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339 Cards in this Set

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Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
electrons bounce off specimen and form image on a fluorescent screen; 1000x more magnified than light microscope

Transmission electron microscope (TEM)
heavily STAINED parts of specimen absorb electrons, lightly stained parts allow e- to pass through

e- that pass through strike fluorescent screen & form image
path along which one counts occurrences of the phenomenon of study

Lincoln-Peterson equation (capture + recapture)
Estimates total population size:
N = [(n1)(n2)] / m
n1 = 1st captures
n2 = 2nd captures
m = recaptures
separates substances based on properties such as SIZE or CHARGE

large molecules will move slowly up paper
measures % of light absorbed and transmitted at different wavelengths by pigment solution
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
piece of DNA is amplified into billions of copies through heating, cooling, and replication

PRIMER specifies segment to be copied, enzyme amplifies DNA
formation of principles or relationships which have been VERIFIED & ACCEPTED

proven hypothesis

can be changed at any time
explanation of events that OCCUR WITH UNIFORMITY under the same conditions
Random errors
statistical fluctuations (inconsistencies) in the measured data due to PRECISION LIMITATIONS of the measuring device
Systematic errors
reproducible inaccuracies that are CONSISTENTLY in the same direction
Andreas Vesalius
wrote books on ANATOMY that are the most accurate and comprehensive to date
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
FATHER of microscopy; saw and described bacteria & yeast (microorganisms) in water
Robert Hooke
compound microscope & illumination system
provided first description of cell
Carl Von Linnaeus
binomial system of nomenclature
Luis Pasteur
discovered role of MICROORGANISMS IN CAUSE OF DISEASE, pasteurization, & rabies vaccine
Robert Koch
SPECIFIC diseases are caused by specific pathogens
Mattias Schleiden & Theodore Schwann
Schleiden theorized cells and cellular products constitute all structural elements of plants
Schwann theorized same thing about animals a year later
Thomas Hunt Morgan
role of chromosomes in heredity with fruit flies
Watson & Crick
DNA double helix
Francois Jacob & Jacques Monod
genetic control of enzyme and virus synthesis
Well-designed & controlled experiment (4)
1. Control/standard
2. Constants
3. Independent variables
4. Dependent variable
ability of water to stick to other substances, i.e. xylem of stem which aids in uptravel of water
ability of water molecules to stick to each other by hydrogen bonds, e.g. SURFACE TENSION, CAPILLARITY
Disaccharide bond
glycosidic linkage (covalent)
major energy storage molecule in PLANTS
major energy storage molecule in ANIMALS
in plant cell walls

animals cannot digest = fiber
found in EXOSKELETON of arthropods & fungi

lipid insoluble in water

carbon skeleton with 4 interconnected rings
precursor form from which other steroids are synthesized from
Steroid hormones (4)
cortisone, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone

insolubility keeps them from dissolving in body fluids
Amino acid components
amino group + acid group + radical group (defines a.a.)
Primary structure
unique sequence of AMINO ACIDS
Secondary structure
local folding of POLYPEPTIDE CHAIN, held together by HYDROGEN BONDS along polypeptide backbone
Tertiary structure
bonding between SIDE CHAINS of amino acids:
hydrogen bonds
hydrophobic/Van der Waals interactions
disulfide bridges (strong covalent bond)
ionic bonds
Quaternary structure
overall structure of PROTEIN from aggregation of 2 or more polypeptide chains
Structure of nucleotide
phosphate group + 5C sugar (deoxyribose, ribose) + nitrogenous base
one 6-membered ring
uracil (RNA)
thymine (DNA)
6-membered ring fused to 5-membered ring
A = T = U bonds
linked by 2 covalent bonds
G = C bonds
linked by 3 covalent bonds
Induced fit theory
enzyme can stretch and bend to fit substrate (most accepted theory)
Optimal pH for enzyme reactions
Optimal temperature for enzyme reactions
human body temperature (35-40°C)

