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50 Cards in this Set

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Philosophical Theory
the view that a whole system of beliefs must be analyzed rather than simply its individual components.
Health Theory
the theory of the importance of taking all of somebody's physical, mental, and social conditions into account in the treatment of illness.
focuses on relationships among all living things. The whole is more than the sum of its parts
Concerned with the individual as a whole, not as an assembly of parts.
Strive to understand how one area of concern relates to the whole person.
Each individual is a unique being.
Total care context
considers all the principles that apply when taking care of any patient.
Individual care context
means using the total care principles that apply to the person at this time.
Biomedical perspective
Antibiotics to kill pathogens, health is the absence of disease, treatment is successful when pathology and symptoms are gone and the dr feels the symptoms are gone.
Holism perspective
seeks to treat the whole person, enhances pts resistance to the illness by considering biological, social psycho, and spiritual forces. Holism is complete when the pt reaches state of wellness, understands while illness occurred, and adopted lifestyle changes.
Principles of Holism
Health involves integration of body, mind, and soul. Health is based on habits of daily living. The inner capacity for health is the determining factor of achieving positive wellness.
Complementary and Alternative Modalities (CAM)
Alternative approaches as well as healing therapies are used when appropriate. Ex. yoga,acupuncture, chiropractic, prayer, massage, and herbs.
Complementary and Alternative Modalities (CAM)
Used often to reduce stress that can contribute to illness. May decrease symptoms and enhance the quality of life.
Iatrogenic illness
illness that results from overuse and adverse responses to medication, in addition to abuse of prescription meds.
Motivated by personal, positive approach to wellness. The pts motivation for behavior.
Stages of health behavior change (in order)
Pt. not intending to take action (1st stage)
Not ready to commit to action (2nd stage)
Taken steps to begin action (3rd stage)
Observable action in lifestyle (4th stage)
strives to prevent relapse(5th stage)
Copes without fear (6th stage)
Nurse's Role in Health Promotion
Model healthy lifestyle
Facilitate client involvement
Teach self-care strategies
Assist clients to increase levels of health
Educate clients to be effective health care consumers
Nurse's Role in Health Promotion
active,long life process of becoming aware of choices and making decisions towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.
General systems theory
Includes purpose, content, and process, breaking down the "whole" and analyzing the parts.(Bertalanffy)
King's Goal Attainment Theory
involves the nurse and the pt mutually communicating info, establishing goals, and taking action to obtain goals.
is a state of complete physical , mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
abnormal process in which any aspect of the person's function is altered (in comparison to the previous condition of health)
Based on the belief that people cannot be fully understood if examined solely in pieces apart their environment
is a state of harmony
is a state of disharmony of mind, body, emotions, and spirit
is the response to a disease. level of function is changed from previous level, unique to each person
Acute illness
rapid onset of symptoms and lasts a relatively short time. Ex common cold, diarrhea. Some may be life threatening. Ex. Pneumonia
4 stages of illness(1st stage)
recognizing signs and symptoms. If symptoms persists then the person enters stage 2.
4 stages of illness(2nd stage)
person defines self as "sick",gives up normal activities, and assumes "sick role"
4 stages of illness(3rd stage)
experiencing symptoms, if seeks dr.... the person then becomes a patient. Assumes dependent role ad accepts diagnosis and follows treatment plan
Stage of illness (4th stage)
Achieving recover and rehabilitation. Gives up dependent role and resumes normal activity
Chronic illness
Causes physical and mental alterations and requires a long period of care. Leading health problem worldwide.
Models of health and wellness
health-illness continuum
high-level wellness model
health belief model
therapeutic model of interaction
The agent-host-environment model
The agent, host, and environment interact to create risks factors
all the factors external to the host that makes illness more likely
Living organism capable of being infected influenced by family history, age, and health habits
Environmental factor or stressor that must be present or absent for an illness t occur
Health illness continuum
illustrates the dynamic ever changing state of health, as a person adapts to changes in the internal and external environments to maintain a state of well-being.
High level wellness model
describes one's max potential while maintaining balance and a purposeful direction in the environment.
Health belief model
what people perceive or believe to be true about themselves in relation to their health.
Health promotion model
How people interact with their environment as they pursue health.(behavior specific knowledge, beliefs, and relationships are considered major motivators for engaging in health promoting behaviors).
Health related behavior
committing to a plan of action, developing strategies to perform the valued behavior
Therapeutic model of interaction
emphasizes the relationship between the health professional and pt.
Three behaviors to assist the clients respond in a positive way to the illness and move into the direction f health and wellness
Congruence-feelings that match the pt
positive regard-conveying positive caring w/o neg judgment