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27 Cards in this Set

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What is therapeutic communication?
-Different from social communication
-foundation of nurse-client relationship
-Planned, directed toward a goal, client-focused, information sharing is unequal, nurse guides the conversation
What are the elements of communication?
-source (encoder)
-channel (auditory, visual, touch)
-receiver (decoder)
What are the phases of the helping relationship?
What is the nurses role during therapeutic communication?
To provide a helping relationship between the nurse and paient

To utilize interviewing techniques to gather information (assessing)
What are some factors that influence communication?
-developmental stgae
-time & setting
-personal space
-physical ability
-mental state
-emotional state
What does the patients developmental stage have to do with communication?
You don't talk to a 3 year old the way you talk to a 40 year old, or an 80 year old; you have to know a little about where they are in their psychosocial states
What is verbal communication?
-Transmitting a message using the spoken word or written word
-Nurses speaking to patients/nurses/doctors or writing progress notes/ nursing care plans (interprofessional communication)
What is nonverbal communication?
-Transmission without using words ex: gestures
-Body language
-Eye contact
-Facial expressions
-Physical appearance
What is a major nursing diagnosis related to communication?
Impaired verbal communication
What planning should the RN do related to communication?
-client will use alternative methods of communication effectively by...
-client will demonstrate understanding even if not able to speak...
What are the fundamental components of implementing communication?
-start with unconditional acceptance of client and non-judgmental attitude
-empathy and caring
-openness, respect, honesty
-trust, confidentiality, competence
-genuine presence
-active listening
How should the RN convey empathy to the patient?
-verbal and non-verbal congruency
-eye contact
-supportive statements
-active listening
What are the steps to active listening?
Open posture
Lean in
Eye contact
What techniques facilitate communication?
active listening
flexible pacing
avoid semantics
control of tone
listen for themes/cues
attention to body language
What is an example of am open ended question?
What brings you to the clinic today?
What is validation?
Yes, it can be hard waiting for test results
What would be a good supportive statement?
This must be very difficult for you...
How would you use clarification?
Do I understand you correctly when you say...?
What is the difference between paraphrasing and reflection?
Reflection= simply re-tating
Paraphrasing= putting into own words
What is focusing?
refocusses or brings conversation back to topic
What is summarizing?
It reminds the patient of the important points at the end of the conversation before you leave the room
What is self-disclosure?
It gives the patient a tidbit of personal information that you relate to about their experience
What is confrontation?
sharing observations
What are some barriers to communication?
-not listening
-false reassurance
-minimizing feelings
-giving advice
-asking "why"
-excessive questioning
-use of cliches
-asking yes/no questions (closed-ended)
-changing the subject
-approving or disapproving
-being defensive
What patients may require special communication needs?
-hearing impaired
-visually impaired
-language barriers
-physical barriers
-cognitively impaired
-older adult
When would interprofessional collaboration between the healthcare team members be essential?
-Exchange of patient information between healthcare givers must be efficient, precise, and complete
-doctor phone calls, change-of-shift report, pharmacy calls,transfer to another unit or facility, etc
SBAR is useful in interprofessional collaboration when communication with healthcare team. What does SBAR mean?