enzyme activity increases with increasing temperature to a point (optimal temperature); after, rapidly drops due to disruption of bonds
ORGANIC cofactor, i.e. vitamins
Site of glycolysis
First 5 steps of glycolysis
2 ATP are USED to phosphorylate glucose to make 2 molecules of 3C sugar
Step 3 of glycolysis
enzyme phosphofructokinase turns off glycolysis when enough ATP is made
Last 5 steps of glycolysis
4 ATP are made by substrate-level phosphorylation
2 molecules of NAD+ reduced to NADH
Yield of glycolysis
4 ATP (2 net)
2 pyruvate
Site & yield of transition
if oxygen is present, 2 pyruvate enters MITOCHONDRIAL MATRIX
2 pyruvate modified to become:
2 CO2
Site of Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)
mitochondrial matrix
Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)
2C acetyl CoA + 4C oxaloacetate = 6C citric acid
2C lost as CO2 --> 4C + 2C acetyl CoA
(cycle turns twice)
8 hydrogens released and picked up by NAD & FAD
Yield of Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)
2 ATP (substrate-level phosphorylation)
4 CO2
Site of Electron Transport Chain
inner membrane of mitochondria (cristae)
Electron Transport Chain
NADH transfers electrons from glycolysis & Kreb's Cycle to first molecule (proteins) in the chain - molecules alternate between reduced and oxidized states as they accept and donate electrons
Causes a drop in free energy, electrons pump H+ across the membrane to create a H+ gradient
Final electron acceptor of ETC
oxygen (creates water)
Chemiosmosis (oxidative-phosphorylation)
energy stored in form of H+ gradient across membrane used to drive cellular work

