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48 Cards in this Set

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Physical fitness
capacity of the heart, lungs, blood vessels, and muscles to function at a high level of efficiency
Muscular Strength
maximum force a muscle can exert during contraction
Muscular Endurance
ability of muscle group to exert force over a sustained period of time
Cardiovascular Endurance
capacity of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to deliver nutrients and oxygen to the working muscles and tissues during sustained exercise and to remove metabolic waste that would result in fatigue
the ability to move joints through their normal range of motion. Important to prevent injury and maintain mobility
Body Composition
Ratio of fat-free weight (bones, muscles, blood, organs, etc) to body fat
Body fat
essential fat, adipose (stored in muscles and skin)
Essential fat
Women: 8 -12%
Men: 2 - 5%
Ideal Body Fat
Women: 18-25%
Men: 12-18%
ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
the body’s main usable form of energy
ATP -> ADP + P + energy to do work.
Dietary intake and ATP
Dietary Intake
Carbohydrates -> glucose -> ATP
Proteins -> amino acids -> very little ATP
Fat -> fatty acids -> lots of ATP
Creatine phosphate system
(very high intensity, very short time)
Anaerobic glycolysis
(high intensity, short time)
Aerobic glycolysis
(moderate intensity, moderate amount of time)
Fatty acid oxidation
(lower intensity, longer duration)
Oxidative (“slow twitch”) Muscle Fibers (Type 1)
Highly vascularized
Lots of mitochondria (produce ATP in aerobic glycolysis)
Lots of oxygen-binding proteins (like myoglobin)
Fatigue resistant
Small fiber diameter
Specialized for low-intensity, longer duration endurance exercises, postural muscles
Slow Glycolytic (Type IIa)
Moderately vascularized
Moderate amounts of mitochondria
Moderately fatigue resistant
In between type I and type IIb
Thought to change with training
Glycolytic (“Fast Twitch”) Muscle Fibers (Type IIb)
Lots of glycogen stores
Quickly fatigues
White fibers
Generate more force faster
Large fiber diameter
Specialized for rapid, powerful movements
Motor Unit
motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers it innervates
Basic Organization of the Muscular System
Epimysium: connective tissue
Muscle Cell
Muscle fiber: surround by connective tissue
Myofibrils: contain contractile proteins actin and myosin
Myofilaments: actin – thin filaments
myosin – thick filaments
The Sliding Filament Theory
The cause of muscle contraction:
Occurs when cross bridges form, attaching myosin to actin
As the crossbridges produce tension, the muscle shortens
The actin filaments are pulled closer together. There is NO change in the length of actin and myosin
ATP and calcium are essential for “cross bridge cycling” and muscle contraction
Cross Bridge Cycling
Relaxed- ATP is bound to myosin head. Low Ca2+
Step 1. Calcium is elevated. Myosin head swings toward thin filament, ATP broken down to ADP-P
Step 2. ADP-P released from myosin. Muscle “contraction”
Step 3. ATP binds to myosin head. Calcium is lowered.
Myosin released, muscle relaxes.
Factors Affecting Force of Contraction
Cross sectional area
Motor unit recruitment/activation
Fiber Types
Length of Muscle
Speed of Contraction
Adaptations and Benefits of Strength Training
Connective tissue thickening (cartilage – padding between bones, ligaments – bone to bone, tendons – bone to muscle); withstand more force
Increased recruitment
Increased bone mineral density
Increased lean body mass
Increased HDL cholesterol
Increased resting metabolic rate
Improved functional ability and psychological well being
Decrease intra-abdominal adipose tissue
Maintain fat-free mass
Guidelines for strength training
see notes
Flexibility - guidelines and benefits
General Guidelines
Most common is slow sustained stretch
Should not be painful
Hold for 30-60sec for optimal results and for at least 10 for moderate results
Reduces soreness
Improves flexibility
Prevents Injury
Do not bounce (ballistic)  activates stretch reflex that can lead to injury
"Cardiopulmonary” refers to...
the heart, lungs, and blood vessels
Functions of Cardiopulmonary system
• Heart: pump
• Lungs" where blood picks up oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide
• Blood: vehicle to carry gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) and nutrients (fats, amino acids, and glucose)
• Blood vessels
• Arteries "away from the heart" generally oxygenated
• Veins "to the heart", generally deoxygenated (except for pulmonary)
sends deoxygenated to the heart
sends oxygenated blood to the body
contraction phase of cardiac cycle
relaxation/refilling phase of cardiac cycle
Blood Pressure
• Systole - contraction phase of cardiac cycle
• Diastole - relaxation/refilling phase of cardiac cycle
• Values
• Normal 120/80
• High 140/90
• If high on repeated visits, diagnosed as hypertension
• Exercise -250/115
Cardiac Output
Q=stroke volume x heart rate
Ejection fraction
% of blood in ventricles that is pumped out with each contraction
Heart Rate (HR)
number of heart beats/min
• Average value = 60-100, women: 75 men: 70
Stroke volume (SV)
amount of blood pumped from each ventricle/heart beat
• Average value = 50-80ml/beat
Cardiac output (Q)
amount of blood that flows from each ventricle in one minute
• Average value = 5L/min
Oxygen Consumption
• During dynamic exercise
• Oxygen consumption begins to increase, continues during first minute of exercise and plateaus as oxygen uptake and transport are increased so that oxygen demand=oxygen supply
• At end of exercise, gradual decrease in oxygen consumption
• VO2 Max: When there is no further increase in oxygen uptake despite further increases in workload (possible because energy provided by anaerobic processes -> build up of lactic acid, prolonged increase in oxygen consumption during recovery)
Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC)
• Excess oxygen consumption after exercise has stopped.
• replenishment of CP and ATP
• the conversion of lactate to pyruvate, and the resynthesis of glycogen.
• help the body in adjusting the increased body temperature, heart rate and ventilation to a resting level,
• reoxygenation of hemoglobin (in the blood)

Exercise several times a day to increase caloric expenditure
Anaerobic threshold (OBLA)
point at which lactate production exceeds body's ability to buffer lactate
Cardiopulmonary Exercise Effects
Increases systolic blood pressure but not diastolic (as much)
Lower resting heart rate and lower heart rate at any given submaximal workload with training
No change in maximum heart rate
Increased cardiac output during exercise (and at rest) with training
Measuring Oxygen consumption
Recommended intensity so that:
%VO2 max: 50-85% (we don’t have a real way to monitor this)
% Max heart rate: 60-90% (we can measure)
% Heart rate reserve: 50-85% (we can measure but individualized)
Monitoring Intensity:
Heart Rate
Max heart rate: 220-age
Target heart rate:
previously sedentary: 55-70%
currently active: 70-85%
training: >90%
We summarize this and use 60-90% but keep in mind participants’ fitness level
Heart Rate monitoring
To find one minute range for max heart rate:
Percent of maximal HR- 60%: (220-age)x.6
- 90%: (220-age)x.9
For 10 second count, divide by 6
Heart Rate Reserve (Karvonen Formula) WILL be on ACE Exam!
Target Heart Rate (THR) = [(HRmax-HRrest) x percent desired] + HRrest
%desired: 50-85%
Sites: carotid, radial most commonly used
perceived exertion
based on subjective perception of intensity
Dyspnea Scale
Based on difficulty breathing
Talk Test
Best for lower fitness levels