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28 Cards in this Set

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what is the least amount of urine output per hour?
What happens to the elderly during an infection?
They may become confused and disoriented
What is urolithiasis and how is it found?
Urine stones; found when urine filtered through a sieve over commode
How can you help a pt. void?
Run water, blow bubbles, warm water over peri area, massage bladder (credé maneuver), visualize water
5 ways!
What is the proper way to clean the peri area of a female before catheterization?
Left, right, middle
What intervention can help when you meet resistance while inserting a catheter?
Have pt take a deep breath
After irrigating the bladder, what do you do before lowering the collection bag?
Unclamp the tubing
A pt. assessed for a uti is given a dipstick test to detect what in the urine?
A drug that can be given for loose stool is?
Loperamide (Imodium)
If pt voids at 9 am, they should be expected to void again by___?
5 pm
Patients should void at least every 8 hours!
When performing an abdominal assessment, you would be the LEAST concerned if the abdomen is...
Non distended, soft and active
What is the least amount of time oil should be retained for and oil retention enema?
20 minutes
How many mL of saline is given to an adult for a cleansing enema?
500-1000 mL
What does it mean if a stoma is pale?
Bad blood flow
What foods decrease stool odor?
Buttermilk, yogurt, parsley, beet greens
There are 4!
Who programs a Pca ( patient controlled analgesia) pump?
The nurse/ RN
Decreased heart rate and respirations occur in which stage of sleep?
NREM Stage 3
Exercise in the morning will help you do what at night?
What is the sleep disorder that causes a pause in breathing during sleep?
Sleep apnea
What is a natural supplement that promotes sleep?
The FLACC pain scale can be used for...
After age 50, how often should to get a colonoscopy?
Every 10 years
How can you prevent cystitis?
Increase fluids to 2,500 mL/ day, wear Cotten underwear, wipe front to back, a slid sitting in a wet bathing suit, void every 2 hours
There's 5!
What effect does age have on the GI tract?
Atrophy of villi which decreases absorption
The nurse teaches a pt. with a new colostomy that certain foods cause instructions. These foods are...
Shrimp, corn, nuts, tomatoes, lobster
A pt taking Metamucil should drink a large amount of what to prevent fecal impaction?
What does a medication patch do?
Allow analgesic medicine to be absorbed into the skin
How many inches should be around a stoma?
1/2 inch