ATP synthase builds ATP from ADP on inner membrane by energy from hydrogens of NADH & FADH2 (oxidized)
Yield of Electron Transport Chain
34 ATP by oxidative-phosphorylation
(10 NADH + 2 FADH2)
Anaerobic respiration
regeneration of NAD+ for glycolysis
final e- acceptor is an organic molecule
Alcoholic fermentation
pyruvate converted to ethanol
Lactic acid fermentation
pyruvate is converted to lactate
Relationship between wavelength and energy
the lower the wavelength, the greater the amount of available energy
Light reaction (purpose & site)
convert solar energy to chemical energy (ATP + NADPH) in thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts
Photosystem II
P680, non-cyclic
Chlorophyll a absorbs light energy, excited e- passed to primary e- acceptor and down to an ETC
Photolysis of water to replace e- in chlorophyll
2 O2 released
Photosystem I
P700, cyclic
Chlorophyll b absorbs light energy, excited e- passed to an e- acceptor and is passed down another ETC to final acceptor: Fd
NADPH + ATP produced
Calvin Cycle (purpose & site)
dark reaction that uses previously made ATP to create C6H12O6 in stroma of chloroplasts
ATP & NADPH in Calvin Cycle
from light reaction, used as reducing power for reduction of CO2 to sugar because the process is endergonic (uphill)
"fixes" carbon from atmosphere in Calvin Cycle to form PGAL, which is then converted to glucose
3 phases of Calvin Cycle
1. Carbon fixation
2. Reduction
3. Regeneration of CO2 acceptor
C3 Plants
(leaf structure)
(site of CO2 fixation & glucose production)
bundle sheath cells lacking chloroplasts
catalyzed by Rubisco
efficient at midrange temperatures - characteristic of most plants
mesophyll cells fix CO2 and produce glucose
C4 Plants
(leaf structure)
(site of CO2 fixation & glucose production)
bundle sheath cells having chloroplasts
catalyzed by Pepco
efficient in hot, dry environments
mesophyll cells fix CO2
bundle sheath cells produce glucose
CAM Plants
(leaf structure)
(site of CO2 fixation & glucose production)
large vacuoles in mesophyll cells
catalyzed by Pepco
arid & stressful conditions
mesophyll fix CO2 only at night as stomata are closed during day to conserve water
Facilitated diffusion: requires a phospholipid bilayer, a proton pump, protons, and ATPase
Chemical energy transferred to proton pump, which creates proton gradient across membrane
Gradient used to activate ATPase
ATPase catalyzed formation of ATP
make food from light and CO2, releasing O2 that can be used for respiration
done by some bacteria in Benthic zone of ocean
Active immunity
develops after recovery from INFECTIOUS DISEASE or VACCINATION
Passive immunity
passed from one individual to another and is NOT PERMANENT, i.e. immunity passed from mother to nursing child
Humoral response
Activated by FREE ANTIGENS
B CELLS give rise to PLASMA CELLS that secrete ANTIBODIES and memory cells that recognize future exposures
Antibodies bind to antigen and make them an easy target for phagocytes to destroy
Cell mediated response
Infected cells activate CYTOTOXIC T CELLS, which bind to infected cell and destroys the entire cell with the antigen
T helper cells
release IL-2, which stimulates other lymphocytes (cytotoxic T cells & B cells)
Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC)
responsible for rejection of tissue and organ transplants
cytotoxic T cells recognize MHC on transplant as foreign and destroys tissues
longer wavelength, penetrates deep into skin and is main cause of wrinkles
least harmful, but can still cause aging, DNA damage, and skin cancer
main cause of skin cancer
radiation excites and distorts DNA
Greenhouse Effect
Atmosphere warms planet
Visible and near-visible radiation from sun easily get through, but thermal radiation from earth's surface can't easily get out
Danger = elevated concentration of CO2
Energy storage in ATP
in covalent bonds between phosphates
Gap junctions
adjacent cells connect their cytoplasm, e.g. cardiac muscle
Notch signaling mechanism
adjacent cells make physical contact, e.g. cell differentiation during embryonic development
Hormones (produced by & travel in)
produced by endocrine cells & travel through blood to reach all parts of the body
Neurotransmitters can target...
only cells in the vicinity of the emitting cell
functions as hormone when released from adrenal gland
functions as neurotransmitter in brain when produced by neurons
Receptor ligands
molecules that can ACTIVATE OR INHIBIT RECEPTOR PROTEINS that are often on cell surface
i.e. hormones, neurotransmitters, cytokines, growth factors
Cell theory (3)
1. All living things are composed of cells
2. Cells are the basic units of structure and function of living things
3. All cells are produced from other cells
Lazzaro Spallanzani & Louis Pasteur
living organisms derive from other living organisms, disproving theory of spontaneous generation
Walter Flemming
observed components of nucleus and nucleolus; observed chromosomes during cell division by staining
coined term MITOSIS
Bacteria & cyanobacteria
No defined nucleus or nuclear membrane (DNA, RNA, ribosomes float freely)
Nucleoid = single chromosome condensed in cytoplasm
Thick cell wall of glycoproteins which surrounds cell membrane
Protists, fungi, plants, & animals
Generally larger than prokaryotic cells
Contain organelles
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
site of lipid synthesis
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
aids in synthesis of proteins that are membrane bound or destined for secretion
have their own DNA, RNA, & ribosomes
capable of reproducing by BINARY FISSION if more energy is needed
2 membranes: smooth outer membrane and folded inner membrane
folds in inner membrane of mitochondria, which provides a large surface area for respiration to occue
found only in photosynthetic organisms--similar to structure of mitochondria
i.e. chloroplasts, chromoplasts, amyoplasts
make and store yellow & orange pigments which provide color to LEAVES, FLOWERS, & FRUITS
store STARCH and are used as a food reserve
abundant in roots like potatoes
found in plant & animal cells
protein filaments attached to plasma membrane & organelles to provide framework for cell and aid in cell movement
