous structures/spores
In what ways are fungi different from plants?
Hetertrophic -
Most are saprobic, obtain nutrition from dead organic matter
What is the role of the capsule in the fungi that have it?
Polysaccharide capsule is antiphagocytic, confers virulence
What is contained in the cell wall?
Complex polysaccharides

1. Chitin = polymer of N-acetylglucosamine
2. Glucans = polymer of D glucose, B-1,3 glucan is a drug target
What targets B-1,3 glucan?
What is external to the cell wall?
Mannoprotein polypeptides - mannose polymerized to polypeptides
What is the difference between fungi and mammalian cells in terms of the plasma membrane?

Functions? (3)
Mammalian = use cholesterol
Fungi = use ergosterol

Protect cytoplasm
Reglulate intake/secretion of solutes
Cell wall synth
What are some drugs that target ergosterol and how do they do it?
Azoles and allylamines interrupt synthesis of ergosterol

Polyenes bind ergosterol in the membrane and disrupt membrane function
a. Respiration
b. Metabolism
c. Growth time
a. aerobic
b. hetertrophic - depend on organic nutrients
c. grow slowly (doubling time is in hours)
What are yeast?

2 examples
Unicellular fungi, reproduce by budding, produce soft colonies in culture

candida and cryptococcus
What are moulds?
Multicellular with elongated hyphal structures with attached conidia (spore)

Produce cottony colonies (mycelia) in culture
What are dimorphic fungi?
Alternate between yeast (37 deg, mammalian host) or mould (25 deg, soil)
What are 'perfect' fungi?

2 examples
Perfect fungi have sexual or asexual forms that have been identified

saccharomyces cerevisiae, cryptococcus neoformans
How do yeast look microscopically?
Small, oval/round

Reproduce by budding to form hyphae or pseudohyphae (string of attached yeast)
How do yeast look macroscopically?
Pasty colonies like bacteria
How do moulds look microscopically?
In hyphae (septate or aseptate) with spores (conidia - allows for dissemination)
How do moulds look macroscopically?
Cottony, woolly, granular
What are 2 mechanisms y which conidia develop from hyphae?
blastic = budding
thallic = transformed from a pre-existing hyphal element
What are arthroconidia?
Thallic conidia

Conidia break loose from each other, initiate another cycle of reproduction by germination and apical extension of growth
What are blastoconidia?
Blastic chonidia in yeast

Blastoconidia of yeast grows, elongates into sausage-shaped filament called pseudohyphae (conidia fail to separate)
What are macroconidia/microconidia?

One disease association?
Production of conidia of large of small forms

Tinea infections
What are sporangiospores?
Produced by cytoplasmic cleavage within a spore sac (sporangium) from neoseptate hyphae
What are superficial/cutaneous mycoses?

Example infection
fungi colonize and grow on cutaneous epidermis, caused by dermatopytes

Tinea versicolor
What are subcutaneous mycoses?

Caused by?
Confined to subcutaneous tissue --> form deep, ulcerated skin lesions

Caused by soil saprohytes that enter body through trauma
What are systemic mycoses?
Inhaled dimorphic fungal conidia --> systemic mycoses

Characteristically endematous to various regions of the world
What are 3 fungal agents causing systemic mycoses?
Histplasma, Blastomyces, Coccidioides
What are opportunistic mycoses?
Usually avirulent, but cause diseases in immunocompormised hosts
Cryptococcus neoformans
a. type of fungus
b. disease
c. opportunistic disease
a. encapsulated yeast
b. pneumonia
c. meningitis in aids
What are 4 modes of acquisition of fungi?
1. Inhalation of airborn conidia
2. Penetration through skin (subcutaneous mycosis)
3. Mucosal colonization and overgrowth (endogenous)
4. Contact
What are 2 factors that determine the course of infection?
1. Size of inoculum
2. Natural resistance to infection
What is the normal cell response to fungal infection?
Neutrophil recruitement, alveolar macrophages --> phagocytosis

In patients with severe neutrophenia, invasive fungal infections
How does HIV infection alter the course of P. jiroveci?
Alters the mannose receptor-mediated binding and phagocytosis of p. jiroveci by alveolar macrophages
What 3 modifications do cryptococcus and histoplsma undergo during an invasion?
1. Increased metabolic rate
2. Modified metabolic pathways
3. Modified cell wall structure
What 2 factors control multiplication of intracellular yeast?
1. Activated macrophages --> IFN-gamma, cytokines --> clinical manifestations (fever, fatigue, weight loss)
2. Granulomatous inflammation --> giant cells, lymphocytes (Tcyt) --> produces pathological symptoms (calcified fibrinous granuloma)
What is KOH staining?
Method of visualizing superficial skin infections

KOH dissolves most of host and fungal tissue except fungal cell wall; apply to skin scrapings
Gimsa stains...?

Silver stains?
Cell walls

Use Silver GMS when Giemsha not optimal
How can culture be used to determine fungal infection?
Use mycological agar = saboroud dextrose

When dimorphic fungi suspected, 2 sets of plates --> 25 and 37 degrees
How do yeast look on plates?


What dye is used?
Yeast = large, moist, white/tan

Moulds = fuzzy

Lactophenol blue