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34 Cards in this Set

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type I error
rejecting the null hypothesis (= no difference; also: alpha-error)
accepting null hypothesis incorrectly = type II
multivariate analysis
multiple regression analysis, logistic regression, Cox hazard function
determines whether means of normal distributions are identical
can more than two sampled populations be considered equal?
beta-1 selective beta blocker
iop elevating potential, order
dexa, pred, lopred, fluoromethoone, hydrocortisone, tetrahydratriamcinolone
dexamethasone at 6 weeks, IOP elevation
42% of patients above 20, 6% above 30
photoreceptor outer segment turnover
10 days
neural crest
corneal stroma and endothelium, TM, iris stroma, CB stroma, ciliary muscles, sclera, connective tissue of extraocular muscles
extraocular muslces, sclera (small area temporally), vascular endothelium, Schlemm's canal, blood
neural ectoderm
posterior iris epithelium, sphincter and dilator pupillae, ciliary epithelium, neural retina, RPE, optic nerve
surface ectoderm
lacrimal gland, lids, lashes, epidermal structures, conjunctival epithelium, corneal epithelium
vitreous: primary, secondary, tertiary
primary: hyaloid system, posterior portions of tunica vasculosa lentis
secondary: main vitreous body
tertiary: development of the zonular apparatus
myelination of the ON
starts in 7th month of gestation, completed 1 month after birth
completed at 1 month after birth
starts at chiasm and progresses toward lamina cribrosa
what EOM does not receive blood from CRA?
LR (lacrimal artery)
tear pump action
contraction of orbic causes positive pressure in tear sac, forcing tears into nose through vavle of Hasner
- one eyelids open and move laterally, negative pressure is produced in tear sac and maintained by vavle of Hasner
- once eyelids are fully open, puncta pop open and negative pressure draws tears into ampullae and canaliculi
- up to 20% evaporation in adults
60% through inferior punctum
volume of drop, cul de sac
50 microliter = drop, 10 microliter = cul-de-sac, only 50% of drug that reaches the sac is present 4 minutes later due to tearing
0.5% timolol = 5 mg/1 ml, 5 microgram/microliter * 50 microliter * 10% cul de sac = 25 microgram or 250 microgram (0.25 mg) if taken sub-lingual
anesthetics: ester vs amide
ester: hydrolized by plasma choliesterase and metabilizen in liver, cocaine, tetracaine, proparacaine, procaine benoxinate
amide: longer duration and less sytemic toxicity, metabolized in liver, lidocaine, pepivacaine, bupivacaine
sympathetic innervation
long postganglionic nerves
ACh at preganglionic, NE at postganglionic terminal
cocaine: block reuptake, hydroxyamphetamine: increase release
parasympathetic innervation
short postganglionic nerves
nicotinic: somatic motor and preganglionic autonomic nerves
muscarinic: postganglionic parasympathetic nerves (iris sphincter, ciliary muscle)
potency of steroids
glycopeptide, gr pos, staph (MRSA), strep (PCN resistant), bacillus, p. acnes, clsotridium diff
more resistant to beta-lactamases
1st gen: cefazoliin, cephalexin (keflex) - gr pos (staph, strep), some gr neg
2nd gen: cefuroxime (zinacef), better gr neg but less gr pos, anderobic: H influ, Neisseria
3rd gen: cetriaxone (rocephin), ceftazidime; better gr negative (pseudomonas
cidal (as PCN/sporins), aerobic gr neg, some gr pos (HIB, pseudomonas, enterobact, s aur, clamyd, ricket, mycobact
2nd gen: cipro, oflox
3rd gen: levoflox (quixin)
4th gen: gatiflox, moxiflox (extended spectrum gr pos)
drugs: optic neuropathy
quinine: can cause NLP
isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol
betablocker with the least effect on B2
most appropriate tx for neurosyphilis
fluoroquinolones least effective against
anaerobic cocci
cromolyn - mast cells
H1-blockers, mast cell stabilizers, NSAID - ketotifen (zaditor), azelastine (optivar), epinastine (elestat)
Mast cell _ eaosinophil suppressor: lodoxamide (alomide)
H1-blocker _ mast cell: olopatadine (patanol), also has some H2 (hyperemia block)
surface ectoderm
lens, corneal and conj epithelium, lid epithelium lacrimal gland, nasolacrimal system
neural crest cells
corneal stroma, endothelium, iris stroma, TM, part of schlem's canal, sclera (except temporal portion), sheaths and tendons of EOMs, ciliary muscle, nonpigmentedd layer of CB, chroidal stroma, melanocytes, orbital bones, connective tissue of orbit and blood vessels
3 waves of neural crest cell migration
during 7th week: corneal and TM endothelium, keratocytes, iris stroma
endothelium of blood vessels, temporal sclera, EOMs, schlemm's canal?, vitreous
neural ectoderm
sensory retina, RPE, nonpigmented CB epithelium?, pigmented CB epithelium, iris epithelium, spincter and dilator, ON, sympathetic ganglion, LGB, ;pigment granules, erectgor pili muscle