i.e. microtubules, intermediate filaments, microfilaments
largest, make up CILIA & FLAGELLA + CENTRIOLES
smallest, made of ACTIN & MYOSIN
function in cell movement & pinches 2 cells apart after cell division
(2n) cell grows and copies chromosomes in preparation for mitotic/meiotic phase
G1 phase
cell is growing and metabolizing
S phase
new DNA is being synthesized
G2 phase
new proteins and organelles are made to prepare for cell division
chromatin condenses to become visible chromosomes
nucleolus disappears and nuclear membrane breaks apart
mitotic spindles form
cytoskeleton breaks down
Kinetochore fibers attach to chromosomes at centromere
(4n) chromosomes align at middle of cell
centromeres split in half and homologous chromosomes separate
2 nuclei form with a full set of DNA
nucleoli become visible and nuclear membrane reassembles
plant cells = cell plate
animals cells = cleavage furrow
division of cytoplasm & organelles
occurs during prophase I of meiosis
replicated chromosomes condense and pair with homologues, which forms a TETRAD in which CROSSING OVER occurs
Kingdom Monera
(s-m celled)
(composition of cell wall)
PROKARYOTIC, single-celled
circular chromosomes & ribosomes
most possess cell wall of PEPTIDOGLYCAN
some possess capsules & external mobility structures
Kingdom Protista
(s-m celled)
(classified into major groups by...)
(composition of cell wall)
eukaryotic, mainly single-celled
classified into major groups according to form & function
many mitochondria for energy production
photosynthetic organisms possess plastids
external mobility structures
cell walls with NO cellulose
Kingdom Fungi
(s-m celled)
(composition of cell wall)
eukaryotic, mainly multicellular
cell walls of CHITIN
most possess centrioles
release EXOENZYMES to dissolve food
Kingdom Plantae
(s-m celled)
(shape of cells)
(composition of cell wall)
eukaryotic, mainly multicellular, square-shaped cells
cell walls of mainly CELLULOSE
NO centrioles
Kingdom Animalia
(s-m celled)
eukaryotic, multicellular, motile
possess centrioles
Domain Eukarya
all members of protist, fungi, plant, and animal kingdoms
membrane-bound nucleus + membranous organelles
linear chromosomes with histones
cell membranes of glycerol-ESTER lipids with sterols
cell wall (if applicable) of polysaccharides
Domain Bacteria
(composition of cell membrane)
(composition of cell wall)
(RNA polymerase?)
no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles
single, circular chromosome with no histones
cell membrane of glycerol-ESTER lipids with no sterols
cell wall of peptidoglycan (susceptible to antibiotics)
one kind of RNA polymerase
Domain Archaea
(composition of cell membrane)
(composition of cell wall)
(RNA polymerase?)
transcription and translation like eukaryotes
cell membrane of gylcerol-ETHER with no sterols
no peptidoglycan in cell wall (not inhibited by antibiotics)
several kinds of RNA polymerase
inhabit extreme environments
Facilitated diffusion
does not require energy, but requires a carrier protein
e.g. insulin carries glucose into cell
Active transport
requires energy from either ATP or electrical charge difference
involves MEMBRANE POTENTIAL which works like a magnet and may cause transport proteins to alter shape to allow for transmission of materials
DNA replication: relieve tension by nicking one strand and letting the supercoil relax
DNA is copied into mRNA in nucleus through initiation, elongation, & termination
Transcription: Initiation
Transcription: Elongation
RNA polymerase pairs ribonucleotides to deoxynucleotides in 5' --> 3' direction to create complementary mRNA strand
Transcription: Termination
occurs at end of gene and is aided by termination factors
Posttranscriptional processing (3)
occurs before translation in EUKARYOTES
1.) 5' capping
2.) 3' polyadenylation
3.) intron splicing
5' capping
attaching guanine with a methyl attached to prevent degradation
serves as site where ribosome binds to mRNA for translation
3' polyadenylation
100-300 adenines added to free 3' end of mRNA, resulting in poly-A-tail
Intron splicing
non-coding sequences are removed and coding exons are spliced together to form mature mRNA
synthesis of a polypeptide, whose amino acid sequence is specified by the nucleotide sequence in mRNA
occurs in cytoplasm on ribosome
64 triplet combinations of bases
3 are termination codons
61 are 20 amino acids
Translation: Initiation
methylated tRNA binds to ribosome to form a complex
complex binds to 5' cap of mRNA (AUG)
Translation: Elongation
tRNAs carry amino acids to the ribosome and place them in order according to mRNA sequence
peptide bonds form between successive amino acids and tRNAs are released
Translation: Termination
ribosome reaches stop codon: UAA, UAG, or UGA & release factor is added
new polypeptide undergoes posttranslational modification to alter/remove portions
Protein synthesis regulation: Prokaryotes (3)
1. OPERON systems tie protein synthesis to metabolic activity
2. PROMOTERS on DNA that RNA polymerase recognizes as start sites for transcription
3. REPRESSOR PROTEINS prevent binding of RNA polymerase to promoter
Protein synthesis regulation: Eukaryotes (4)
1. CHROMATIN STRUCTURE - cells can restrict access of RNA polymerase to DNA by chromatin-compacted DNA + histones
2. TRANSCRIPTION INITIATION - promoter & enhancer regions interact with activator & inhibitor proteins
4. TRANSLATION INITIATION - amount and type of tRNAs present can affect rate of translation
Gene splicing
RESTRICTION ENZYMES excise plasmid DNA at specific sequences
incubation of cut DNA + foreign genetic sequence + ligase = RECOMBINANT DNA
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
rapidly replicates DNA without using a living organism as a vector
Gregor Mendel
father of genetics: genes transfer from parents to offspring
found that 2 "factors" (alleles) governed each trait, one from each parent
Law of segregation
two alleles for each trait segregate into different gametes
Law of independent assortment
separate genes for separate traits are passed independently of one another from parents to offspring
Chi-square (X2) analysis
evaluates observed deviation from expected phenotype ratios in genetic analysis

X2 = ∑ [ (o – e)2 / e ]
P value
finds probability that observed phenotypes of cross are due to strictly chance
df = n - 1
n = # of different phenotypes
< .05: significant difference, reject null hypothesis
Virus composition
protein coat + DNA or RNA
Lytic cycle
virus enters host cells and makes copies of its nucleic acids and protein coats and reassembles
lyses out of host cells and infects nearby cells
Lysogenic cycle
virus can remain dormant within cells until something initiates it to break out of the cell, e.g. herpes
rod-shaped bacteria
round bacteria
spiral-shaped bacteria
Gram positive bacteria
simple cell walls consisting of large amounts of PEPTIDOGLYCAN
Gram negative bacteria
complex cell walls with less peptidoglycan and large amounts of LIPOPOLYSACCHARIDES (resist stain)
more toxic & resistant to antibiotics
Generalized transduction
ANY bacterial gene transfered to another bacterium via bacteriophage and typically carries ONLY BACTERIAL DNA and no viral DNA
Specialized transduction
RESTRICTED SET of bacterial genes + phage DNA are transferred to another bacterium
donor genes depend on where phage genome is located on the chromosome
bacterial uptake of free, foreign DNA from surrounding environment
surface proteins assist this process
direct transfer of bacterial DNA through pili (cytoplasmic bridge)
donor cell has F factor in DNA which induces passage of small portions of chromosomal DNA + F factor genes
Fungi reproduction
short-lived diploid stage
haploid stage commonly observed as absorptive hyphae or asexual reproductive sporangia
Non-vascular plants
lack of roots, conducting tissues, or leaves
rely on absorption of water that falls on plant or high humidity
Vascular plants
synthesis of LIGNIN to give rigidity & strength to cell walls for growing upright
evolution of TRACHEID CELLS for water transport and SIEVE CELLS for nutrient transport
underground stems = RHIZOMES
Non-seeded vascular plant divisions (3)
seeded vascular plant
first to evolve with seeds and less dependent on water for reproduction
seeds and pollen protected by cones and are carried by wind
Gymnosperm divisions (4)
seeded vascular plant
largest group in plant kingdom
flowering plants with true seeds for reproduction - can remain dormant until favorable conditions
Angiosperm division
type of Anthrophyta
one cotelydon (seed leaf)
parallel veins
flower petals in multiples of 3
type of Anthrophyta
two cotelydons
branching veins
flower petals in multiples of 4 or 5
Plants: dermal tissue
outermost layer of plant leaves, stems, fruits, seeds, and roots
gas exchange, light passage, pathogen recognition
Plant epidermis
type of dermal tissue
single layer of unspecialized cells
Plant periderm
type of dermal tissue (bark)
replaces epidermis on stems and roots
prevents excess water loss, protects against pathogens, provides insulation
Plants: Vascular tissue
consists of xylem and phloem to facilitate transport of water and nutrients
conducts water and transports minerals up from soil with TRACHEIDS and VESSELS
transport of sugars, amino acids, and other small molecules in plant through SIEVE element cells and COMPANION cells
promote cell elongation
promote apical dominance (main stem to grow strongly)
phototropism (bend towards light)
stimulate ethylene synthesis
simulate cell division
inhibit abscission (leaf shedding)
Abscisic acid (ABA)
induces seed dormancy
inhibits germination
promotes closing of stomata during water stress
prevents fruit ripening
promote stem elongation
promote flower and fruit formation
stimulate growth and development of seeds
induces seed germination, root hair growth, flowering, and ripening
promote cell division and development in roots and shoots
promote photosynthesis
Alternation of generations (3 stages)
1. Diploid sporophyte divides by meiosis to reduce chromosome number to haploid gametophyte generation
2. Haploid gametophytes undergo mitosis to produce gametes (sperm & eggs)
3. Haploid gametes fertilize to return to diploid sporophyte stage
Angiosperms: Male gametophytes
POLLEN GRAINS formed in the anthers at the tips of the stamens
Angiosperms: Male reproductive organ
Angiosperms: Female gametophytes
EMBRYO SACS inside of the ovules enclosed by the ovaries
Angiosperms: Female reproductive organ
Angiosperm reproduction
SPOROPHYTE is dominant generation
DOUBLE FERTILIZATION: ovum is fertilized by 2 sperm
one sperm produces new plant, one sperm is food supply (endosperm)
ovule develops into seed and ovary develops into fruit
Gymnosperm reproduction
SPOROPHYTE is dominant generation
use seeds, do not require water
Non-seeded plants reproduction
GAMETOPHYTE is dominant generation
have spores which need water to reproduce
Ectoderm becomes...
Mesoderm becomes...
muscles & organs (besides gut)
Endoderm becomes...
gut, aka archenteron
Body plan: Sponges
simplest animals
lack true tissue
Body plan: Diploblastic
lack mesoderm
no true digestive system
radial symmetry
e.g. cnideria (jellyfish)
Body plan: Triploblastic
posses all 3 germ layers
no defined body cavity
must absorb good from host's digestive system
e.g. flatworm (platyhelminthe)
body cavity, but not lined with mesoderm tissue
e.g. roundworm (nematoda)
true, fluid-filled body cavity derived from mesoderm
protostomes & deuterostomes
1st opening = mouth
2nd opening = anus
mesoderm SPLITS to form coelom
mollusca, annelida, arthropoda
1st opening = anus
2nd opening = mouth
mesoderm HOLLOWS out to form coelom
echinodermata & verbrata
hollow ball of undifferentiated cells
blastula folds inward and tissue differentiates into separate germ layers
development of nervous system
development of various organs
receive blood retuning to heart
pump blood out of heart
Semilunar valves
open upon ventricular contraction to allow blood to be pumped into arteries
Sinoatrial (SA) node
pacemaker located in wall of right atrium
creates electrical impulse
AV valves
between atrium and ventricle
close upon ventricular contraction to prevent blood flowing back into atria
Atrioventricular (AV) node
delays electrical impulse to ensure atria empty before ventricles contract
Direction of blood flow in cardiovascular system
vena cava > right atrium > right ventricle > pulmonary artery > LUNGS > PULMONARY VEIN > LEFT ATRIUM > LEFT VENTRICLE > AORTA > BODY
Cardiac output
volume of blood/min. that left ventricle pumps
depends on: heart rate & stroke volume
average = 5.25 L/min.
Tidal volume
volume of air inhaled and exhaled
average = 500 mL
Vital capacity
maximum volume lungs can inhale and exhale
average = 3,400 mL
Thoracic cavity
holds lungs
volume of thoracic cavity increases
diaphragm contracts & flattens
volume of thoracic cavity decreases
diaphragm relaxes
primary organ of excretory system
receive about 20% of blood pumped from heart
Process of excretion in nephrons
1. Proximal convoluted tubule – small proteins, glucose, and ions are returned to the blood by active transport. Negatively charged ions follow passively, followed by the osmosis of water. About 75% of the filtrate is returned in this section of the nephron.
2. Loop of Henle – salt is actively transported out of the filtrate, and since this area impermeable to water, water cannot follow the ions out here.
3. Distal tubule – secretion (opposite of reabsorption) of waste into filtrate and becomes urine
Essential nutrients (4)
1. Essential amino acids (8)
2. Essential fatty acids
3. Vitamins (13) - organic
4. Minerals - inorganic
Essential water-soluble vitamins
vitamin B complex
vitamin C
Essential water-insoluble vitamins
vitamin A
vitamin D
vitamin K
Essential minerals
calcium (bone construction & maintenance)
iron (cellular respiration & hemoglobin)
Small intestine
site of most nutrient absorption due to large surface because of villi and microvilli
Pancreas' role in digestion
makes enzymes to break down food in the small intestine
Liver's role in digestion
makes bile to break down and emulsify fatty acids
Steroid hormones
come from cholesterol & include sex hormones
Peptide hormones
derived from amino acids
Hormone receptors response
on target tissue cell surface
activates enzyme that converts ATP to cyclic AMP (2nd messenger from cell membrane to nucleus)
genes turned on/off
in lower brain
signals pituitary gland
Pituitary gland
at base of hypothalamus
Thyroid gland
on trachea
CALCITONIN lowers blood calcium levels
THYROXIN maintains metabolic processes
in testes and ovaries
testes release ANDROGENS for sperm formation
ovaries release ESTROGENS & PROGESTERONE for uterine lining growth
INSULIN to lower glucose levels
GLUCAGON to raise blood glucose levels
Myelin sheath
composed of SCHWANN CELLS and cover neurons for isolation
Nerve action depends on...
depolarization and imbalance of electrical charges across neuron
neurotransmitters TURN OFF SODIUM PUMP, which results in depolarization of membrane, giving rise to wave of opening and closing gates that allow for flow of ions across a synapse
Ventricles of CNS
spaces filled with cerebrospinal fluid
cushions brain and circulates nutrients, WBCs, & hormones
thinner outer layer of skin
layers of tightly packaged epithelial cells
top layer = dead skin cells and is filled with KERATIN to waterproof
thicker inner layer of skin
composed of connective tissue: blood vessels, hair follicles, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands
reaches epidermis from dermis via hair follicles
maintains pH of skin between 3 and 5
Skeletal muscle
striated, voluntary
repeating patterns of myofilaments of actin and myosin
attached to bones and are responsible for their movement
Cardiac muscle
striated, involuntary
plasma membrane ion channels allow for rhythmic depolarizations without input of nervous system
Smooth muscle
not striated, involuntary
enables functions such as digestion and respiration in organs
less myosin, not as much tension as striated muscles
Nerve impulse on muscle
nerve impulse > muscle fiber > calcium ions flood sarcomere > calcium ions allow ATP to expend energy > myosin fibers creep along actin > muscle contraction > nerve impulse has passed > calcium ions pumped out and contraction ends
Compact bone
gives strength
Spongy bone
red marrow makes blood cells
yellow marrow in center of long bones stores fat cells
protectie covering on outside of bone
bone to bone
bone to muscle
Ball & socket joint
rotation on several planes
e.g. joint between shoulder and humerus
Hinge joint
movement restricted to single plane
e.g. joint between humerus and ulna
Pivot joint
e.g. forearm at elbow, hands at wrist
begins in puberty in males
1 spermatogonia (diploid precursor of sperm) produces 4 sperm
Site of sperm maturation
seminiferous tubules of testes
Site of mature sperm
epididymis on top of testes
sperm travels up vas deferens where they mix with semen made in prostate and seminal vesicles and travel out urethra
complete by birth
meoisis forms ONE OVUM with all of the cytoplasm and 3 polar bodies that are reabsorbed by the body
egg cells not released until menstruation at puberty
Storage of ovum
egg released into FALLOPIAN TUBULES, where fertilization normally occurs
Non-specific immune response
First line: physical barriers of body
Second line: WBCs & inflammatory response
First line of non-specific immune response
mucous membranes
pH of skin and mucous membranes
Second line of non-specific immune response
WBCs perform phagocytosis
Inflammatory response sends more blood to area
make up 70% of all WBCs
mature to become macrophages, the largest phagocytic cells
Natural killer cells
destroy body's OWN infected cells instead of invading a microbe directly
released by mast cells & basophils (WBC) upon injury of cells, which triggers inflammatory response
Specific immune response
recognizes SPECIFIC foreign material and responds by destroying invader
Fight or flight pathway
hypothalamus releases hormone that acts on pituitary gland to release adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) that signals the ADRENAL GLANDS to release:
CORITSOL, EPINEPHRINE, & NOREPINEPHRINE - increase blood pressure & heart rate = speeds reaction time, diverts blood to muscles, releases glucose for use by muscles and brain
cortisol acts on hypothalamus to STOP hormonal production after threat has passed
% carbon in the air that is fixed by photosynthesis
% atmosphere composed of nitrogen gas
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria
only few bacteria have enzymes to break triple bonds between nitrogen atoms
live within roots of legumes
add nitrogen to soil so it can be taken up by plant
Phosphorous Cycle
mineral not found in atmosphere
MYCORRHIZAE in fungi and plant roots fix insoluble phosphates to usable phosphorous
urine and decayed matter return phosphorous to earth where it can be fixed
Pyramid of productivity
visual of energy being lost at each trophic level, from producer to tertiary consumer
Ecological efficiency
amount of energy that is transferred between trophic levels
Biomass pyramid
represents total dry weight of organisms in each trophic level
Pyramid of numbers
represents population size of each trophic level
Carrying capacity
total amount of life a habitat can support
Density-dependent factors
as population increases, competition for resources is more intense, and growth rate declines
Density-independent factors
affect individuals regardless of population size, e.g. weather
Zero population growth rate
birth and death rates are equal
Exponential growth rate
abundance of resources and growth rate is at maximum, resulting in intrinsic rate of increase
graph = J curve
Logistic population growth
incorporates carrying capacity into growth rate; as population reaches capacity, growth rate slows down and levels off
graph = S curve
orderly process of replacing a community that has been damaged or has begun where no life previously existed
Primary succession
occurs where life never existed before, e.g. flooded area or new volcanic island
Secondary succession
occurs in communities that were flourishing but were disturbed by some source, either man or nature, but not totally stripped
Climax community
community that is established and flourishing
most extensive terrestrial ecosystem in Florida
evolved under frequent fire, seasonal drought, & flooded soil conditions
various pine trees and understory shrubs
resistant to fire
Coral reefs
Florida has only continuous coral reef system adjacent to continental U.S.
over 30 types of corals
protect coast against wind and pounding waves
Freshwater marshes
wetlands with an open expanse of GRASSES
standing water, act as natural filters
Freshwater swamps
wet, WOODED areas
cypress trees, bay trees, hardwoods
epiphytes ("air plants") growing on trees, vines, and ferns
Hardwood hammocks
small areas of hardwood trees that can grow on natural rises of land
occur in marshes, pinelands, and mangrove swamps
grow in and around areas of saltwater
provide protected habitat for marine animals and protect shoreline from weathering
red mangroves grow along water's edge
black mangroves
white mangroves mostly inland
Biological species concept (BSC)
(does not apply to)
a species is a reproductive community of populations that occupy a specific niche in nature
reproductive isolation of populations is primary criterion for definition of species
does not apply to asexual organisms, fossil organisms, or distinctive populations that hybridize
Habitat isolation
species occupy different habitats in the same territory
Temporal isolation
populations reach sexual maturity/flowering at different times of year
Ethological isolation
behavioral differences that reduce or prevent interbreeding, e.g. pheromones
Mechanical isolation
structural differences that make gamete transfer difficult or impossible
Gametic isolation
male and female gametes do not attract each other; no fertilization occurs
Hybrid inviability
hybrids die before maturity
Hybrid sterility
disrupted gamete formation; no normal sex cells
Hybrid breakdown
reduces viability or fertility in progeny of the F2 backcross
Classical taxonomy
classifies organisms based on shared & ancestral characteristics (morphology & phylogeny)
subjective because characteristics used to classify may or may not be important from evolutionary process
numerical taxonomy; classifies organisms based on overall similarity by quantifying # of shared characteristics (e.g. morphological, anatomical, behavioral) between species
does not consider evolutionary heritage
determines evolutionary relationships between organisms based on shared traits
shared traits are only important if they derive from a common ancestor
Molecular taxonomy
classifies organisms based on evolutionary relationships determined by DNA and protein composition
coexistence of distinct types within a species population, e.g. human blood type
Environmental cline
pattern of gradual change in a characteristic(s) over the geographical range of species
Factors affecting speciation and evolution (6)
1. Heritable variation (due to recombination)
2. Mutations
3. Natural selection - acts on phenotypes
4. Sexual selection
5. Genetic drift
6. Plate tectonics - causes separation
Genetic drift
chance deviation in frequency of alleles resulting from randomness of zygote formation and selection
particularly influential in small, isolated environments
Punctuated equilibrium (Cuvier)
species exhibit little or no evolutionary change for most of their geological history (stasis) and then experience rapid divergent speciation over a relatively short period of time
Gradualism (Hutton & Lyell)
minor evolutionary changes occur at a regular rate
supported by Darwin
Primitive atmosphere
reducing atmosphere with no oxygen, but rich in hydrogen, methane, water, and ammonia
Development of life on earth (4 steps)
Miller & Urey: Life developed from nonliving materials
1. Nonliving synthesis of small monomers (a.a. + nucleotides) by reducing atmosphere and lightning
2. Monomers combined to form polymers
3. Accumulation of these polymers into droplets (protobionts)
4. Origin of heredity (RNA)
Hardy-Weinberg requirements
1. No mutation
2. No natural selection
3. Random mating
4. Isolated population (no immigration/emigration)
5. Large population (no genetic drift)
Hardy-Weinberg equation variables
p2 = AA
2pq = Aa
q2 = aa
Right to Know Law
pertains to chemical substances in the lab
teachers should check the material safety data sheets and substance list for potential hazards in the lab
Acid precipitation
ph < 5.6
caused by sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides that react with water in the air
study of evolutionary relationships
Walter Sutton
Chromosome Theory: genes are located on chromosomes
Lac operon
inducible (usually off)
high presence of lactose prevents repressor binding, which promotes expression of lactose metabolism genes
Trp operon
repressible (usually on)
high presence of tryptophan promotes repressor binding, which results in attenuation of transcribing proteins
evaporation of water from leaves & force that pulls water upward in xylem
First Law of Thermodynamics
energy can be changed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed
Second Law of Thermodynamics
in all energy exchanges, if no energy enters or leaves the system, the potential energy of the state will always be less than that of the initial state

as energy decreases, entropy increase
the degree of disorder in a system

inverse relationship with energy
Homologous structures
same genetic basis (leading to similar appearances), but are used for different function
Analogous structures
trait or an organ that appears similar in two unrelated organisms that evolved separately; often due to convergent evolution
Southern blotting
used to detect specific DNA fragments in a complex mixture
can detect RFLPs and VNTRs, which is the basis of DNA fingerprinting
gene at one at one locus affects outcome at anther locus
one gene has multiple effects
Polygenetic traits
traits that are controlled by several different genes
usually exist on a continuum of expression
e.g. height, skin color
white blood cells that engulf invaders and secret a chemical that kill additional invaders on contact
white blood cells that engulf invaders tagged by antibodies
B Cells
(site of development)
produce antibodies and form memory cells
develop in the bone marrow